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Friday, 8 September 2017

KCC Report from County Councillor Mike Whiting - September 2017

I was contacted by a number of residents in the past few weeks on a range of issues.

I have managed to get vegitation cleared around a street light in Woodruff Close, and cleared up a lighting query for the Parish Council about converting the parish lighting to LED. I understand the Parish are to meet KCC to discuss the best way forward.

I think it right that we develop brownfield sites before using valuable greenfield land. I have, therefore, written to the Planning Inspector supporting the appeal to build new homes on the Kaine Farm site.

Some have expressed concerns about speeding in Oak Lane. I have agreed to contribute some of my Member Community Grant funds toward the cost of provide traffic calming in Oak Lane to slow the traffic down if a suitable scheme can be agreed with Swale Borough Council and Kent Highways.

One ongoing issue yet to be resolved is that of inconsiderate, sometimes illegal parking outside Holywell School. Cars regularly double park in the afternoon, making it difficult for residents to get out of their drives and for larger vehicles to pass. I understand the school wrote to parents on this matter last term, but it is limited in what it can do. Our PSCO and the parking enforcement officers at Swale have agreed to keep on eye on things, but they cannot be there all the time. I expect this will become an issue again next month and I am happy to look at any ideas for improving the situation.

I am waiting on a response to enquiries I have made on residents' behalf to the authorities about overnight lorry parking in the area.

Finally, while we wait for the result of the planning appeal currently under way I continue to work to try to prevent unauthorised development at the Spade Lane gypsy site.

If you have an issue relating to KCC services, or you know of an organisation that could benefit from a Community Grant, then please get in touch at or 01795 842631.

Councillor Mike Whiting
KCC Member serving Swale West


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