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Tuesday, 10 September 2019

Activities Planned Across Kent for National Libraries Week

Libraries across the county will be focusing on their role in the digital world as they participate in this year’s National Libraries Week from Monday to Saturday, 7th to 12th October.

They will showcase how they help build digital skills and confidence, encourage digital inclusion and engage communities through technology under the national slogan Get creative, get connected and learn new skills.

KCC’s Libraries, Registration and Archives service wants to use this week to inspire and encourage people to explore their digital resources and other library services, and to share their positive experiences. Residents are encouraged to join the library, use e-books, e-audio books, e-newspapers, e-magazines and online resources.

Mike Hill, KCC’s Cabinet Member for Community and Regulatory Services, said:

“Our library staff have been working hard to produce a wide-ranging programme of activities during Libraries Week which we hope will appeal to residents of all ages.”

Libraries will be marking the week as follows:

Having displays of library stock focusing on computing, coding and the digital world.
 Branding existing activities such as code clubs, rhyme times, talk times, reading groups, Summer Reading Challenge medal presentations and school visits.
 Short videos about different digital resources to be posted on social media.
 Offering a list of suggestions from which staff can choose according to local priorities:

 Library bingo - customers are invited to read different books and digital resources, with prizes for some lucky participants.
 Library quizzes and word searches.
 Encouraging customers to add book reviews to our online catalogue.
 Staff book recommendation displays.
 Library selfies - inviting customers, staff and volunteers to post a selfie using our new selfie frame or blending themselves into the covers of books as Bookface images.
 The return of soft toys in the library - follow their adventures on social media.

Activities will vary across the county, and to find out those planned for specific areas, the public is advised to contact their local library.

For the latest news and updates, visit: or

Murray Evans

Kent County Council


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