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Saturday, 7 September 2019

Upchurch Village Hall Improvement Project - Update

The Village Hall Management Sub Committee thought it time we brought you all up to date with our progress. Firstly the disappointing news, our bid for Lottery funding failed. However we have other fund raising available and we are well on the way to seeking a grant from the Garfield Weston Foundation, so keep your fingers crossed.

We have completed parts of the project using our own funds. For example, the emergency lights have all been checked, the guttering and roof gullies have been cleaned and redirected so that the hall no longer floods when it rains hard. The kitchen lights now meet modern lighting standards and are safe to use. We have also replaced some plug sockets in the chair store that were dangerous.

Shortly (in late September and October) the rear hall will get a coat of paint. It is hoped that in the new year the main hall will also be painted. Unfortunately this will mean the hall will be closed, for perhaps a week, we will let you all know these dates when we have them.

The extractor fans in both the rear hall and main hall will we hope be connected to a time on/off switch so that next time we have a heat wave (yes we did have one) those using the hall will be able to turn them on and extract the hot air from the ceiling.

The Friends of Upchurch Village Hall are taking a year off (having raised over £6,000.00 so far) as UpARA has nominated the Village Hall as their chosen charity for this year.

Lastly, despite the setback with grants, we are moving ahead as planned, it is just going to take longer than we had hoped.

John Tutt
For the Upchurch Village Hall Project Sub Committee


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