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Friday, 20 April 2012

Upchurch Choral Society sing to their French Friends

Upchurch Choral Society singing in the Church of our Lady of the Assumption. 
Upchurch is twinned with the commune of Ferques in Northern France.

On Sunday 15th April 2012, Upchurch Choral Society travelled over to France and gave a concert in the Church of our Lady of the Assumption in Ferques to an audience of approximately 150 people, including both Upchurch and Ferques residents. The Upchurch Twinning Group arranged the event with their counterparts in Ferques and funded the coach that carried the choir and local residents over the Channel for the day.

Upchurch Choral Society is a four-part choir, conducted by Helen Osborne and accompanied on this occasion by Upchurch Organist, Sue Rossiter. Both received a beautiful bouquet of flowers as a gesture of thanks, following the concert.

The whole day was a wonderful success and much appreciated by all concerned. The coach arrived safely and coffee was enjoyed in the local café adjacent to the church. Then the group headed off to a local restaurant, where about 60 people enjoyed a delicious lunch. The choir rehearsed in the afternoon and then performed a variety of well-chosen pieces in the church in the evening. The programme included items in English, French, German and Latin, ranging from Fauré’s Cantique de Jean Racine to some items from Les Miserables. The choir was rewarded with a standing ovation at the end.

After the concert, there was a reception at the local Mairie, where copious drinks and canapés were provided by the Mayor of Ferques and his Council. Eventually, the coach full of Upchurch choir and residents departed to return home tired, but very pleased and happy with the whole experience.

Sue Rossiter


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