Zone 4/13
Department for TransportGreat Minster House
33 Horseferry Road
London SW1P 4DR
If you would like to cut and paste something, then feel free to use the text below as a starting point:
“Dear sir,
I would like to respond to the government's consultation on the South Eastern Rail Franchise.
I believe this is an opportunity to get more people onto rail and reduce the number of cars on our already congested roads.
Specifically, I would like to see two trains per hour off-peak from Newington and Teynham stations to reduce the number of people driving to catch trains at Sittingbourne, and at least one direct train per hour off-peak and more regular peak-time direct services from Swale and Kemsley stations to London, with a commuter car park at Swale; again to ease road congestion along the A2, and in Sittingbourne town centre, and to improve journey times to London.
I note that these proposals now have the support of Swale Borough Council, Kent County Council, and the local Member of Parliament in their responses to the consultation.
Yours sincerely”
Councillor Mike Whiting - KCC Swale West
Tel: 01795 842631