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Tuesday, 14 February 2017

Upchurch Parish Council Report - February 2017

Report of the Parish Council meeting held on 2nd February 2017

Public Time
A resident raised concerned about the site in Holywell Lane which has become a scrapyard, a menagerie, caravans are being rented out, there is a circus there and also about forty cars. People arrive at 6am to feed the horses and there is a lot of noise caused by vehicular movement and car door banging. Stop orders have been served but they seem to have little effect. There are also issues with illegal drugs.
Cllr Arnold said the issues have been noted but do need to be reported to Swale planning enforcement officers. The Council has previously been informed that action is being taken but details are not available due to the sensitive nature of the procedures.

Street naming consultation Gore Farm Track
Members were informed that Swale Borough Council has decided to formally name Gore Farm Track with a suggestion that the Chaffes Lane portion being joined to Chaffes Lane and the other half being named Oast Lane. It has always been known as the track down to Gore Farm or Gore Farm Lane and there was concern as to where the split would be. Although there were oasts in the lane it has always been known as the road Gore Farm is on.
Councillors agreed the road should be named Gore Farm Lane throughout so there was no confusion.

Application Ref: 16/506986/FULL
Address: 116 Oak Lane, Upchurch, ME9 7AY
Proposal: Demolition of no. 116 Oak Lane and construction of 2 no. three bedroom houses and 1 no. four bedroom with associated garages and parking.
Councillors considered the application and agreed that their previous objections still stand.

Application Ref: 16/508634/FULL
Address: 6 Church Farm Road, Upchurch
Proposal: Conversion of existing garage to habitable space forming a store room and utility room, and erection of a single storey rear extension to form a garden room.
Councillors considered the application and had no comment to make save that neighbours comments should be considered.

The Council had received a request from the Village Hall Committee to budget for a regular grant towards Village Hall funds. Councillors considered the request and agreed to meet with the committee to find out what is needed and what projects are proposed.

Paddock and Recreation Ground
i)  The Paddock Project
The picnic benches have been delivered and Cllr Ripley will meet with the Paddock Project Group to agree a suitable location for the picnic benches. Quotes will be obtained for concrete slabs to site and secure the benches on. The Paddock Project Group have worked really well and intend to raise further funds for the area.

ii) Recreation Ground
The bollards and barrier have been installed around the recreation ground car park. An adjoining property has felled conifers and put up a new fence and the area is looking good.

Highways and Street Lighting
Cllr Arnold reported that he is trying to find the money to replace the lights outside The Crown and The Brown Jug. There is a pot hole in Oak Lane which has been reported to Highways.

Reports from representatives
Police Liaison Officer
Cllr Rosewell informed Members a car had been broken into in The Poles; and out of control dogs had attacked a cyclist in Holywell Lane; Kent Police have removed a car with no tax or insurance from outside the Co-op.

Date of next meeting Thursday 2nd March 2017 at 7:30pm
in Upchurch Village Hall

Wendy Licence
Clerk to the Parish Council


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