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Monday, 14 August 2017

Upchurch Parish Council Report - August 2017

Report of the Parish Council meeting 3rd August 2017

Cllr Tyrone Ripley (Chairman), Cllr John Arnold (Vice Chairman), Cllr Pam Denny, Cllr Alan Horton, Cllr Steven Hunt, Cllr Gerry Lewin, Cllr Peter Masson, Cllr Louis Newbery and Cllr Gary Rosewell.
Clerk Mrs Wendy Licence

Councillors agreed to the request from the Fete Committee to use Paddock and Recreation Ground for Fete 16th June 2018 and to scatter poppy seeds.
Cllr Lewin reported he had received a letter of thanks to the Parish Council from a resident, regarding the prompt action following the unsuspected visit by travellers, thanking Councillors and residents for cleaning up the Recreation Ground.

A plot holders has kindly offered to look after the area around the gate and plant flowers which will be given to elderly residents in the parish. Plans to install another tap are progressing and the new notice board for the allotments is near completion and will soon be installed.

Paddock and Recreation Ground
The graffiti on the picnic bench in the Paddock has been reported to the Police who will be investigating the incident due to the racial content of the graffiti. 
Cllr Ripley thanked the Clerk for acting promptly following the traveller incursion to organise the bailiffs and thanked Cllr Lewin for liaising with Swale Borough Council. Cllr Ripley also thanked Cllr Newbery, Cllr Lewin, Cllr Rosewell, Cllr Hunt and the four residents who helped to clear up after the travellers had left the Recreation Ground. Mr Shaun Bearup was also thanked for putting his machinery around the village to safeguard other vulnerable sites. The Parish Council will be progressing ways to make the Recreation Ground more secure. The bench in the Recreation Ground needs to be repaired following the traveller incursion. 
Two pot holes in the recreation Ground car park have been repaired and the Council has accepted a quotation for the repair to a shallower pot hole.

Church Clock 
The clock is powered by an electric motor which winds the clock every eight minutes, if a power cut is longer than eight minutes the clock stops. If the clock stops it is not easy to know exactly what time it stopped so it is sometimes difficult to get the chimes right. The clock was paid for by public subscription and erected Christmas 1918 as a memorial to those who lost their lives in the First World War. The clock runs well but is needs to be brought up to date with a modern solution, the Council is researching ways to update the clock and this will coincide with the centenary of the end of the First World War.

Highways and Street Lighting
The damaged bench at Grannies Green has been reported to Swale Borough Council.
The Clerk has registered an interest with KCC to replace the street lights with energy saving LED lights. There are four lights not working properly, two stay on all the time and two are out completely.
The damaged street light in Crosier Court has been reported to the Police and a claim has been lodged with the insurance company.

Cllr Masson has checked the fire hydrants, most are in good order and well-marked. Two hydrants were missing and another has a concrete post with no sign. The development opposite The Three Sisters has none and it is not clear if there are any on Four Gun Field.  There are no hydrants in Oak Lane or Woodruff Close. The Clerk will report the findings to Kent Fire & Rescue Service.
The Best Kept Garden competition had been successful and Cllr Ripley thanked Cllr Hunt, Cllr Newbery, Mr and Mrs Quy and Mr Mount for their help with judging the competition.

Date of next meeting
The Planning Committee and General Purposes Committee will meet on Wednesday 16th August at 7:30pm in the Committee Room of the Village Hall.
All residents are welcome to attend the meetings and there is a time for members of the public to comment, raise concerns or ask questions.

Wendy Licence - Clerk to the Parish Council
Tel: 01634 363906


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