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Wednesday, 10 May 2017

Upchurch Parish Council Report - May 2017 and Annual Parish Council Meeting 2017

Report of the Parish Council meeting held on 4th May 2017

 Annual Parish Council Meeting

At the Annual Parish Council Meeting, Cllr Ripley was re-elected as Chairman and Cllr Arnold was re-elected Vice Chairman.

Councillors were elected to represent Upchurch Parish Council on outside bodies as follows:
a)  Kent Association of Local Councils:  Cllr Horton and Cllr Masson
b)  School Representative: Cllr Horton
c)  Police Liaison Officer: Cllr Newbery
d)  Highways: Cllr Arnold
e)  Twinning Group: Cllr Lewin

In addition to representing the Council on outside bodies, responsibilities were allocated as follows:
a)  Paddock and Recreation Ground: Cllr Denny
b)  Allotments: Cllr Masson
c)  Burial Ground and Churchyard: Cllr Hunt
d)  Internal Financial Controls (Internal Auditor): Mr Lionel Robbins

Monthly Parish Council Meeting

Village Hall request for regular contribution towards running costs
Councillors listened to further representations from the Village Hall Committee to raise the precept to give an annual contribution towards the running costs. There was a strong show of support for the village hall at the Annual Parish Meeting but the number of people attending represented a small percentage of residents. People can support the village hall by hiring it and by attending fund raising events. The Parish Council cannot give money in perpetuity to any organisation as it is accountable to all precept payers. There is a system in place to assist organisations for a one off payment and the Council has recently made a grant of £1000 to the Village Hall towards the heating. 
Councillors heard that the newly formed Friends of Upchurch Village Hall held a successful quiz night and raised over £500.

116 Oak Lane, Upchurch
The developer attended the meeting to discuss the planning application which has been deferred. Concerns have been articulated to the Parish Council around the perception that an extra driveway at this point will make the road even more dangerous. The developer said he would like to do something to help the issue. Councillors indicated they would be supportive of measures to make that part of the road safer, especially in respect of increased safety for pedestrians.

Application No: 16/503950/FULL
Location:  Orchard View  Otterham Quay Lane Upchurch ME8 8QR
Proposal:  Variation of Condition 2 of SW/13/0706 - to vary the number of caravans allowed on the site at any one time for an additional static caravan
The application to increase the number of static and mobile van on Orchard View has been re-submitted and this will be discussed at the Planning Committee meeting on 17th May.

Work on the allotments to tidy up the site has been completed and the gate has been replaced, five more plots have been rented. There has been a request for an extra tap at the allotments. It was agreed to replace the notice board which had fallen into disrepair.

The new benches have been installed in the Paddock. There has been a problem with the matting under the play equipment which has been pulled up again. The matting had become a trip hazard and it has been removed. The Council will consider other types of safety surfacing.

A request had been received from the church for financial assistance to remove stumps from churchyard. Councillors declined the request and noted there is still space in the Burial Ground.

Date of next meeting Thursday 1st June 2017 at 7:30pm in Upchurch Village Hall.
All residents are welcome to attend and there is a time for members of the public to comment, raise concerns or ask questions.

Wendy Licence
Clerk to the Parish Council
Tel: 01634 363906


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