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Friday, 12 July 2019

Upchurch Parish Council Report - July 2019

Report of the Parish Council July 2019

Cllr Tyrone Ripley (Chairman), Cllr John Arnold (Vice Chairman), Cllr Pam Denny, Cllr Alan Horton, Cllr Gerry Lewin, Cllr Peter Masson, Cllr Janet Marshall, Cllr Gary Rosewell and Cllr Neil Sheppard. Clerk Mrs Wendy Licence.

Ref: 19/502283/FULL Land Adjacent To Crescent House Otterham Quay Lane Upchurch 
Proposal: Erection of a block of 7 no. dwellings with parking, refuse and cycle store.
Councillors agreed that the area is in need of regeneration but agreed unanimously to object to the proposals and raised concerns as to whether there was sufficient parking for the seven houses and their visitors; KCC Highways noted there was not enough space for bicycles; over intensive development; the development is very cramped; the accommodation is cramped; access to the site is poor; the proposal would provide affordable housing which would attract young families with young children and there is nowhere for the children to play; sustainability of the site; there is no footpath; limited public transport; it is sporadic development in the countryside.

Ref: 19/502827/FULL New Kaine Farm Solar Panel Installation Holywell Lane Upchurch 
Proposal: Variation of condition 14 to application 14/504506/FULL( for construction of solar farm comprising up to 7000 solar panels, plus associated equipment, cabling and works, including a steel container to house inverters) - to enable the solar farm to operate for up to 40 years from grid connection date.
The current planning permission is for twenty-five years which was the life expectancy of the panels when they were installed but the life expectancy is now forty years. Councillors agreed unanimously that they had no objections to the proposal and that all previous conditions should be maintained where should the facility cease to function during the forty years, the land be returned to its natural environment.

Ref: 19/502701/FULL
Address: Land Adjacent To Jack Russell Place Halstow Lane Upchurch ME9 7AB
Proposal: Change of use of land to provide 2no. mobile units with associated utility blocks, 10no. transient pitches and parking.
Councillors considered the application and agreed to object to the proposal due to concerns that there was insufficient information as to whether there was a need for transient pitches and that the site would be difficult to control; the development is over intensification of the site; the impact on the visual effect of the area; the proposal further worsens the assessment of the landscape character; the development is not sustainable; it will increase demands on already pressured local services, there is a waiting list for the doctors and it would place further pressure on local schools; there will be a significant impact on the settled community due to the numbers of Gypsy and Travellers currently in the area; the increased volume of traffic exiting onto a very narrow road; there have been many incidents where mobiles being brought to this and other local sites have experienced difficulties in local narrow lanes; the design and access statement is inadequate; the location has no public footpath to Upchurch or Lower Halstow; there is an enforcement issue outstanding on the site and there have been many retrospective planning applications; the development would further urbanise the rural lane creating a coalescence of settlements between the rural village of Upchurch and Lower Halstow.

Ref: 19/502940/FULL 108 Horsham Lane Upchurch Kent ME8 7XB
Proposal: Erection of a single storey rear extension and conversion of a garage into a habitable space.
Councillors considered the application and agreed while they had no objections to the extension they had concerns about whether there would be sufficient parking.

The new cascade planter has been installed near the village sign, this has been made possible through a grant from Swale Environment Grant Scheme.

Recreation Ground
Councillors considered a request from a property owner in The Street for permission to park at the Recreation Ground and agreed that no further permits be issued.

Burial Ground and Churchyard
The gate to the Burial Ground has been re-aligned. The Parish Council is concerned about non-compliance with the regulations at the Burial Ground and will be taking action.

The first draft of the Parish Highway Improvement Plan which includes residents’ comments has been drawn up. The plan is focused on the village centre and goes on to the outer areas. There is a public consultation promoted through the Parish Council website and within this publication, please submit your comments to the Clerk or online.

Date of next meetings:
Full Council - Thursday 5th September 2019 at 7:30pm - no meeting in August.
The Planning Committee and General Purposes Committee - Wednesday 17th July at 7:30pm in the Committee Room of the Village Hall.

All residents are welcome to attend the meetings and there is a time for members of the public to comment, raise concerns or ask questions.

Wendy Licence - Clerk to the Parish Council
Tel: 01634 363906


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