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Tuesday, 1 August 2017

Temporary Road Closure - Canterbury Lane

Medway Council is currently advertising their intention to close Canterbury Lane, between Seymour Road and the Cloverlay Industrial Park, on Monday the 7th of August. They expect work to start around 7:00am and hopefully the road will be open soon after 4:00pm, if not sooner.

Access to premises on Canterbury Lane will be available at all times from the Otterham Quay Lane end of the road.

They will be cutting back vegetation mainly along the northern side of the road and this lane is too narrow to allow traffic to pass. Pedestrians and cyclists may be allowed through the closure at the discretion of the contractors if they consider it safe to pass their machinery.

Letters will be delivered to premises in Kent Terrace, the Cloverlay Industrial Park and premises backing onto the closure (e.g. Amelia Cottages, Natal Farm, the Golf Course etc.), and temporary signs will be erected this week to provide advance warning to drivers.

The road will be closed again, probably in the autumn, for kerbing works and the installation of bollards etc.

Over the next few months Medway Council is intending to undertake maintenance and road repairs along Canterbury Lane where vehicles have created informal passing places.

This unofficial widening of the road has flattened the boundary fences and vehicles are now encroaching onto private land. Of more immediate concern is that these vehicles are driving on the edge of a very steep and high embankment, and risk rolling into the fields below.

Therefore Medway Council are working with the adjacent land-owners to install kerbing on the highway boundary and to pave narrow passing places. The work is intended to allow some passing of opposing traffic on this narrow lane, but to keep vehicles on the public highway away from the steep drop. This should then allow the residents to re-erect their fences.

Diversion Route

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