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Friday, 5 July 2019

Public Exhibition for Proposed New Homes and Public Spaces at Pump Lane, Rainham

The plans

Developers AC Goatham & Son who own the land at Pump Lane, Rainham are relocating fruit production to other sites and in Autumn 2018 consulted with residents on development proposals.

The site is located south of Lower Rainham Road, centred upon Pump Lane and extending, in part to Lower Bloors Lane to the east and to Lower Twydall Lane to the west. The southern-most boundary is formed of the railway. The site is currently used as commercial fruit orchards.

The proposals are for a residential development of up to 1,250 homes with landscaped areas, open spaces and other community benefits.

It is proposed that at the heart of the development there will be a village green that will integrate with existing pedestrian routes.

A new primary school with playing fields is planned for the space at the rear of the existing houses on Lower Rainham Road.

Access to the development will be from Lower Rainham Road and Pump Lane.

Public exhibition

Outline planning application: MC/19/1566 has now been submitted to Medway Council and a two-day public exhibition will be held at which the developer will present their plans.

Members of the consultation team will be available to discuss the plans and answer any questions residents may have, on Friday 12th July, from 3:00pm until 8.00pm and Saturday 13th July, from 10:00am until 1:00pm at Holy Trinity Church Hall, Twydall Lane, Gillingham, ME8 6JU

Contact: 0800 955 1042
You will also be able to view more information on the website:

Outline planning application details

MC/19/1566 | Outline planning application with some matters reserved (appearance, landscaping, layout and scale) for redevelopment of land off Pump Lane to include residential development comprising of approximately 1,250 residential units, a local centre, a village green, a two form entry primary school, a 60 bed extra care facility, an 80 bed care home and associated access (vehicular, pedestrian, cycle). | Land Off Pump Lane Rainham Kent ME8 7TJ.

The application can be viewed online at:

Comments on the application should be made in writing and reach Medway Council by Tuesday 23rd July 2019 (remember to include the planning application number).

There are a number of ways you can send your comments, you can either:

Submit your comments online at:

 Send a letter to: Medway Council Planning Service, Gun Wharf, Dock Road, Chatham,
Kent, ME4 4TR

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