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Sunday, 1 November 2020

UpARA - November 2020 Newsletter

Hello UpARA members,

Just under a third of our membership, have taken part in activities since restarting on the 6th October, and so far each activity has been well attended and well received, even though we are having to run them in a slightly different fashion.

The Village Hall reopened on 5th October as a COVID-19 secure facility, and it really does look very good with the works completed; we’re looking forward to trying out the new lighting with a social night whenever that becomes a possibility.

We are able to use the VH loos prior to our walks, which we hope will encourage many to join us, a great way of keeping in touch.

One change for all our activities is the pre-booking element. We need to know who is coming on every session so please continue to do this; it has worked really well so far.

We have put together this newsletter to share what has happened and let you know our plans for November; in these uncertain times, nothing is fixed, and any plans can of course, change.

The Thoughts of Chairman John

Hi Everyone,

Just a short update on our current activities.

Around 25-30 members have taken part in each of our Village walks, I personally have taken short local ones, with a short coffee stop at the golf club on the way! We also had the opportunity to check out the "New Look" Village Hall first-hand, I am sure we were all suitably impressed! Well done to all who were involved in the Planning and Fundraising, congratulations a job well done.

The Art Classes have been a great success on Tuesdays, utilising cameras and our big screen to help teach to a socially distanced class, and the Soft Tennis and Table Tennis activities were also a very nice reprieve from the tedious months in lockdown.

Another outdoor activity, Petanque, restarted last week and was also a great success on a lovely, bright sunny afternoon. We are looking to restart Kurling soon, if you are interested please book your places.

Fingers crossed, we all are waiting at the moment for any other "Lock Down" regulations being introduced! all we can do at the moment is to remain upbeat, "WE MARCH ON" despite whatever is in store for us.

Stay safe, John W

All Activities

We have produced risk assessments for each of our activities to mitigate any risks. Before attending any session, attendees will be made aware of what is required of them.

We march on! Our Chairman shows the way at our first walk out. Walking in groups of six, with walks to cater for all, including just up to the golf course, (for a cuppa), and back. The eagle eyed amongst you will notice the Southampton scarf - Yes, our Chairman is a Saint!

Our first Art lesson back - Using the whole hall, we’ve been able to use our screen and lapel microphone and audio equipment to help teach the lesson, so everyone can stay safely in their seat - Note the new ceiling, lighting and new floor!

We’re using just one of our two Petanque pitches, with six allowed at each 50 minute session. We had a great afternoon with 18 members across 3 sessions. We can manage more sessions if necessary and you can enjoy a coffee or a wine in the Golf course before or afterwards, (or both)!

It is essential that if you wish to participate in any activities you let us know beforehand by Email, text or phone:-

 Text or call: 07802 250773

Please give your name and subject ‘eg, Village Walk’, and we will get back to you.

John Wishart - Chairman
Tel: 07971 511956


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