Monday 20 February 2017
Surgery Patient Participation Group - Upchurch & Rainham
It was reported at the January meeting, following the publication in Gabriel and on the Upchurch Matters website:-
Flu Injections - Only 6 people over 65, from Upchurch, failed to take the offer up this year which is a record.
Shingles - More and more people are taking up the offer and/or making enquiries whether or not they are eligible to have it.
Please continue contact the surgery to enquire or make an appointment to have the injection.
Bowel cancer screening - It is obvious from the information received at the surgery more people have responded in returning the screening test kits - keep it up - It’s your health that matters.
The government is running an awareness campaign for all patients who are prescribed the following:-
Aspirin 75mg
Ibuprofen 200mg
to purchase their own medicines, either from your local shop, supermarkets or pharmacists because of the cost to the NHS.
Example:- Aspirin costs approx £1.50 over the counter at the chemist for 100 tablets at the pharmacists/supermarkets.
A Prescription costs £8.40 per item. With the cost of admin, the actual cost to the NHS is £11 per item.
Therefore one can see the difference.
Last Year, it cost Teeside NHS £1.4million for this type of drug which is equivalent to 37 community nurses or 198 hip operations!
With the NHS requiring more money this could be a huge saving to the local NHS trust.
In order to save money for our local NHS Trust,
PLEASE consider BUYING YOUR OWN tablets over the counter.
Thank you for your co-operation.
If you have any questions or suggestions on the local practice, then please Email
Jan Bunting (Secretary) or
Ray Kemsley (Chair)
The next meeting is in April 2017.
Ray Kemsley
Surgery Patient Participation Group - Upchurch & Rainham