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Saturday, 7 October 2017

KCC Report from County Councillor Mike Whiting - October 2017

I have been dealing with a number of residents’ concerns this month, which I treat in confidence, of course, however, those of a more general interest include the following:

Oak Lane:
Further to a request by residents, I arranged for Alun Millard from Kent Highways to meet with them on Wednesday 3 October at Oak Lane to discuss the latest traffic calming proposals relating to the development of 116 Oak Lane. As soon as I had confirmation of a date and time from Highways I extended an invitation to the local ward members and the Parish Council.

The main issue is one of safety on the pavement from cars mounting it to pass at the narrow point on the road. Oak Lane residents' other concern was the proposed build out, part of a traffic calming scheme associated with the development of 116 Oak Lane, because they felt it could hamper getting in and out of the drives on that stretch of road.

Cllr Wright suggested moving the buildout to the other side of the road, which was well-received by the majority of those present. KCC Highways said, subject to a technical report, they saw no reason why it could not be effective and one resident pointed out that it would create a chicane arrangement which, with the correct signage, could both slow down traffic and help prevent cars and lorries mounting the pavement.

It is a matter for Swale planning committee members at their meeting next Thursday (12 October) as to whether the application is approved, and if it is approved whether they require traffic calming or not. If they do approve and they do require calming, then they can delegate the final design to KCC Highways and Swale Planning Officers. My hope is that they approve the application with calming, and that the calming be as shown in the drawing with the build out moved to the other side of the road. This would meet the main requirements of the residents I met with; that traffic be slowed down in Oak Lane and that it be prevented from driving up on the pavement where the road narrows.

Road works in Holywell Lane:
There had been a report of intimidation of highways staff working at Holywell Lane. I did investigate this and spoke with Highways managers who said they had found no evidence of intimidation in their records. Also, there was a suggestion Holywell is a “no go” area for Highways staff. This is denied by Highways who say there are no “no go” areas in Kent as far as they are concerned.

Members’ Community Grants:
I have agreed a grant to the village hall for repairs to the guttering and facias. If other groups in the village require financial assistance with a project then please email me at

Parking at Holywell School:
I have continued to raise this with the PCSO and parking enforcement officers at Swale. It is, as we all know, a problem at many schools across Kent. I raised this issue with the Police and Crime Commissioner Matthew Scott during his visit to Swale West earlier in the year and was delighted to hear he is now planning to grant PCSOs additional powers to allow them to issue tickets to people parked illegally outside schools - a power they do not have at the moment.

I hope this is helpful. If you have an issue and require my help then please email me at Regular updates on what I am up to can be found at my Facebook page,

Councillor Mike Whiting
KCC Member serving Swale West


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