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Friday, 22 May 2020

UPDATED - Notification of Works - Traffic Signals at A2 - Key Street Interchange

Click drawing to enlarge.

Further to the notification below I have to inform you that the planned start of the construction works has been delayed. The anticipated new start date for the construction is Monday 6th July 2020, but again this assumes that Kent County Council receive approvals for the design and legal agreements from Highways England are in place.

In order to maintain the current Highways England road closure order for the A249 slip road we will be undertaking a single nights work on Monday 1st June 2020 with the slip road closed. The only works being undertaken on this night will be setting out and scanning for statutory undertakers apparatus. There will be no construction activities on this night. If we were not able to undertake this single nights slip road closure then we would have to apply for a new temporary slip road order which would result in our works being delayed until August 2020.


The A2 Key Street Interchange Traffic Signal installation work is due to start on Monday 1st June with the Principal Contractor Amey Highways undertaking the installation.

The works entail the installation of traffic signals to the northbound off slip road to the A249. The existing pedestrian crossing point to the slip road is to be upgraded to a signal controlled crossing point. Road markings will also be changed to the roundabout gyratory to include destination legends and arrows to the lanes. The changes are to assist with traffic flow and capacity both on the slip road and roundabout gyratory.

We are currently in the process of obtaining Technical Approvals with Highways England. This has been a challenge, especially as the DBFO are also involved, and a Section 6 Agreement is currently awaiting sign offs but we hope that this will not cause any undue delay.

The works will be carried out overnight weekday nights between the hours of 8:00pm and 5:00am over a period of 4 weeks.

KCC Streetworks bookings are confirmed and the Highways England TTRO for night time slip road closures is in place.

We will be installing variable message signs, carrying out a letter drop to residents and businesses close by and notifying other stakeholders who could be affected all in advance of the works. We will also be contacting Swale Borough Council Environmental Team.

I have attached a drawing extract indicating the location of the traffic signal works for your information.

Andrew Bond

Kent County Council - Highways, Transportation & Waste


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