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Tuesday, 5 November 2019

White Ribbon Day 2019

November 25th 2019 is White Ribbon Day

Every year around November 25th 1000s of people in the UK come together to raise awareness and work towards ending male violence against women.

This year the theme of White Ribbon Day is “Creating a future without male violence against women” with the focus on engaging with young men and boys in particular.

White Ribbon UK was founded in 2005 and is part of the global movement to end male violence against women. They work with men and boys to challenge those male cultures that lead to harassment, abuse and violence. Their volunteer ambassadors act as role models, engaging with other men and boys to call out abusive and sexist behaviour among their peers and promote a culture of equality and respect.

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Wear a White Ribbon and make the promise

The most important thing you can do to support White Ribbon UK's work is to wear a White Ribbon and make the promise. Only by standing up and being counted can we hope to end male violence against women.

Men are specifically being asked to make the promise, however, anyone over the age of 14 can take it.

White Ribbon UK call all men to lead by example and stand up against male violence against women, in every way. Take the pledge and join thousands of men who are standing up to be counted. Over 35,000 people have taken the promise online. Join them.

Lets’ end male violence against women together.

Make the promise at:


On behalf of Alan Horton
Swale Borough Councillor - Hartlip, Newington and Upchurch Ward


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