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Saturday, 10 June 2017

Upchurch Parish Council Report - June 2017

Report of the Parish Council meeting 1st June 2017

Cllr Tyrone Ripley (Chairman), Cllr John Arnold (Vice Chairman), Cllr Pam Denny, Cllr Alan Horton, Cllr Steven Hunt, Cllr Gerry Lewin, Cllr Peter Masson, Cllr Louis Newbery and Cllr Gary Rosewell.
Clerk Mrs Wendy Licence

County Councillor Mike Whiting attended the meeting and said he was pleased to have been elected to the County Council and paid tribute to Mike Baldock who had worked hard in the village. KCCllr Whiting said he would like to continue with the good work and asked that he be contacted for help, especially with County Council matters. He can be contacted by phone on: 01795 842631, by Email: or by writing to 7 Rooks View, Bobbing, Sittingbourne, ME9 8GB or The Members Desk, County Hall, Maidstone, ME14 1XQ.

Borough Councillor John Wright reported there have been parking issues outside the school and the parking warden will be attending after the half term break. There has also been a problem of bad language from parents outside the school and this is unacceptable as it is a community and there is no necessity for bad language.

Paddock and Recreation Ground
Councillors were extremely disappointed at the arson attack on one of the new benches in the Paddock. The matter has been reported to the Police is being investigated. The Council has ordered a new bench and it is hoped it will be installed before the Fete. The Council is still waiting for quotes for new safety surfacing under the swing.
Councillors are concerned about the recent spate of anti-social behaviour at the Paddock and ask residents to be vigilant and report anything suspicious to the Police.

Councillors agreed to give a grant of £250 to Upchurch Village Fete towards the cost of the fete insurance.
The Annual Governance Statement and the Annual Return were accepted and signed by Councillors.

A cultivation licence is being applied for to work on the verge on the corner of Otterham Quay Lane and Lower Rainham Road following recent roadworks.
A group of residents have formed an In Bloom Group and have replanted the tubs on Granny's Green. The group wants to put flowers and wooden planters around the village. Concrete tubs have been suggested but these cause problems if hit by a car. Cllr Arnold will seek advice from the Highway Steward about which type of planters can be used.
The Village Caretaker informed Councillors of issues with trees overgrowing the churchyard wall forcing pedestrians and horse riders into the road and the holm oaks in Chaffes Lane shedding leaves and blocking drains. This will be discussed by the General Purposes Committee.

Burial Ground and Churchyard
Concern had been raised about rabbits eating the flowers on the graves in the Burial Ground and it was suggested that spraying the flowers with hairspray can act as a deterrent.
The General Purposes Committee reviewed the Burial Ground fees and recommended that there should be no change in the fees.
A request had been received from the Church for a contribution towards the removal of stumps in the closed churchyard and this has been declined.

Highways and Street Lighting
Councillors heard that Windmill Hill has multiple potholes, the Highway Steward has been contacted but KCC has no money for repairs. The road was scheduled for repair last year but it was cancelled at the last minute.
There are two faulty street lights at the Brown Jug and The Crown and the light in Windmill Hill is no longer there. A light has gone in Chaffes Lane. It is hoped that the LED replacement programme will remedy the problems when the scheme is rolled out to Parishes.

Date of next meeting
There will be no Council meeting in July.
The Planning Committee and General Purposes Committee will meet on Wednesday 9th July at 7:30pm in the Committee Room of the Village Hall.
Full Council will meet on Thursday 3rd August at 7:30pm in the Village Hall.
All residents are welcome to attend the meetings and there is a time for members of the public to comment, raise concerns or ask questions.

Wendy Licence - Clerk to the Parish Council
Tel: 01634 363906


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