Last year Keep Britain Tidy and Country Life Magazine organised the national campaign ‘Clean for The Queen’ which inspired 250,000 people in the UK to get involved in their local clean up.
Upchurch joined in, and a tremendous village effort resulted in over 63 sacks of litter being picked up from our public spaces and the surrounding country lanes.
This year’s clean up ‘The Great British Spring Clean’ takes place over the weekend of March 3rd, 4th and 5th, and with the support of Swale Borough Council, The Litter Angels, Holywell School, Nursery Days, Brownies, Guides, Beavers, Cubs and Scouts, Upchurch Parish Council are calling on all villagers to once again volunteer as litter pickers and clean up Upchurch!
To volunteer this year, please come along to The Recreation Ground Car Park on Sunday the 5th of March at 10:30am where all equipment will be provided.
Thank you for your help and support.
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Upchurch Matters