Gerry Lewin - Poppy Day Appeal Organiser
Saturday, 27 July 2019
Upchurch Poppy Day Appeal - 2019
The Royal British Legion, established in 1921, is a UK charity providing lifelong welfare support for the Armed Forces, Reservists, Veterans and their families. It organises the National Poppy Day Appeal as the main fundraiser for its welfare duties and it puts on the Festival of Remembrance.
In Upchurch a team of collectors will again be making the annual house-to-house collections from Saturday the 26th October to Saturday 9th November.
Volunteer house-to-house collectors are needed for Butchers Green, Eastwood Meadow, Forge Lane, Kent Terrace, Quilters Yard, The Street and Woods Edge - if you would be willing to give two hours of your time to collect in one or more of these roads during the appeal please contact me.
Also I would welcome help with organising which covers the periods leading up to, during and after the appeal. Ideally I would like someone to come forward and be willing “to learn the ropes” with a view to taking over in 2020.
Gerry Lewin - Poppy Day Appeal Organiser
Telephone: 01634 366113 - 07946 996789