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Sunday, 1 August 2021

UpARA - August 2021 Newsletter

Hello UpARA members,

We are now pretty much back to where we were before the Pandemic, with most of our activities having restarted towards the end of July. We very much hope that this continues into the future with no more ‘disruptions’. We do not expect things to go back to where they were straight away and will support all activities to get back to becoming ‘self-supporting’. One activity that we are not restarting quite yet is Pilates, Janetta has decided not to return again this year, although she will continue with her online classes.

URGENT- New Treasurer required

As you will know, John Tutt will be stepping down as Treasurer at the next AGM. We urgently need someone to fill the void, ideally to be in a position to take over the running of the accounts from the beginning of the next financial year ie March 2022.

This will require changing details with the bank prior to this though, so we need someone to step forward very soon. Banking of cheques and cash can now be made at the Post Office which takes a lot of the pain out of the role. Please, if you feel you could be suited to this or would like a bit more detail before committing, please step forward.

The thoughts of Chairman John

Hi everyone, 

After all the false starts, lockdowns and self-Isolations, our greetings when we meet now seem to begin with “have you been Pinged?”

Despite all the distractions, UpARA is now up and running; our outdoor activities have been very well attended - in fact, we almost ran out of UpARA Boules at the first Meeting! - and recently restarted activities also very encouraging.

Throughout the Pandemic, two of your committee members, particularly, have been beavering away behind the scenes, I've tried to give them some recognition before but they both declined. The amount of time they have both given to us, (with Trips cancelled / re-booked, together with developing a full diary of trips, Emails, Risk Assessments, Hall bookings and all the paperwork required to conform with Covid Regulations, these don't happen by magic!).

Thanks, on behalf of all the members for your sterling work - Malcolm for the Trips & Holidays and Bryn for everything else involved with Communications to all our members.

Finally, looking forward to seeing all of you again, especially our new members, welcome to UpARA I'm sure you will enjoy what we have to offer!

John W 

Social Activities 

We are hoping to introduce a (fairly) regular Friday Social afternoon.

The idea is that you bring your own food & drink etc and we lay on some various entertainments for everyone’s enjoyment.

Places would be requested as they are now for other social events and there will be a table plan so you can sit with friends and avoid mad scrambles for seats!

This month sees the first, and is the breakout party, on the evening of the 13th with Nick Bosworth as our entertainment. We are hoping for a great night.

On Friday afternoon 24th September will see our next and will be the annual quiz, from 2:00pm to 5:00pm. Our last quiz in January 2020 was very well received and seemed to be really enjoyed by everyone who came. More details soon.

We then have Jeff Pedley entertaining us with some acoustic melodies on Friday 29th October from 2:00pm

Further socials will follow, so if you have any ideas for a theme, or know some entertainers please let us know. Choirs / West End Musical Hits / Horse Racing / Tribute Artists, all things considered, as long as we all have a good time, especially through the Winter afternoons.

August Calendar 

Mondays August 2nd, 9th, 16th, 23rd - 10:00am - Short / Soft Tennis

Monday August 2nd 2:00pm - Kurling

Tuesday August 3rd 9:30am - Coffee Morning

Tuesday August 3rd 2:00pm - Table Tennis

Wednesdays August 4th, 11th, 18th, 25th, 10:30am - Line Dancing

Friday August 6th 10:00am - Walk (venue TBA)

Friday August 13th 2:00pm - Monthly Meeting

Friday August 13th 7:00pm - Break Out Party

Tuesday August 17th - Oxford Day Trip

Tuesday August 17th 2:00pm - Petanque

Friday August 20th 10:00am - Walk (venue TBA)

Tuesday August 24th 9:30am - Coffee Morning

Tuesday August 24th 9:45am - Art

Tuesday August 24th 2:00pm - Table Tennis

Regards and hopefully see you all soon - your UpARA Committee.


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