Wednesday, 4 November 2020
New Adult Gym Equipment on The Recreation Ground
Upchurch Parish Council has installed six pieces of adult gym equipment on the Recreation Ground, funded by Section 106 money from the Victoria Court housing development at Kent Terrace.
However, the Parish Council cannot guarantee that using the equipment will not further the spread of Coronavirus at the moment because it will not be sanitised after each use.
When using the gym equipment, please use the following guidelines to keep you and your loved ones safe:
1. Follow current social distancing guidelines when visiting and encourage others to do the same.
2. If the exercise equipment is busy, consider coming back later.
3. Wash your hands before and after visiting. Take hand sanitiser with you and use it frequently.
4. Follow and adhere to all current government advice in addition to the above guidelines.
For more information, visit:
Upchurch Matters