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Monday, 2 August 2021

Upchurch Village Hall Invites you to Afternoon Tea

Saturday 21st August from 3:00pm to 5:00pm

As part of the full re-opening, the Upchurch Village Hall Management Committee would like to say “thank you” to the residents and organisations of Upchurch for supporting us prior to and during the closure. During the closure, we commissioned a significant amount of work on refreshing the hall ceiling, floor, electrics, and fire systems.

We are inviting you to accept our free afternoon tea, made by members of the Upchurch WI, from 3:00pm - 5:00pm when you will be able to sit and talk to friends whilst drinking a cup of tea, coffee or soft drink with a slice of homemade cake.

This invitation, open to all residents, will give you a chance to engage with village organisations present on the day. A chance to discover what plans they have going forward, to be talked into becoming a member, to be offered something to purchase etc. In fact a chance for us all to reconnect with each other again in the life of this village.

The following organisations are planning to be represented with others to confirm - the Choral Society, the Friends of St Mary, the Guides, “Old School Afternoon Teas”, the Players [oh yes they are!], the Scouts, “Smile Malawi”, St Mary’s church, UpARA, the Women’s Institute and “Wooden Crafts”.

If any others want a free stand please show your interest by contacting Gerry Lewin 01634 366113 / 07946 996789.

Covid-19 all but closed the Village Hall for use since April 2020. On the 19th July Government made its Roadmap announcements and the hall is fully open up to its regular users and new hirers.

We look forward to seeing you there with the family.

David Steward - Chairman UVH


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