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Friday, 8 November 2019

Swale Borough Council - Draft Vehicle Parking Standards Consultation

Consultation on Draft Vehicle Parking Standards Supplementary Planning Document (SPD).

If you know only too well the problems we have in Swale with regards to parking on new developments now is the time to say, to ensure that future policy works and mistakes from the past are learnt from.

As part of the current Local Plan new parking standards for Swale are being drawn up and you can have your say on the draft document.

Please take a look at the document and forward your comments on to the planning team.

Swale Borough Council has published a Draft Vehicle Parking Standards Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) for consultation for a period, running from 7th November to 19th December 2019 inclusive and wants to give you the opportunity to submit any representations that you may have before it is finalised for adoption.

The Council will consider your comments and will take these into account before the document is finalised for adoption by the Council in early spring 2020.

The Draft Vehicle Parking Standards Supplementary Planning Document (SPD)  is available to view from Thursday 7th November on the Council’s website at: In addition, a paper copy is available to view at the Council’s offices in Sittingbourne, Sheppey and Faversham and all Swale Libraries.

Please note that any formal comments submitted on the Draft SPD cannot be treated as confidential and all representations must be received by the 5:00pm deadline on 19th December 2019 by Email:

Or by letter: Planning Technical Team, Development Management, Swale Borough Council, East Street, Sittingbourne, Kent, ME10 3HT.

If you have any queries about the consultation process or the Draft SPD, please do not hesitate to contact a member of the Planning Technical Team on: 01795 417308.

On behalf of Alan Horton
Swale Borough Councillor - Hartlip, Newington and Upchurch Ward


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