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Monday, 30 September 2019

Swale Borough Council - Christmas Lights Grants Scheme Open

Towns and villages across Swale can get help to spread the Christmas cheer thanks to a £25,000 grant scheme.

Swale Borough Council is inviting local groups to apply to its festive display grant scheme, which has been set up to help local organisations provide Christmas displays in towns and villages across the borough.

Organisations are being invited to apply for funding to support Christmas display projects by Thursday 31st October, as the money will be allocated at the beginning of November.

Cllr Richard Palmer cabinet member for community at the council, said:

“Christmas lights and displays can really brighten up the December months and help spread the spirit of the season for both residents and visitors.

We want to encourage and support local organisations that might want to update or improve their displays, or to put on displays in areas that haven’t had one before.

I’m urging groups that might want some help with funding to get in touch as soon as possible so we can make a decision and help them light up the borough for Christmas!”

The closing date for applications is Thursday 31st October, with all applications being assessed in the week commencing Monday 4th November.

More information is available at: including guidance notes and the application form.

For more information contact: or call: 01795 417155.

Swale Borough Council

UPDATE - Commencement of Gas Main Replacement Works on the A2 from Oak Lane to Key Street

Due to start TODAY

Here’s what we know so far about the current arrangements for the start of these works. Past experience has shown arrangements often change during the course of long roadworks as contractors and KCC react to unforeseen changes in circumstances.

If you see anything different happening to what's written here, please let us know. Thank you.

Beginning today, Monday 30th September, contractor Forefront Utilities, working on behalf of SGN Gas will begin the first of 11 phases of works to replace 4.5km of old gas main underneath the A2, starting at London Road at the junction with Oak Lane, and progressing eastwards to Key Street Roundabout. The works are scheduled to last approximately 42 weeks.

SGN Gas is prioritising the works because of the risk of further leaks and danger to workers, and residents, and to protect the supply to 40,000 households served by the main. The works involve the replacement of the old metal gas main with new plastic pipe to ensure a continued safe and reliable gas supply.

Temporary traffic lights will be in place around the work area. At times, there will be two sets of traffic lights on the A2 to allow Forefront Utilities to carry out the work more effectively.

The contractor will manually control the traffic lights while they are working to keep traffic flowing along the A2. They will operate these lights Monday to Friday between 7:30am and 7:30pm, and between 8:00am and 5:00pm on Saturdays.


To help keep the traffic moving through the temporary traffic lights, SGN will have a signed diversion for HGVs throughout the project. HGVs will be diverted via the M2 to avoid the works completely. Local access for HGV deliveries will be managed by a local permit scheme.

PLEASE NOTE: We have been advised this morning that the HGV diversion mentioned above will not be in place due to Highways England not agreeing for the network to be used as a diversion. KCC will monitor the impact of this and use extra signage where possible.

All side roads off the A2 from Key Street to the Medway Council border at Upchurch now have a 7.5T weight limit. This means that lorries who are delivering to or are accessing properties in the lanes and villages can still use them. However, any lorry using them as a cut-through or shortcut is breaking the law.

Lorry SatNav systems should have been updated. If you think a lorry is breaking the law you should report it to Kent Police on 101. KCC has also put a temporary 30mph speed limit on the same stretch of the A2. This should show in SatNavs and help dissuade traffic from using the A2 as a through route during the works.

Oak Lane

SGN Gas and KCC are planning to partially close the junction of Oak Lane and the A2 London Road, making it one-way. Motorists will be able to enter Oak Lane from the A2 London Road, however, they will not be able to exit Oak Lane onto the A2 London Road, a signed diversion will be in place for approximately 4 weeks.


Chalkwell and TravelMasters buses will still service their regular stops, as usual, however, some arrival times for the buses that use Oak Lane may vary because they will need to operate part of their route in reverse due to the temporary one-way system that is to be put in place in Oak Lane.


The BarnYard, Upchurch River Valley Golf Course and other local businesses will all be open as usual.

Bridge Inspection

Signs have been in place at the railway bridge in Oak Lane advising of an overnight road closure there today, Monday 30th September, from 10:00pm through until approximately 6:00am tomorrow morning, to enable Network Rail to carry out a detailed bridge inspection.

The traffic website is now showing a bridge inspection on Tuesday 26th November, for when the gas main works have moved further along the A2.

Upchurch Matters

Saturday, 28 September 2019

Wedding Open Day at The BarnYard

The BarnYard
Oak Lane, Upchurch, Kent ME9 7EZ
Telephone: 01634 235059

Friday, 27 September 2019

Swale Fusion Festival of Light

FREE Community Event with Fireworks!
Friday 11th October from 6:00pm - 7:30pm

FREE Lantern Making Workshops
Saturday 5th October from 11:00am - 1:00pm

Upchurch Matters

A Thank You From Cliff Our Former Village Caretaker

Having today officially relinquished my role as Upchurch Village Caretaker, may I take this opportunity to thank all those people, both known and unknown, who have supported me in keeping our village relatively tidy.

I will miss those residents with whom I've enjoyed a passing word or two. Hopefully, we'll bump into one another in the village.

I'd like to wish the new Village Caretaker, Terry Honeyman all the very best in his role and hope he receives the same support I have enjoyed throughout my 5 years of service.

Thank you 

Cliff Hansford

Surgery Patient Participation Group - Upchurch & Rainham

Dr Supriya Das & Dr Lakshmi Subbiah


Patients who are unable to book an appointment with their local Doctor, can now telephone the Surgery and ask for an appointment outside of hours, including weekends.

You cannot make these appointments ‘Online’

Patients wishing to see the Nurse must still go through their Surgery to make an appointment.

Surgery Closures

If you have heard rumours that Surgeries are going to close in the Rainham area then please ignore them. No Surgeries are planning to close.

Flu Vaccinations

Now available - patients should contact the Surgery for a date and time. The Practice is arranging some special dates.

Missed Appointments

The following non-attendance figures for the last 3 months spread over both practices were reported as:

May 34
June 27
July 46

Figures seem to be improving very slightly but there does not appear to be a pattern apart from quite a few missed appointments with the Nurse. Reminder slips are attached to repeat prescriptions and the Practice is actively doing its utmost to remind patients.

Missing your appointment costs our Practice money, therefore:-

THINK - please cancel your appointment if you cannot make it.

Another Patient could be fitted in.

Primary Care Networks (PCNs)

Primary Care Networks will be based on GP registered lists, typically serving natural communities of around 30,000 to 50,000.

Medway's Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCGs) are actively encouraging every practice to be part of a Local Primary Care Network.

They should be small enough to provide the personnel care valued by both patients and GPs, but large enough to have impact and economies of scale through better collaboration between practices and others in the local health and social care system.

Our Practice has joined the Medway - Rainham Primary Care Network.

The following Practices also form part of PCN:

Thames Avenue Surgery

Orchard Family Practice
Church View Practice
Wigmore Medical Practice
Parkwood Family Practice 
Long Catlis Surgery
Matrix Medical Practice
Waltham Road

Malling Health, Parkwoord Health Centre

The Clinical Director for this group is Dr Selvan from Long Catlis Surgery.
The total registered for this group is 44,573.
More information to follow as the new system is implemented.

If you have any questions or suggestions on the local practice, please Email:
Jan Bunting - Secretary: or 
Ray Kemsley - Chair:

Ray Kemsley
Chair - Surgery Patient Participation Group - Upchurch & Rainham

Thursday, 26 September 2019

Charity Cricket Match in aid of Macmillan Cancer Support - Amount Raised and Thank You

A fantastic time was had by all at our day of charity cricket, held at Upchurch Cricket Ground, Holywell Lane on Sunday 25th August - in aid of Macmillan Cancer Support.

I would like to thank our main sponsor G.A.F French Ltd

Thanks also to Kinlochs and Son Ltd, Nursery Days Ltd, Grovehurst Cars and Kent Trade Frames Ltd for their very kind donations.

A big thank you to Annmarie of The Crown at Upchurch for all her hard work and for donating the raffle prizes and food, and to all the players and spectators who contributed too.

The monies raised so far is an excellent £2306.30

We are hoping to hear from Kent Reliance for another possible donation from them.

Lastly, a great big thank you to Upchurch Cricket Club for all of their support and hospitality.

Sponsorship and donations came from:

G.A.F French Ltd

Kinlochs and Son Ltd

Nursery Days Ltd

Grovehurst Cars Ltd

Kent Trade Frames Ltd

Thank you 

Paul Tandy

Tuesday, 24 September 2019

Upchurch Parish Council Report - September 2019

Report of the Parish Council September 2019

Cllr Tyrone Ripley (Chairman), Cllr John Arnold (Vice Chairman), Cllr Pam Denny, Cllr Alan Horton, Cllr Gerry Lewin, Cllr Peter Masson, Cllr Janet Marshall, Cllr Gary Rosewell and Cllr Neil Sheppard. Clerk Mrs Wendy Licence.

Ref: 19/503869/OUT Address: Land At Oak Lane Upchurch Kent ME9 7AY 
Proposal: Outline application for residential development of 8no. three and four bedroom dwellings with associated amenity, parking and infrastructure (Access being sought)
The Parish Council considered the application and while the majority of Councillors were not in favour of the development in its current format, the Council agreed by four votes to three that it is not against a development in principal but the proposal needs to be looked at again. Consideration needs to be given to the parking standards and there were concerns about the infrastructure particularly the drainage and sewerage system.

Ref: 17/503860/FULL PINS Ref: APP/V2255/W/19/3220060 Address: St Thomas Yard Holywell Lane Upchurch
Proposal: Change of use of land for the stationing of 3no. Mobile Homes and 3no. Touring Caravans for residential occupation with associated utility building, hard standing, steps to mobile homes, fencing, cesspools and new access (Retrospective)
The application has gone to appeal and the Council agreed unanimously to submit further objections to the proposal.

Ref: 19/502687/FULL Land At Woodgers Wharf Horsham Lane Upchurch ME9 7AP
Proposal: Phase 1 redevelopment of Marina, including 10no. 2 and 3 bedroom static holiday lodges (Use Class C1), boat fabricating building (Use Class B2), site office (Use Class B1), gym (Use Class D2), cafe (Use Class A3) and associated parking, access and landscaping
The application has been withdrawn.

16/503950/FULL Orchard View Otterham Quay Lane Upchurch ME8 8QR
Variation of Condition 2 of SW/13/0706 - to allow a total of four residential mobile homes and four touring caravans
There has been a site meeting by Swale Borough Council and the matter will be decided by the Swale Planning Committee.

Burial Ground and Churchyard
Concern was raised that there has been dog fouling in the Burial Ground and Churchyard. The Council will liaise with the PCC.

Church Clock
The clock has had its annual service. There was no strike taking place on the hour for about three weeks due to the tilt switch being faulty. The engineer has replaced all three tilt switches and the clock is more efficient. The linkages connecting the clock are now supported. The clock is keeping excellent time.

VE Day 75th Anniversary 8th May 2020
There is a national programme of events to celebrate the 75thanniversary of VE Day and the Bank Holiday has been moved to the Friday to coincide with the anniversary. The Council is planning a celebration at the Recreation Ground with a programme of events throughout the day culminating in the beacon lighting.  

Street Lighting and Highways
A tender for the upgrade of the street lights has been accepted. The Council will now apply for a loan.
The public consultation through the summer on the prioritisation and correct identification of highways issues within the parish has concluded. There were thirty-five responses highlighting three areas, the vehicles parked in The Street opposite Forge Lane; speeding vehicles in Horsham Lane and the restricted road width in Oak Lane near the junction with Wallbridge Lane. There were two other locations mentions, the junction with Forge Lane, Holywell Lane and Halstow Lane where the hedge needs to be trimmed. The second is the junction in Forge Lane with Crosier Court. The Parish Council will arrange a site meeting with a KCC Highways engineer to look at the issues. There will be extra warning road markings in Horsham Lane to address the issue of speeding.
There will be an annual survey of highways issues in the Parish.

This is a precis of Council business, full minutes of all meetings can be found on the website when ratified.

Date of next meetings:

Full Council - Thursday 3rd October 2019 at 7:30pm.
The Planning Committee and General Purposes Committee - Wednesday 16th October at 7:30pm in the Committee Room of the Village Hall.

All residents are welcome to attend the meetings and there is a time for members of the public to comment, raise concerns or ask questions.

Wendy Licence - Clerk to the Parish Council
Tel: 01634 363906

Celebrating 15 Years of Smile Malawi - Art Exhibition and Cream Tea at Upchurch Village Hall

Please Email: to reserve tea.

Elspeth Baecke - Smile Malawi

Upchurch Horticultural Society - Meetings and Events 2019

Sponsored by Upchurch River Valley Golf Course Ltd

Upchurch Horticultural Society Meetings and Events 2019
In conjunction with Stockbury Cottage Gardeners

(UHS meetings start at 7:30pm, SCG events start at 8:00pm)

Upchurch Horticultural Society
97 Chaffes Lane

Wednesday 2nd October - October Meeting Show Planning

Saturday 19th October - Late Show

Wednesday 7th November - November Meeting 2020 Schedule Planning

Stockbury Cottage Gardeners
Stockbury Village Hall

Thursday 3rd October - AGM and 50th Autumn Show

Thursday 7th November - The World of the Bumblebee - Dr Nikki Gammans

Thursday 5th December - Trophy Presentation and Social Evening

Sean Barry - Upchurch Horticultural Society

Over 75s TV Licence Scam

Hartlip, Newington & Upchurch Ward

NHW Message: 23/09/19

We are getting reports that OAPs are being targeted by fraudsters who want to make money from the TV licence scandal.

They pose as TV Licensing (the body responsible for collecting the licence fee) and ask people to pay up now or they say there has been a problem with your payment.

If you are over 75, you are eligible for a free TV licence until June 2020.

Any letters, texts or Emails which ask you to pay your TV licence now are a scam.

For more information on crime prevention visit:

Kent Community Messaging

Notification of Major Gas Works: A2 - High Street, Newington

I am writing to make you aware of the forthcoming upgrade to our gas network A2/ High Street, Newington. Our project involves the essential replacement of old metal gas mains with new plastic pipe to ensure we continue to provide a safe and reliable gas supply to the local area. Our contractor, Forefront Utilities will be undertaking this work on our behalf.

In close consultation with Kent County Council, our project will start on Monday 30th September and last approximately 42 weeks. We will be replacing 4.5km of old gas mains underneath the A2, starting in London Road at its junction with Oak Lane, Hartlip Hill and progressing eastwards to Key Street Roundabout.

To keep everyone safe, we’ll have temporary traffic lights in place around our work area. The traffic lights will move with us as we progress eastwards along the road. We’ll manually control our traffic lights while we’re working to keep traffic flowing along the A2. We’ll operate these lights Monday to Friday between 7:30am and 7:30pm, and between 8:00am and 5:00pm on Saturdays.

To help keep the traffic moving through our temporary traffic lights, we’ll have a signed diversion for HGVs throughout our project. HGVs will be diverted via the M2 to avoid our work completely. Local access for HGV deliveries will be maintained.

While our engineers are working close to Oak Lane and Mill Lane, we’ll need to temporarily close these roads at the junction with London Road. As soon as our work area has progressed safely past the junction, we’ll fully reopen each side road. We will need to close Oak Lane from Monday 30th September for approximately four weeks to ensure everybody’s safety. We’ll then need to close Mill Lane and other side roads as our project progresses. Signed diversion routes will be in place for motorists.

We’re continuing to plan the future phases of our work in consultation with Kent County Council and we’ll provide details of our plans once confirmed.

We understand that people can get frustrated by roadworks. However, the new plastic pipe has a minimum lifespan of 80 years. This means that when the work is complete, local residents and businesses will continue to enjoy the benefits of a safe and reliable gas supply for years to come.

Please share this information with anyone you think may be impacted by our work. A map and updates on our project can be found on our dedicated website page here.

If you have any further questions, please let me know.

Kind regards

Paige Roberts

Stakeholder and Community Manager

Monday, 23 September 2019

Bingo, Supper & Drinks Evening at Upchurch Village Hall - In Aid of Paula's Treatment Fund

Paula has been receiving amazing care from the NHS throughout her cancer journey.

However, the treatment she needs now is not available on the NHS, so she needs to raise £40,000 to pay for it.

We would love to help her reach her goal!

So we have organised a Bingo, Supper & Drinks Evening at Upchurch Village Hall on Thursday 17th October at 7:30pm.

Tickets are £15* - available from Jacqui on: 07966 637930

*Tickets are only available in advance up until 10th October.

Please buy a ticket and join us.
Raising money for a lady with a beautiful soul.

Read more about Paula's journey on GoFundMe and donate at >>

Thank you

Jacqui Bradshaw

Saturday, 21 September 2019

UPDATE - Commencement of Gas Main Replacement Works on the A2 from Oak Lane to Key Street

Works to replace 4.46km of 80 year-old iron gas main along the A2, between Oak Lane and Key Street Roundabout have been rescheduled to begin this month. The gas main currently serves 40,000 households, and the first of 11 phases of 42 weeks of works to replace it will now begin on Monday 30th September 2019, near the junctions with Oak Lane and Spade Lane.

Having reviewed the risk to the current gas supply, contractor SGN Gas is concerned that there is a high likelihood that emergency works on the A2 will be required when higher demand increases the pressure within the existing main, probably within the next few weeks. The works were originally planned to begin on Monday 16th September.

SGN Gas do not intend fully closing the A2 this time but will put in place temporary traffic lights where necessary.

Following KCC Highways latest discussions with SGN Gas, Cllr Mike Whiting has now received the advice below from Director of Highways, Simon JonesPreviously, KCC advice was that the works would be delayed until 2020, however, having sought a number of important assurances from SGN, KCC has agreed to let the works commence at the end of this month, providing this time SGN Gas put into place some very clear red lines in respect of traffic management, including a restriction and official diversion route preventing HGVs from passing through Newington while the works are being carried out. Cllr Whiting will be seeking assurances from KCC, SGN Gas and Kent Police that HGV restrictions will be enforced. In addition restrictions and signage will be placed on neighbouring roads which have been identified as unsuitable for HGVs.

“Dear Cllr Whiting,

The A2 gas works planned to commence on 16 September were delayed until next year in order to provided sufficient time for all parties to carefully plan local traffic management and to address a number of concerns raised since the emergency works were carried out during the summer.

SGN have since reviewed the risk to the current gas supply and are concerned that there is a high likelihood that emergency works will occur along this stretch of gas main when the demand increases the pressure within the existing main on the A2 probably in the next few weeks.

In carefully considering the request from SGN for the works to commence on 30 September and recognising that an emergency response is likely to be highly impactive, KCC has agreed a number of key measures which must be put in place to reduce the impact on the local communities.

SGN will ensure that there is an HGV restriction on the A2 through a traffic regulation order in place for the total of the 42-week duration of the works. Local access for HGV deliveries will be managed by a local permit scheme and the details are currently being considered. A HGV diversion using the M2 will be in place and we will seek support from Kent Police and Highways England to support compliance of the HGV restriction and observance of the official diversion route and will also consider any other measures which may be appropriate.

We will place restrictions on local roads which have been identified as wholly unsuitable for any displaced traffic during the works and will sign roads which are not suitable for HGV access with appropriate signage should any HGVs access the local network in breach of the restriction. Width/weight restrictions will be placed as necessary on minor roads north of the A2, but these will need to allow access to properties/businesses on these roads.

Road closures will be considered as a last resort but consultation with affected residents/businesses on this will take place if these are thought to be required.

SGN have escalated their communications plan and will ensure close communication with key stakeholders and community points of contact including businesses. SGN will review their works progress weekly and ensure that communities are kept up to date with the progress of the works.

These measures should allow SGN to commence on phase 1 of their project to address the main at the Medway end up to the junction with Oak Lane/Spade Lane, Upchurch. Details of the diversion route will be released shortly.

KCC and SGN have increased resources to look at the traffic management plan for the remainder of the works and detailed plans will be communicated to affected communities including any identified options for local feedback.

Simon Jones
Director of Highways, KCC”

Upchurch Matters

Tuesday, 17 September 2019

Dog Walking in The Paddock

Following concerns raised with Upchurch Parish Council, new signage has now been installed advising dog walkers to keep their pets on a short lead at all times whilst in the Paddock and to clean up after them.

Thank you for your cooperation and help to keep our public spaces clean and safe or all residents and children to enjoy.

Cllr Tyrone Ripley
Chairman - Upchurch Parish Council

New Survey - Have Your Say on How NHS Health Services are Commissioned in Kent and Medway

What do you think about a single clinical commissioning group for Kent and Medway?

The NHS in Kent and Medway is seeking your views on how health services are commissioned (planned and purchased).

The NHS, social care and public health organisations in Kent and Medway are already working together.

Their aim is to improve services and health and care outcomes through better joint working, shared priorities and more coordination between health and social care. To do this, they need to change the way they organise themselves.

Building on the feedback from that survey, they’d now like to find out your views about one of the key changes - the proposal to create a single clinical commissioning group (CCG) for Kent and Medway.

Although they and the other CCGs have much to be proud of over the last six years, the GPs who chair the CCGs, including the clinical chair, now believe the CCGs should merge to form a new single clinical commissioning group for Kent and Medway, which would also be led by GPs.

At the moment, there are 8 CCGs across Kent and Medway, responsible for planning and spending the health budget to meet local needs. This means there can sometimes be different services in different areas. This can be a good thing if people in areas need different things, but it can also create inequality in care and impact on people’s health and life expectancy.

Merging the existing groups to set up a single Kent and Medway CCG, led by GPs, would:

Provide a ‘bird’s eye view’ of health priorities for people across Kent and Medway so that the NHS has a detailed understanding of local health needs and can plan effectively for everyone.
 Identify where challenging health problems can be shared and tackled.
 Allow the consistent commissioning of some services - such as cancer, mental health, children’s services and prevention - across Kent and Medway.
 Focus on the health, wellbeing and care needs of the whole population.
 Reduce management and administration costs across Kent and Medway.

You can read more about how health and care services are planning to work more closely together as part of a Kent and Medway integrated care system on the system transformation page of the Kent and Medway website.

The NHS wants to hear what you think about their plans to merge these 8 groups into one clinical commissioning group for Kent and Medway.

Please complete the survey here >>

The survey is open until Monday 23rd September 2019. Please share it with your friends, colleagues and family as your views are important.

Upchurch Matters


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