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Monday, 30 September 2019

UPDATE - Commencement of Gas Main Replacement Works on the A2 from Oak Lane to Key Street

Due to start TODAY

Here’s what we know so far about the current arrangements for the start of these works. Past experience has shown arrangements often change during the course of long roadworks as contractors and KCC react to unforeseen changes in circumstances.

If you see anything different happening to what's written here, please let us know. Thank you.

Beginning today, Monday 30th September, contractor Forefront Utilities, working on behalf of SGN Gas will begin the first of 11 phases of works to replace 4.5km of old gas main underneath the A2, starting at London Road at the junction with Oak Lane, and progressing eastwards to Key Street Roundabout. The works are scheduled to last approximately 42 weeks.

SGN Gas is prioritising the works because of the risk of further leaks and danger to workers, and residents, and to protect the supply to 40,000 households served by the main. The works involve the replacement of the old metal gas main with new plastic pipe to ensure a continued safe and reliable gas supply.

Temporary traffic lights will be in place around the work area. At times, there will be two sets of traffic lights on the A2 to allow Forefront Utilities to carry out the work more effectively.

The contractor will manually control the traffic lights while they are working to keep traffic flowing along the A2. They will operate these lights Monday to Friday between 7:30am and 7:30pm, and between 8:00am and 5:00pm on Saturdays.


To help keep the traffic moving through the temporary traffic lights, SGN will have a signed diversion for HGVs throughout the project. HGVs will be diverted via the M2 to avoid the works completely. Local access for HGV deliveries will be managed by a local permit scheme.

PLEASE NOTE: We have been advised this morning that the HGV diversion mentioned above will not be in place due to Highways England not agreeing for the network to be used as a diversion. KCC will monitor the impact of this and use extra signage where possible.

All side roads off the A2 from Key Street to the Medway Council border at Upchurch now have a 7.5T weight limit. This means that lorries who are delivering to or are accessing properties in the lanes and villages can still use them. However, any lorry using them as a cut-through or shortcut is breaking the law.

Lorry SatNav systems should have been updated. If you think a lorry is breaking the law you should report it to Kent Police on 101. KCC has also put a temporary 30mph speed limit on the same stretch of the A2. This should show in SatNavs and help dissuade traffic from using the A2 as a through route during the works.

Oak Lane

SGN Gas and KCC are planning to partially close the junction of Oak Lane and the A2 London Road, making it one-way. Motorists will be able to enter Oak Lane from the A2 London Road, however, they will not be able to exit Oak Lane onto the A2 London Road, a signed diversion will be in place for approximately 4 weeks.


Chalkwell and TravelMasters buses will still service their regular stops, as usual, however, some arrival times for the buses that use Oak Lane may vary because they will need to operate part of their route in reverse due to the temporary one-way system that is to be put in place in Oak Lane.


The BarnYard, Upchurch River Valley Golf Course and other local businesses will all be open as usual.

Bridge Inspection

Signs have been in place at the railway bridge in Oak Lane advising of an overnight road closure there today, Monday 30th September, from 10:00pm through until approximately 6:00am tomorrow morning, to enable Network Rail to carry out a detailed bridge inspection.

The traffic website is now showing a bridge inspection on Tuesday 26th November, for when the gas main works have moved further along the A2.

Upchurch Matters


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