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Thursday, 5 April 2012

Upchurch Parish Council Report - May 2012

The Parish Council met on Thursday 29th March in the Hall of Holywell Primary School where 8 Councillors were present and 6 members of the public.
Public TimeRural Needs Housing - A resident queried the design of the voting form to be used at the drop in event and another whether the voting form was going to every house. It was also suggested extending the opening hours of the drop in event to 8pm. Bus Shelter - A resident commented that he hoped that the proposal to install a bus shelter hadn’t been shelved as he was aware of a lot of support for this. Yellow Lines - A resident referred to the proposal for yellow lines in the centre of the village and commented that were they to be installed, the Police would no longer be interested so it would be left to a Traffic Warden. Water at Allotments - He also referred to the water usage at the allotments and the drought restrictions imposed by Southern Water.
CorrespondenceS Dorsett – Dog faeces and speeding along Wallbridge LaneAn email asking if the Parish Council can do anything about these two issues. Cllr Catford reported that PCSO John Cork had now taken over from PCSO Lauren McCall and would be looking into both these issues. Also, the Animal Control Officer from Swale BC had suggested trialling a scheme called The Green Dog Walkers. This was a community led project which encouraged all dog owners to be responsible owners. Members pledge to always clean up after their dogs and to offer bags to other dog walkers. Cllr Tucker offered to investigate this scheme. Please do let the Clerk know if you would be interested in taking part in this.
Planning - The following applications were considered:
 SW/12/0217 Land r/o 24 Wallbridge Lane – Demolition and replacement of existing building for use as a tractor and implement store. Members were informed that this had now been withdrawn.
ii) SW/12/0331 Frog Farm, Susans Lane – Retrospective application for construction of barn. The Planning Review Team will review this proposal that has been resubmitted because facts in the original application contained errors.
iii) SW/12/0334 Oastfield Stud & Livery, Track off Holywell Lane – Change of use from private stables to stud & livery farm including erection of 3 foaling boxes, static mobile unit and provision of parking and turningThe Planning Review Team will review this proposal and Cllr Lewin asked the Council to challenge the environmental impact of a Stud & Livery plan next to a residential property.
Permission granted:
SW/12/0079 39 Oak Lane – Two storey side and rear extension
SW/12/0078 The Brown Jug, 76 Horsham Lane – Rear kitchen extension and alterations including oil fired boiler enclosure
Certificate of Lawfulness of Proposed Use or Development:
SW/12/0057 14 Horsham Lane – Rebuild chimney stack previously demolished (Proposed)
Other Planning matters - Proposal to review KCC Gypsy and Traveller Allocation Policydetails of the consultation can be accessed on line by visiting:           
Rural Needs Housing  a) Drop In eventThis will be held on Monday 11th June 2012 at Upchurch Village Hall between the hours of 3pm and 8pm. Further details will follow. b) Voting form Members discussed various ways the questions could be written and how it could be organised. It was agreed that the sub group would meet to discuss this further. It was suggested that the vote could be determined based on the majority.
Swale BC Draft Core Strategy: Bearing FruitsCllr Catford reported that he had attended this meeting which set out what the Council’s overall development strategy was, confirming how much development was likely to happen and where. It was confirmed that at this stage, there were no proposals for housing in Upchurch.           
Allotments and Recreation GroundWater at the AllotmentsIt was suggested that members should meet with the Clerk to discuss the level of usage over the past few years. It was commented that allotment holders respect the water restrictions in place by Southern Water due to the drought conditions and that we all have to find ways to save water. Rent due from Allotment Holders by 1st April 2012The Clerk reported that about 10 out of 40, plot holders had not yet forwarded their rent payment. It was suggested that plots were monitored to ensure they were being cultivated. Upchurch Scout GroupA request to the use Recreation Ground for lighting of a Bonfire Beacon on Monday 4th June between 10.00 and 10.30pm to coincide with others across the country. It was agreed to allow this request subject to a risk assessment being carried out.
Paddock Renewal of LeaseCllr Lewin will investigate this further. Footballs being kicked into the Paddock It was suggested to see if this issue was resolved by installing goal posts in the Recreation Ground before installing netting on the boundary of the Paddock. The Clerk will also inform PCSO John Cork of the problems this issue causes residents in Oak Lane opposite the Paddock.           
Burial Ground and Churchyard Tree Related Subsidence at 2 Horsham LaneQuotes have been received for the removal of 8 large conifers and 1 ash tree in the Burial Ground and it is hoped to carry this work out as soon as possible. Repairs to Church yard gateMembers were grateful for the repair work undertaken by Frank Osborne.
EnvironmentQueens Diamond JubileeCllr Kennard has kindly offered a tree for the Council to plant in the Paddock and it is hoped to arrange this for the autumn. It was agreed to purchase 505 mugs to the sum of £1,136.25 plus VAT for the children of our village of primary school age. These would be given to all the children in the school and also to children living in the parish that attended another primary school. It was hoped to sell some at cost at the fete and also make them available to anyone wishing to purchase one.
Highways - Proposed waiting restrictions in village centre - Members commented on the proposal for double yellow lines on the corner of the junction between Oak Lane and Chaffes Lane, outside Snaffles and bordering the Paddock. Also on the corner of the junction between Chaffes Lane and Church Farm Road, and the corner of the junction between Forge Lane and Church Farm Road. It was suggested to consult residents on this proposal at the Annual Parish Meeting. Pavement Parking – A letter from Terry Lewis concerned that there had been an increase around the village of people parking on pavements. Motorists are requested to act sensitively when parking, leaving a gap no less than 1 metre.                                   
Next meetingsAnnual Parish Meeting 26th April at 7.30pm at Upchurch Village Hall – Everyone is welcome, refreshments will be available after the meeting. 3rd May and 7th June at 7.30pm in the hall of Holywell Primary School.
Claire Attaway, Parish Clerk, 33 Church Farm Road Tel: 01634 363906.
Opening hours Monday – Thursday 9am - 12pm.
Upchurch Parish Council


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