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Tuesday, 26 May 2020

Swale Borough Council - New Government Discretionary Grant Fund for Small Businesses

Small businesses affected by coronavirus, that didn’t qualify for previous government grants, may be able to get help from a new scheme.

The new discretionary grant scheme is aimed at specific types of micro and small businesses and charities that were not eligible for the small business grant scheme or the retail, leisure and hospitality grant scheme.

Cllr Monique Bonney, cabinet member for economy and property at Swale Borough Council, said:

“There are lots of local businesses that are struggling but don’t qualify for any of the grants offered so far.

The government have now recognised this and made available some funding to help plug some of the gaps.

I’d urge anyone who thinks they might be eligible to have a look and apply - if you are, it could go some way toward helping you get through the current crisis.”

Due to the limited amount of funding available, applications will be assessed in a single round to provide a consistent and fair approach and try to make sure as many businesses as possible can benefit.

The government has asked councils to prioritise grants for:

small businesses in shared premises or other flexible workspaces, e.g. industrial parks, science parks, incubators etc, which do not have their own business rates assessment
 regular market traders who do not have their own business rates assessment
 B&B’s that pay council tax instead of business rates
 charity properties in receipt of charitable business rates relief that could otherwise have been eligible for small business rates relief or rural rate relief

There are other criteria for businesses to meet, and there’s more information, including how to apply, at

Applications will be open until 11:59pm on Tuesday, 16th June and payments will be made to successful applicants as soon as is possible after a decision is made.

Swale Borough Council


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