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Friday, 11 November 2016

Upchurch Parish Council Report - November 2016

The monthly meeting of the Parish Council took place on Thursday 3rd November 2016 in the Village Hall. 

Present: Cllr John Arnold (Chairman), Cllr Alan Horton, Cllr Stephen Hunt, Cllr Gerry Lewin, Cllr Peter Masson, Cllr Louis Newbery, Cllr Gary Rosewell, and Mrs Wendy Licence (Clerk).

Also present were Ward Member John Wright and eleven members of the public.

Public Time
Concern was raised about a problem with the lights in Chaffes Lane
Cllr Arnold said it has been reported.
The Council was asked whether it would make an allowance in the precept to employ a road sweeper as the village is looking tacky.
Cllr Arnold said next year’s budget is will be considered soon.
The Parish Council was informed the Village Hall needs to raise £15,000 and was asked if the Parish Council make a donation.
Cllr Arnold said a written request needs to be made to the Council.
Concern was expressed about the new litter bin in Oak Lane which is sited in such a way that it is difficult for a disabled lady to use her mobility scooter on the footpath.
Cllr Arnold will look into this.
The Council was asked whether the clearing up of the area of the Paddock behind Bradshaw Close will be progressed.
Cllr Arnold said this will be referred to the next meeting when Cllr Denny is back.
A complaint was made about the problem of bonfires at the allotments which are causing a nuisance to residents.
Cllr Arnold said the matter is being dealt with
The Council was questioned about the problems in Holywell Lane.  More caravans have arrived and also a seven and a half ton lorry. Hedges have been cut down. There is raw sewerage going down the road. Vehicles are causing a disturbance at night time. All incidents have been reported.
Cllr Lewin said the area is under surveillance.
A resident expressed concerns about the planning application at Kaine Farm House and that there will be six detached houses on agricultural land. Concern was raised about the volume of traffic on the road.

Ward Councillor Wright reported he had received major concerns from residents about articulated lorries making deliveries in Chaffes Lane, the lorries block the road and the delivery drivers are being abusive to residents. This has been reported to the Police.
There have been several reports of drunken Irishmen exposing themselves near Spade Lane; residents are urged to report all incidents to the Police.
Ward Councillor Wright said he had been at the Public Inquiry at Swale House for the appeal regarding the Gladman’s development in Newington and gave evidence to the Inspector and was questioned for one and a half hours.

KALC Community Awards Scheme
Councillors agreed to participate in the Awards again to acknowledge someone who has made a significant difference to the village. Residents will be asked to submit nominations for Councillors to consider.

i) Ref:16/507425/FULL
Address: Land Rear of Kaine Farm House Breach Lane Upchurch Kent ME9 7PH
Proposal: Demolition of 7 farm buildings and erection of 6 detached houses and garages, associated SUDS ponds, landscaping and wildlife planting.
Councillors suggested that time should be given to allow residents to respond to the application and it was agreed to defer consideration to a Planning Committee meeting on Wednesday 16th November at 7:30pm.

Cllr Lewin reported there will be a Swale Borough Council Planning Committee meeting on 10 November and Jack Russell Place in Halstow Lane is on the agenda. Officers have recommended approval as it is for the extension of the family.

Cllr Rosewell was appointed to the Planning Committee.

Bus Shelter
There has been a slight delay installing the bus shelter and there will be a photo call with County Councillor Mike Baldock when it is installed.

The second defibrillator will be installed at the Three Sisters by kind permission of the landlord. When the defibrillator has been installed there will be an official opening ceremony.

The Paddock Project Group have raised money to buy a picnic table and this will be ordered.

Recreation Ground
Councillors have accepted a quotation to install bollards around the parking area and a gate. The work will commence as soon as possible to prevent any damage to the playing field by cars.

Anti Social Behaviour
The Council heard that PCSO John Cork has been investigating suspected drug dealing in the area. The Village Hall car park will be kept shut to keep cars out. PCSO Cork has been dealing with issues in Holywell Lane.
Residents are encouraged to report all any matters to the Police on 101.

Date of next meeting: Thursday 1st December 7:30pm. Venue TBC.

Wendy Licence
Clerk to the Parish Council


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