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Wednesday, 25 April 2012

Upchurch Twinning Group News

Upchurch is twinned with Ferques-Elinghen in Pas de Calais, France.
Try  or  for our news as well. In addition, visit  for interesting stuff! 
Upchurch Choral Society trip - Our Choral Society gave the promised concert in the church in Ferques on Sunday 15th April and the whole day was a brilliant success. The choir and others travelled by coach and about 60 people enjoyed a lovely lunch at a local restaurant. While the choir rehearsed in the church, the coach drivers took others for a drive around the local area and along the coast. The concert itself was a wonderful experience, with about 150 in the audience, some English, but many local Ferques residents. At the end, the audience showed their appreciation with a standing ovation. Afterwards, there was a reception in the Mairie before all departed, tired but extremely happy. 
Thursday 17th May 2012 – Annual General Meeting
 7:30pm in Holywell School Hall. Come and hear more about us and enjoy refreshments afterwards.  All are welcome to this AGM and we would love to see everyone there.
Saturday 14th July – Bastille Day in Ferques – We’ll be having a stall at the street fair in Ferques as usual this year. We will be plying everyone with English food and beverages, plus we will sell good quality, donated items to raise some funds. This event is well worth a visit as part of a day out and to see if you can pick up any bargains on the other stalls! If you have any items that would be suitable for our stall, do let us know – we can collect if required. See you there, hopefully!
Saturday 25th August. 2012 – Sports Day – this is now an annual affair and this year will be in Ferques. We will be arranging a coach so think about a day out with lots of sporty fun in France that day, plus food will be available. Cost of a seat on the coach will only be £10. This is always most enjoyable and well supported so register your interest as soon as possible. We hope that both individuals and Upchurch organisations will take an active part, or just come along to observe and cheer on!
7th October – Anniversary Event – an outing somewhere in Kent. A coach load of Ferques residents will be coming over the water to join us. Watch this space!
Jim Harman (Chairman) 01634 235420 & Sue Rossiter (Secretary) 01634 234780
Sue Rossiter


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