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Showing posts with label Health. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Health. Show all posts

Thursday, 6 March 2025

Saturday, 18 January 2025

Pensioner Just Missing Out Scheme

The Pensioner Just Missing Out scheme supports Kent pensioners in need of help with significantly rising living costs.

The scheme is available for pension-aged residents on lower incomes who are not eligible for Pension Credit or the government’s Winter Fuel Payment.

The scheme is funded by the Department for Work and Pensions on behalf of the UK government.

Please Note: You will need to provide an Email address and have online access for energy support activation. Food vouchers will not require online activation and can be issued by Email or post.

The scheme provides eligible residents with £200 towards energy, food, or both.

The scheme will close on Friday 28th February 2025, or when all funds are spent.

Kent County Council

Tuesday, 17 December 2024

Changes to Upchurch Surgery Opening Hours over Christmas and New Year

Maidstone Road Surgery Rainham, including Upchurch Surgery.

Monday 23rd December
10:00am to 1:00pm - Usual opening hours

Wednesday 25th December - 
Christmas Day

Thursday 26th December - Boxing Day

Monday 30th December
10:00am to 1:00pm - Usual opening hours

Wednesday 1st January - New Year's Day

Thursday 2nd January
10:00am to 1:00pm - Usual opening hours

The practice website is:

Ray Kemsley
Chair - Surgery Patient Participation Group - Upchurch & Rainham

Sunday, 5 May 2024

Survey: Have Your Say - Help Shape Our NHS

NHS Constitution: 10 Year Review

The NHS Constitution sets out the principles, values, rights and pledges underpinning what our health service is about; free care when you need it, accessible to all.

Now, the NHS needs your input to help redefine and strengthen these fundamental principles for the years ahead.

Ready to Make a Difference?

You can share your feedback and suggestions online by completing the survey at:

The survey is easy and accessible and is open to everyone. The consultation period closes at 11.59pm on Tuesday the 25th of June 2024.

Communication and Engagement Team
NHS Kent and Medway

Monday, 22 April 2024

News from Maidstone Road Surgery Rainham, including Upchurch Surgery

Maidstone Road Surgery Rainham, including Upchurch Surgery.

Change to Upchurch Surgery Opening Hours

For one day only, there will be a change to the usual Upchurch Surgery opening hours on Wednesday the 15th of May 2024.

The surgery will be open between 9:00am and 1:00pm instead. Therefore, there will be no usual afternoon surgery appointments available on this day.

Spring Covid Booster Vaccinations

The NHS is now inviting patients aged 75 or over to receive their spring Covid booster.

If you are housebound, a nurse will come to your home to vaccinate you. The surgery will likely have already contacted you to discuss this.

Patients are already receiving Emails about the vaccination if they are eligible. The vaccination is available until the 30th of June 2024.

The practice website is:

Ray Kemsley
Chair - Surgery Patient Participation Group - Upchurch & Rainham

Saturday, 30 March 2024

Survey: Have Your Say on the NHS Non-Emergency Patient Transport Service (NEPTS)

Do you use the Patient Transport Service?

If the answer is yes, NHS Kent & Medway would like to hear from you!

The Non-emergency patient transport service is a planned transport service provided by the NHS to help take patients with a medical need for transport to and from hospitals and medical centres that provide NHS healthcare.

The current service is reaching the end of its contract and NHS Kent & Medway need as many views as possible to help shape and design a new service for the next provider.

Tell them what your experience of the service has been, what your views are of the service and how you feel that patient transport can be improved in Kent & Medway.

You can do this by completing the survey at >>

The survey closes on the 29th of April 2024.

They would also like you to join their Patients Panel. The panel will help commissioners to understand the service from a user’s point of view and to support the project team in choosing a new provider.

If you are interested in coming on this journey, please leave your details on the survey or alternatively contact Aby at:

Upchurch Matters

Sunday, 14 January 2024

News from Maidstone Road Surgery Rainham, including Upchurch Surgery

Maidstone Road Surgery Rainham, including Upchurch Surgery.

Flu Vaccinations

964 (over 6yrs) plus 381 from at-risk groups took up the offer and had the Flu vaccination.

Shingles Vaccinations

There is currently a drive within the practice to have those eligible to receive their Shingles vaccination.

Health Checks

The nursing staff will be carrying out diabetes, blood pressure, medical reviews, asthma and COPD checks.

If you are due for one of these checks and have not been contacted, please contact the Surgery.

The practice website is:

Ray Kemsley
Chair - Surgery Patient Participation Group - Upchurch & Rainham

Friday, 22 December 2023

Changes to Upchurch Surgery Opening Hours over Christmas and New Year

Maidstone Road Surgery Rainham, including Upchurch Surgery.

Upchurch Surgery will be closed on Christmas Day, Monday the 25th of December 2023, and New Year's Day, Monday the 1st of January 2024. Otherwise, the usual opening hours apply.

The practice website is:

Ray Kemsley
Chair - Surgery Patient Participation Group - Upchurch & Rainham

Saturday, 22 July 2023

KCC - Kent Community Warden Service Review - Have Your Say!

To help meet the financial challenge Kent County Council is facing, the Community Warden service has been asked to reduce its annual budget by £1 million by 2024-25.

To achieve this level of savings, the council will need to redesign the service.

The Consultation document provides information on:
The current Community Warden service, including what it does and how it operates.
 Why KCC is proposing to make changes and how they have developed their proposals.
 The proposed changes to the service and details of other options that have been considered.

The proposals presented in the consultation have been developed with information from service users and input from staff and partners.

Most of the service’s £2.4 million budget provides the salaries of community wardens. To reduce the service budget by the required £1 million, staffing reductions are needed. In summary, KCC is proposing to:
 Redesign the service, ensuring there is a core Community Warden presence across the county, with teams covering 2 districts.
 Reduce the service by 32 warden posts and 2 management posts.
 Retain the remit and community-based way the service currently works but cover fewer communities.
 Use data and information to identify where to place wardens for the most impact.

The service is currently structured with: 
 70 wardens, including 6 team leaders.
 2 area managers.
 1 volunteer and apprenticeship scheme manager.
 1 business coordinator. 

Have your say!

Before any decisions are made, the council wants to hear your views on:
 How the proposed reductions and approach to allocating wardens could impact you.
 Any additional information that you think they need to consider.
 Any alternative suggestions for how the service could make the savings.
 The assumptions they have made in the draft Equality Impact Assessment (EqIA)

Please read the Consultation document first before completing the online questionnaire below. 

The council is keen to hear your views on its proposals and how any changes may affect you and your family.

You can answer all or as many of the questions as you like. If you would rather not provide feedback on a section or question, just move on to the next one.

The consultation closes on Tuesday the 3rd of October 2023.

Upchurch Matters

Wednesday, 19 July 2023

Sunday, 9 July 2023

NSD Runners - Armchair to Athlete

What actually is an athlete?

NSD Runners believes an athlete is anyone who laces up their trainers, has a desire to move and most importantly has fun whilst doing it!

So to encourage more people to join our local community of athletes, NSD Runners is inviting anyone who wants to start their journey as an athlete to our “Armchair to Athlete” running session on Mondays, 6:15pm at Upchurch Scout HQ, Oak Lane, ME9 7BN.

The aim of the session will be to help anyone who wants to start running for the first time, or to get back to running after a break and/or to help everyone build up their distance and reach whatever running goal they may have.

We are an all inclusive community running group and welcome everyone to come along and start their own athlete’s journey!

If you have any questions, please reach out to us on Facebook, Instagram or

NSD Runners

Friday, 9 June 2023

NHS Kent and Medway - Sittingbourne Health Review

Review of health services in Sittingbourne

NHS Kent and Medway are asking people living in Sittingbourne and surrounding neighbourhoods to give their views about community health services.

This important appraisal is so we better understand how the population feels about access to current local NHS services.

We would like to hear from you about your experience of travelling to and from community health service appointments, outpatient appointments and the Urgent Treatment Centre / Minor Injury Unit appointments.

Please complete the survey at the link below and tell us your thoughts. In addition to gathering patients' views, we plan to speak to community groups across the Sittingbourne area.

The survey closes at 9:00am on Monday 26th June 2023.

Thank you for taking the time to answer the questions.

NHS Kent and Medway

Friday, 12 May 2023

News from Maidstone Road Surgery Rainham, including Upchurch Surgery

Maidstone Road Surgery Rainham, including Upchurch Surgery.

Extended Surgery Opening Hours

Opening hours for the entire practice have been extended on Tuesdays from 6:30pm to 7:30pm and will be offered to all patients at the Rainham surgery only.

Physio at Parkwood Health Centre

Physio can be booked through the surgery now without seeing the doctor.

Podiatry at Rainham Healthy Living Centre

Podiatry can be booked through the surgery now without seeing the doctor.

Missed Appointments - Non-attendance

The number of missed appointments at both surgeries between January and March 2023 totalled 138.

52 appointments were missed in March alone, 4 with a GP and 48 with a nurse.

Each appointment with the nurse is 30 minutes. Therefore, 24 hours were wasted, during one month, which is very costly to the practice.

If you cannot attend your appointment, please contact the surgery so staff can book in another patient - Thank you.


The practice website is:

Ray Kemsley
Chair - Surgery Patient Participation Group - Upchurch & Rainham

Monday, 17 April 2023

Covid-19 Spring Booster Vaccinations

More than a million people will be eligible for a spring Covid-19 jab in the south east, as the NHS begins to roll out the next phase of the vaccination programme.

People aged 75 and over, those with a weakened immune system and older adult care home residents, will be eligible. This follows advice from the Joint Committee of Vaccination and Immunisation.

The first appointments are available from 17th April.

Text messages and letters will be sent to those eligible.

The last spring vaccination appointments will be offered on 30th June.


 17th April: The NHS will begin to vaccinate eligible members of the public in the spring booster campaign.
 5th May: Last chance to get a first dose to receive full primary course during spring for not-at-risk adults aged 18 and over.
 29th June: The last date for the public to book spring boosters.
 30th June: The last date for the public to get vaccinated outside of seasonal booster campaigns.

Learn more about the NHS Kent and Medway Covid-19 vaccination programme at >>

Upchurch Matters

Thursday, 6 April 2023

Date and Time Set for National Emergency Alerts Test

Emergency Alerts

A national test of public Emergency Alerts will take place at 3:00pm on Sunday the 23rd of April 2023, bringing the UK in line with other countries such as the US and Canada who already use the system.

Emergency Alerts enable urgent messages to be broadcast to a defined area when there is an imminent risk to life, such as fires, severe flooding or extreme weather.

The alerts system will see people receive a message on the home screen of their mobile phone, along with a loud siren-like sound, even if it’s set on silent and vibration for up to 10 seconds. Your phone may even read out the alert. If you have a vision or hearing impairment, audio and vibration attention signals should let you know you have an emergency alert.

Emergency Alerts will only be sent by the emergency services, government departments, agencies and public bodies that deal with emergencies. The government does not need to know your phone number or location to send you an alert.

Emergency Alerts will not replace local news, radio, television or social media. If you do not have a compatible device, you’ll still be informed about an emergency. The emergency services have other ways to warn you when there is a threat to life.

The system will be used very rarely - only being sent where there is an immediate risk to people’s lives - so people may not receive an alert for months or years.

The Test

For the test, the public does not need to take any action.

The sound and vibration will stop automatically after ten seconds.

All people need to do is swipe away the message or click ‘OK’ on their phone’s home screen - just like for a ‘low battery’ warning or notification - and continue to use their phone as normal.

You can find out further information on Emergency Alerts, including what they look and sound like at:

Upchurch Matters

Wednesday, 29 March 2023

New FREE App to Help Patients Wait Less for Urgent NHS Care

Get the right treatment when you need it.

Patients in Kent and Medway can now use an app to view waiting times at NHS urgent treatment centres (UTCs) and minor injury units (MIUs).

The WaitLess app will help patients who have decided to go to a UTC or MIU make an informed choice about which site to visit.

The app displays the number of people waiting and the longest waiting times, along with travel information, so patients can decide to visit a site that is not so busy.

Kate Langford, Chief Medical Officer for NHS Kent and Medway, said:

I would always advise patients to contact NHS 111 first if they are not sure where to go or what service they need.

"NHS 111 will continue to offer booked appointments at our urgent treatment centres, where needed.

“However, we know some people decide to go straight to our UTCs without contacting NHS 111 first, and this app will help them find UTCs that are not as busy, where the wait is potentially less.

“Kent and Medway has more than a dozen UTCs and MIUs. By checking the waiting times before they travel, patients can choose which one they go to when they have an urgent medical issue.”

You can download the WaitLess app FREE from the Apple App Store and Google Play

Download the NHS app to access a range of services from your phone or tablet.

More information about using the right health service is available at The site also includes a map of all pharmacies in the county. Pharmacists are trained professionals who can help with a wide range of common health issues.

Upchurch Matters

Thursday, 9 March 2023

Kent Dementia Showcase

An event for anyone that is affected by dementia or anyone whose work involves caring for or spending time with someone who has dementia.

Visit the link to reserve a spot FREE on Eventbrite >>

Kent Dementia Action Alliance

Friday, 24 February 2023

Survey: Share Your Views on Using Digital Technology in GP Primary Care

Text Messaging - 
Online Consultations - Video Consultations

We wish to hear from patients in Kent and Medway as to their future requirements for using digital technology in primary care services.

Over the last couple of years, NHS Kent and Medway have rolled out several digital healthcare solutions to primary care, some in response to the Covid pandemic. These were put in place to allow GP practices to continue to deliver healthcare to you in very difficult circumstances.

We are starting to review these digital healthcare solutions and are seeking your views on the use of text messaging, online consultations and video consultations in primary care. This is to understand how you currently use these to access care from your GP practice and how the features and functions support you and meet your needs over the next 3 years.

There are 4 sections to this survey focusing on each technology and a free text section for your comments.

The patient survey should take no longer than 5 to 10 minutes to complete.

The survey will close at 9:00am on Wednesday the 1st of March 2023.

Please complete the survey at >>

Thank you for taking the time to complete the survey.

Katie Blissett 
NHS Kent and Medway

Thursday, 23 February 2023

Changes to Opening Times at Sheppey and Sittingbourne Minor Injury Units

From Monday the 27th of February, Sheppey and Sittingbourne Minor Injury Units will be open from 8:00am to 8:00pm every day.

While our hours are changing, the reasons you can come and see us are still the same.

You can see us for urgent care if you have:

 minor illness (including possible chest, urinary, eye, ear, skin or throat infection)
 fractures, bumps or grazes, strains or sprains
 abscesses, bites, burns, scalds, cuts or wounds
 removal of objects from ears or nose
 emergency contraception
 minor head injuries (with no loss of consciousness)
 small eye injuries or objects in the eye (but not in the eyeball).

Kent Community Health NHS Foundation Trust

Monday, 9 January 2023

Warmer Place at Upchurch Village Hall

The doors to our Warmer Place at Upchurch Village Hall will be open to everyone again on Friday the 13th of January, between 11:00am and 1:00pm.

The heating will be on 🔥
The kettle will be on ☕️
The toaster will be on 🍞
There will be hot drinks, snacks and cuppa soups 🥣 🫖

And everything is free thanks to the generosity of the Village Hall Management Committee, Upchurch's Co-op and a grant from Swale Borough Councillor Richard Palmer.

Bring a friend and stay warm without worrying about the cost!

There will be a warm welcome and some great company waiting for you.

Hosted by St Mary's and Uplift.

Gill Gay


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