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Tuesday, 10 November 2020

Knock & Check

What is Knock & Check?

This winter, KCC is backing Kent Community Foundation’s Surviving Winter Campaign “Knock & Check” and asking residents in Kent to reignite the community spirit seen during the initial months of the Coronavirus pandemic and do something small to help those most vulnerable during the cold winter months.

Each year there are around 1600 avoidable winter deaths across the county. Kent Community Foundation would like your help to reduce this number and are asking the people of Kent to check on their elderly neighbours during the colder months when they are most at risk.

Knock & Check is simple - just take a look at the small actions which will make a difference in your community as well as the details of services which can offer a lifeline and Knock & Check on the elderly and most isolated in your local community whilst remembering to follow Government guidelines on social distancing to keep communities safe from COVID-19:

Keep a 2m distance, staying outdoors at all times.
 Wash your hands before and after a visit.
 Wear a face mask.

Small actions that could make a big difference include:

 Knock on the door to say “hello”.
 Offer to pick up some food or add something to your next online order.
 Drop off a slice of cake or take a packet of biscuits.
 Plate up an extra meal or drop off a frozen dish.
 Post a note with your contact number and / or the details of helplines and support available
 Share books and magazines or recommend a good read.
 Volunteer for one of our fantastic voluntary organisations in Kent and Medway.
 Spread the word to family and friends.

Lives can and will be saved this winter by us all working together to recognise and support those most at risk.

Download the Knock & Check booklet at >>

To find out more about Knock a Check, visit >>


Kent County Council


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