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Wednesday, 4 September 2019

Postponement of Gas Main Replacement Works on the A2 from Oak Lane to Key Street

Works to replace 4.46km of 80 year-old iron gas main along the A2, between Oak Lane and Key Street Roundabout have been postponed until 2020. Contractor, SGN Gas originally planned to start the works near the junction with Oak Lane, Upchurch on Monday 16th September.

SGN Gas is prioritising the works because of the risk of further leaks and danger to workers, and residents, and to protect the supply to 40,000 households served by the main. Because this is such a large main, the work will be slow and complicated. SGN says it will take up to 42 weeks to complete the project. They intend doing this in 11 phases, one at a time. Beginning near the junction with Oak Lane, Upchurch, they will work their way towards Key Street Roundabout over the next 42 weeks.

SGN Gas do not intend fully closing the A2, but having two-way lights where necessary.

KCC Cllr Mike Whiting has agreed that SGN, working with KCC needs to ensure signage and general traffic management for each of the 11 phases of the planned works is subject to detailed audit and discussion between all parties. Both organisations say they will work on that basis and public proposals soonest. He has expressed concerns over the early schedule, traffic management and mitigation proposed and has asked for the works to be postponed until all those things raised by the public have been properly investigated, Cllr Whiting has now received the following response from KCC Highways:

“Dear Mike

Apologies for the delay in getting this to you. I can confirm that SGN have been advised that no planned works will be taking place on the A2 until next year.

This will allow more time for the complex traffic management needs to be fully explored and addressed in a plan.

SGN have made Sharron aware today that some sections of this main may not survive the higher pressure demands of the autumn and may become emergencies. I think we are all aware that this is a risk and we will need to see what happens.

As discussed, all of the comments and suggestions from local residents and businesses will be fully explored as part of this process. The planning is unlikely to have any aspects for discussion for several weeks as the project managers investigate issues and design solutions.



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