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Friday, 29 May 2020

Important New Survey - Restarting the NHS - Help Shape the Future

Dear Kent and Medway resident,

The NHS across Kent and Medway has risen to the challenge of responding to the initial impact of the Coronavirus pandemic. Clinicians and thousands of support staff have worked tirelessly to care for the most seriously ill whilst maintaining other essential urgent services.

Together with our partners we are now planning to restart health services which we have had to pause. The virus is still with us and we need to stay alert to keep further spread as low as possible.

We have launched an online survey for patients and families so that we can find out about what you think of changes that we had to put in place such as moving many appointments to telephone, video or online consultations. We also want to find out why some people stayed away from NHS services and about your views on appointments being delayed. This will inform what we do next, and how we reassure the public about the safety of NHS services whilst Coronavirus is still around.

Please complete the survey now

Please respond to the survey here: 

It is open until Monday 15th June. Please share it with family and friends so we can get as many views as possible.

It is vital that we learn from patients, local communities, carers and, of course, staff. We will be carrying out further engagement over the summer to help us understand how the pandemic has affected local people and if some of the urgent changes we made have actually been positive changes that we should keep? 

Join us at a public online meeting, Wednesday 3rd June, 2:00pm

Wilf Williams, Accountable Officer, and Cathy Finnis, lay-member for patient and public involvement Kent and Medway Clinical Commissioning Group will be hosting a public online briefing on Wednesday 3rd June from 14:00 to 14:30 to explain about the role of Kent and Medway Clinical Commissioning Group and our plans for public engagement going forward. There will be an opportunity to ask Wilf and Cathy questions. Come and meet the new Clinical Commissioning Group at this live event – all are welcome!

To join the meeting please click on the link:

The meeting will be run through Microsoft Teams Live. Some devices may require that you download Microsoft Teams to access the meeting.

If you have any queries about the online event or about the survey please contact:

We look forward to hearing from you.

NHS Kent and Medway Clinical Commissioning Group

The pocket guide to the Thames and Medway Wildlife

Available for pre-order today.
Proprietors of Jetstream Tours and Upchurch residents, Tanya Ferry with husband Richard founded their not for profit Living River Foundation in 2018 to monitor, raise awareness, protect and improve the Thames and Medway rivers.

Now with the help of some expert friends, Tanya is about to publish her new book “The pocket guide to the Thames and Medway Wildlife”.

This brand-new guide is a bitesize introduction to the marvels of estuary life and is full of fun facts and key pointers on how to enjoy local wildlife without damaging it and features charming illustrations from a range of UK artists.

Whether you are a fisherman (or woman), sailor, kayaker, walking the estuaries or just interested in learning more about wildlife, the guides small size means you can always take it with you, keep it on your boat or safe in your bookcase at home.

“The pocket guide to the Thames and Medway Wildlife” is available for pre-order today at: until distribution at the end of June.

Read more about the couple's work with Living River Foundation at: and follow them at:

To see the Medway and Thames like never before, visit:

Upchurch Matters

Thursday, 28 May 2020

Water Use is Soaring! - Please Save Water at Home in the Sunshine

Water use is soaring so we need your help!

Lots of us are spending more time at home. Because of this - and the warm weather we're enjoying - demand for water has rocketed.

What’s the issue?

Hot temperatures and dry weather last Bank Holiday saw exceptional demand placed on the drinking water network as everyone spent more time at home, particularly in the garden.

This meant we had to pump an extra 140 million litres of water into our pipeline network on Monday to keep up with demand. The amount of water used was around a third more than usual for this time of year!

It looks like this warm weather is set to continue.

What we’re doing?

We've been treating and pumping an additional 78 million litres of water a day through our network. But more water is being used on DIY projects and gardening which is contributing to the additional 14% of water we're treating and pumping through our network.

Garden sprinklers alone use as much water in an hour as a family of six uses in a day, which contributes to an increased demand of 70% on hot days.

This extra water use puts an increasing strain on the extensive network of pipes, pumping stations and treatment works we look after and it can lead to low pressure or a loss of water for some customers at times of peak demand such as the early evening.

We understand that the world we now live in is very different to before and although we make very sophisticated plans covering the next 60 years of water use, as with everyone else, we could never have predicted this unprecedented situation which COVID-19 has brought about.

The water is available in our boreholes and key reservoirs, the problem we’re facing is that at times people use water at a faster rate than we can pump it from our sources, treat it and get it to customers’ taps.

Our key worker teams worked tirelessly over the weekend to keep taps running and will continue to do so, but to ensure there is enough water for everyone as the hot weather continues we need your help.

How you can help us

We’re asking everyone to help make sure there’s enough water to go around by taking 2 simple steps:

1. Let your lawn go brown

2. Be proud of your dirty car

These 2 easy actions will help make sure there is enough water for our communities, while fighting the virus.

Water is a key tool in the fight against the virus as it keeps people healthy and hydrated and is essential to keep up with the extra hygiene measures everyone is taking. Water is also key for the hospitals and care homes across the South East region so we need your help making sure there’s enough to go around.

Find out how you can help and claim some water-saving freebies at >>

Thank you and stay safe

The South East Water team

Wednesday, 27 May 2020

Temporary Road Closure - The Street, Hartlip

Kent County Council has made an order to temporarily prohibit through traffic on part of The Street, Hartlip from Wednesday 3rd June 2020, between the hours of 07:00 and 19:00, with estimated completion by 4th June 2020.

The Street will be closed will be closed between the junctions with Dane Lane and Place Lane, to the extent indicated by signs and barriers on site.

The closure is required for the safety of the public and workforce while carriageway patching and preservation works are undertaken by Kent County Council.

The alternative route for any through traffic is via Munns Lane, Lower Hartlip Road, Mount Lane and vice versa.

Access for emergency service vehicles and pedestrians will be maintained at all times during the closure.

The KCC Highways 24hr Contact Centre helpline is: 03000 418181

For details of roadworks see:

Kent County Council - Highways, Transportation & Waste

Temporary Road Closure - Lower Hartlip Road, Hartlip

Kent County Council has made an order to temporarily prohibit through traffic on part of Lower Hartlip Road, Hartlip from Monday 1st June 2020, between the hours of 07:00 and 19:00, with estimated completion by 3rd June 2020.

Lower Hartlip Road will be closed between the junctions with A2 London Road and Place Lane, to the extent indicated by signs and barriers on site.

The closure is required for the safety of the public and workforce while carriageway patching and preservation works are undertaken by Kent County Council.

The alternative route for any through traffic is via A2 Hartlip Hill, Mill Lane, Munns Lane, The Street, Mount Lane and vice versa.

Access for emergency service vehicles and pedestrians will be maintained at all times during the closure.

The KCC Highways 24hr Contact Centre helpline is: 03000 418181

For details of roadworks see:

Kent County Council - Highways, Transportation & Waste

Tuesday, 26 May 2020

Swale Borough Council - New Government Discretionary Grant Fund for Small Businesses

Small businesses affected by coronavirus, that didn’t qualify for previous government grants, may be able to get help from a new scheme.

The new discretionary grant scheme is aimed at specific types of micro and small businesses and charities that were not eligible for the small business grant scheme or the retail, leisure and hospitality grant scheme.

Cllr Monique Bonney, cabinet member for economy and property at Swale Borough Council, said:

“There are lots of local businesses that are struggling but don’t qualify for any of the grants offered so far.

The government have now recognised this and made available some funding to help plug some of the gaps.

I’d urge anyone who thinks they might be eligible to have a look and apply - if you are, it could go some way toward helping you get through the current crisis.”

Due to the limited amount of funding available, applications will be assessed in a single round to provide a consistent and fair approach and try to make sure as many businesses as possible can benefit.

The government has asked councils to prioritise grants for:

small businesses in shared premises or other flexible workspaces, e.g. industrial parks, science parks, incubators etc, which do not have their own business rates assessment
 regular market traders who do not have their own business rates assessment
 B&B’s that pay council tax instead of business rates
 charity properties in receipt of charitable business rates relief that could otherwise have been eligible for small business rates relief or rural rate relief

There are other criteria for businesses to meet, and there’s more information, including how to apply, at

Applications will be open until 11:59pm on Tuesday, 16th June and payments will be made to successful applicants as soon as is possible after a decision is made.

Swale Borough Council

Friday, 22 May 2020

Medway Council - New Government Discretionary Grant Fund for Small Businesses

Small businesses in Medway will be able to apply for funding as part of a new scheme to further support the economy during the coronavirus pandemic.

The government has introduced a discretionary grant fund for small businesses which are experiencing financial difficulties.

Medway Council has pledged to continue supporting its local small businesses throughout the pandemic and is encouraging eligible business owners to apply for this new funding scheme. The council will be granting funding of up to £10,000 to small businesses which meet the criteria, as part of the new government fund.

The discretionary grant fund is only for businesses with fewer than 50 employees and which have not benefited from other government COVID-19 support schemes, excluding the coronavirus job retention scheme (furlough).

Medway Council will prioritise the funding for the following businesses, in line with government guidance:

small businesses in shared offices or other flexible workspaces, which do not have their own business rates assessment
 regular market traders with fixed building costs, who do not have their own business rate assessment
 bed and breakfasts which pay council tax instead of business rates
 charity properties in receipt of charitable business rates relief, and which would otherwise have been eligible for small business rates relief or rural rate relief

Businesses in Medway have between Tuesday, 26th May and 12noon on Friday, 5th June to submit their application for the discretionary business grant fund. Medway Council will be making payments to successful applicants from late June onwards.

Medway small businesses eligible to apply for this funding must do so by the deadline and by visiting

Cllr Alan Jarrett, Leader of Medway Council, said:

“Medway has a diverse economy made up of 14,000 businesses of all sizes and some of those will be eligible to apply for this new discretionary grant fund. I would encourage small businesses which meet the criteria and are experiencing financial difficulties due to the current coronavirus restrictions to apply to Medway Council for this financial support. We will continue to do all we can to protect our local businesses and strengthen our economy so Medway continues to build a sustainable future with jobs and a variety of amenities on our doorstep.”

Medway Council

UPDATED - Notification of Works - Traffic Signals at A2 - Key Street Interchange

Click drawing to enlarge.

Further to the notification below I have to inform you that the planned start of the construction works has been delayed. The anticipated new start date for the construction is Monday 6th July 2020, but again this assumes that Kent County Council receive approvals for the design and legal agreements from Highways England are in place.

In order to maintain the current Highways England road closure order for the A249 slip road we will be undertaking a single nights work on Monday 1st June 2020 with the slip road closed. The only works being undertaken on this night will be setting out and scanning for statutory undertakers apparatus. There will be no construction activities on this night. If we were not able to undertake this single nights slip road closure then we would have to apply for a new temporary slip road order which would result in our works being delayed until August 2020.


The A2 Key Street Interchange Traffic Signal installation work is due to start on Monday 1st June with the Principal Contractor Amey Highways undertaking the installation.

The works entail the installation of traffic signals to the northbound off slip road to the A249. The existing pedestrian crossing point to the slip road is to be upgraded to a signal controlled crossing point. Road markings will also be changed to the roundabout gyratory to include destination legends and arrows to the lanes. The changes are to assist with traffic flow and capacity both on the slip road and roundabout gyratory.

We are currently in the process of obtaining Technical Approvals with Highways England. This has been a challenge, especially as the DBFO are also involved, and a Section 6 Agreement is currently awaiting sign offs but we hope that this will not cause any undue delay.

The works will be carried out overnight weekday nights between the hours of 8:00pm and 5:00am over a period of 4 weeks.

KCC Streetworks bookings are confirmed and the Highways England TTRO for night time slip road closures is in place.

We will be installing variable message signs, carrying out a letter drop to residents and businesses close by and notifying other stakeholders who could be affected all in advance of the works. We will also be contacting Swale Borough Council Environmental Team.

I have attached a drawing extract indicating the location of the traffic signal works for your information.

Andrew Bond

Kent County Council - Highways, Transportation & Waste

Urgent Road Closure - The Street, Hartlip

Urgent Road Closure - The Street, Hartlip - Tuesday 26th May 2020

Kent County Council gives notice that The Street, Hartlip will be closed to through traffic, on or after Tuesday 26th May 2020 for up to 4 days.

The road will be closed at the junctions of Munns Lane and Hollow Lane.

The alternative route is via Hollow Lane, A2 and Munns Lane.

It is planned that the road will be closed between 08:00 hrs and 17:00 hrs each day.

This is to enable drainage repairs to be carried out by Kent County Council.

For information regarding this closure please contact Kent County Council on:

03000 418181 (9:00am - 5:00pm)
03000 419191 (5:00pm - 9:00am)

For details of roadworks see:

Kent County Council - Highways, Transportation & Waste

Thursday, 21 May 2020

Message to Residents from Cllr Alan Jarrett, Leader of Medway Council

Cllr Alan Jarrett.
“Dear residents,

I hope you are keeping well and enjoying the lovely weather.

My last message followed the Prime Minister’s announcement which outlined a route map for the gradual lifting of restrictions over the coming months. We are now enjoying the benefits of some of the gentle changes, such as being able to safely enjoy our open spaces and country parks in the warmer weather we’re currently experiencing and see more of our loved ones safely.

I continue daily to wonder at our marvellous NHS staff who so selflessly put the wellbeing of others before their own. We thank them and the other First Responders for everything they are doing for us on a daily basis in order to keep us safe and well. Of course Medway Council is also a First Responder, and all too often the major contribution being made by all our staff is not necessarily recognised by the wider public. Council staff are all too often the unsung heroes in a crisis, and never more so than over the last weeks.

I’m aware a few residents have been in touch querying if you’ll get a reduction in council tax, suggesting that our services are closed for business. I can reaffirm that we are and have remained opened for business throughout the pandemic. In fact, I am extremely proud of your council’s commitment to continue to provide as many services as we possibly can within government guidelines and our quick response to adapt our services at the beginning of the pandemic to offer innovative ways to ensure residents could still access Medway’s services whilst at home during lockdown. I want to share with you today just some of the many things we have been doing.

Supporting the most vulnerable in our communities remains one of the most important things we do and our social workers have continued to be at the front line every single day. Whether that has been working with our children and families, or with the over 6,000 adults who are amongst our ‘shielded’ population, the contribution of our social workers has been amazing.

So too colleagues in Public Health, who have been very much at the sharp end of this crisis. Whether that has been overseeing the delivery and distribution of food parcels to those in need, or the packing and delivery of over 100,000 meals, or their wider work with the community and community and voluntary groups providing shopping and prescription collection services or just phoning isolated residents for a chat, their efforts have been unstinting.

Most of our schools have remained open in order to host the children of our key workers, in order for them to continue working on our behalf. Children with special needs and disabilities have also been able to attend school as required. For the commitment of our school staff – whether that is in maintained schools or academies and free schools - no praise is too high and I joined with many yesterday in thanking them on National Thank A Teacher Day.

Our contractors at Medway Norse have worked miracles in maintaining our marvellous weekly waste collection service, one of your most valued services. When closed services have been reopened, once again our contractors have stepped up to the plate with grass cutting resumed from early May, and our HWRCs reopened just this weekend. As soon as government guidance allowed we reopened our country park car parks, making it easier for our people to enjoy our beautiful open spaces. All of the contracted services have of course been overseen by our full-time staff.

Our Finance Team have worked tirelessly to implement swiftly government financial support schemes to ensure those most in need receive the support required. They have supported Medway across the spectrum from council tax benefits to small business grants. The distribution of grants has so far exceeded £55,000,000 and there is more to come.

We have continued a busy schedule of road maintenance ready for when more traffic returns to our roads. 732 jobs have been completed on our roads since 23 March as well as a major project to replace lamp columns.

Our Customer Support team has taken around 5,000 calls a week to help residents’ queries ensuring you have someone to turn to in need of help and we have worked hard throughout to communicate important messages to you and ensure you can also access many of our services online.

Where we’ve not been able to provide services directly, we’ve come up with some creative solutions. Our libraries have given residents access to thousands of ebooks, audio books and emagazines and we’ve created a huge number of free online videos of live sports work outs, health and well being sessions and creative courses.

Ensuring the well being of our children and young people is one of Medway’s top priorities and our Early Help teams have provided many children and families with activity and reading packs over the past months and the many letters of thanks have demonstrated how much they are enjoying them. And our Youth Services Teams have been holding many different activity sessions to keep young people busy each week online.

With many of our services closed down we have seen staff either working from home or redeployed. Staff have been redeployed to assist with packaging and deliveries, the crematorium, and indeed going to wherever they are needed to ensure residents continue to receive our ongoing help and support. There has been a demonstration of flexibility and commitment to Medway’s people the like of which we have never seen before and I would like to pay tribute to them all for all their hard work. Much of this goes on behind the scenes. You may not be seeing people out and about every day but I can assure you that we have never been busier.

Whilst we continue to work hard in response to the ongoing pandemic and deliver vital services for you all, as well as offer affected services in different ways, we are also planning for when our services can return to normal.

This pandemic is affecting us all and as this week is also Mental Health Awareness Week we are reminding residents of the support services available during COVID-19 including the Release the Pressure helpline and text service. Residents can text the word ‘Medway’ to 85258, to start a conversation with one of the many trained and experienced volunteers. People needing support can also call 0800 107 0160 where support is available from trained and experienced staff on this freephone number 24 hours a day 365 days a year. Please do look after yourselves and your loved ones at this difficult time.

Stay alert, control the virus, save lives.”

Cllr Alan Jarrett

Wednesday, 20 May 2020

Upchurch Parish Council Report - April / May 2020

Report of the Parish Council April / May 2020

Cllr Tyrone Ripley (Chairman), Cllr John Arnold (Vice-Chairman), Cllr Pam Denny, Cllr Alan Horton, Cllr Gerry Lewin, Cllr Peter Masson, Cllr Janet Marshall, Cllr Gary Rosewell and Cllr Neil Sheppard. Clerk Mrs Wendy Licence.

Parish Council Meetings
The Local Authorities (Coronavirus) (Flexibility of Local Authority Meetings) Regulations 2020 now gives Local Councils the power to meet remotely during this COVID-19 pandemic and Upchurch Parish Council is now holding meetings virtually.
Cllr Tyrone Ripley has been elected Chairman and Cllr John Arnold has been elected as Vice-Chairman.

Following Government guidelines to stay safe by avoiding using playgrounds, Upchurch Parish Council has closed the Play Area at the Paddock until further notice. It cannot be guaranteed with the volume of people using them that they are not contributing to the spread of the virus as playground equipment cannot be sanitised after each use. 
Government guidelines on social distancing should be observed at all times when exercising at The Paddock and Recreation Ground and also when walking or running along public footpaths and this will help keep all members of our community safe.

The Council has accepted an offer of a grant from KCC Cllr Whiting’s Grant Fund to purchase ​hand sanitiser ​for the village. ​This will be distributed to the school, volunteers, the surgery and Nursery Days to help control the spread of any infections.

i. Ref: 20/501448/OUT Address: Land At Oak Lane Upchurch Kent ME9 7AY
Proposal: Outline application for the erection of 7no. residential dwellings (all matters reserved except for access).
Councillors considered the application and acknowledged the changes made against the previous application. Councillors did not object to the new proposal in principle but had great concerns over the possibility of future potential applications on the land at the back of this plot and wanted to see some method of ensuring the development does not spread on to surrounding plots. Any S106 should remain in the village.

ii. Ref: 20/501475/FULL Address: Land Rear of Eden Meadow, High Street Newington 
Proposal: Erection of 40 No. residential dwellings including affordable housing and associated car parking, hardstanding, landscaping and open spaces, infrastructure including SuDs and earthworks accessed from the existing junction serving Eden Meadow from the A2 High Street.
Although not in the Parish, Councillors considered the application and agreed to object to the proposal. Concern was raised about the impact of the development on Upchurch as it will generate additional traffic on an already overburdened road system through the country lanes and the A2. This will further add to the pollution and poor air quality especially given the recent changes in road improvement schemes along the A249 where Swale Borough Council is withdrawing support for highway junction improvements on the A249 and M2J5/A249.

iii. Ref:20/501340/FULL Address: 8 Chaffes Terrace Chaffes Lane Upchurch Kent ME9 7BQ
Proposal: Erection of part two, part single storey side extension.
Councillors considered the application and had no objections to the proposal and requested that neighbours’ comments be taken into consideration.

iv. Ref: 20/500657/FULL Address: 90 Chaffes Lane Upchurch Kent ME9 7BH 
Proposal: Erection of a single storey front/side and rear extension.
Councillors considered the application and had no objections to the proposal and requested that neighbours’ comments be taken into consideration.

v. Ref: 20/501183/FULL Address: Caravan Storage Area Otterham Quay Industrial Estate Otterham Quay Lane Upchurch Kent ME8 7UX
Proposal: Change of use of land for the siting of up to 36no. specialist residential mobile homes with associated services, access, parking and turning area.
Councillors were concerned at the lack of detail in the proposal. There needs to be more detail as to the makeup of residents for these homes given its close proximity to Beckenham Park which is for people over the age of forty and there are restrictions on pets permitted. 
Councillors agreed to object to the proposal due to the lack of information, lack of services and cohesion with the local community.

vi. Ref: 20/501645/FULL Address: Gore Farm Chaffes Lane Upchurch Kent ME9 7BE
Proposal: Erection of an agricultural building for secure storage, including provision of an area of hardstanding and concrete for access and bin storage.
Councillors considered the application and supported the proposal subject to local comments.

vii. 20/501701/FULL Minor material amendment to 16/506986/FULL (Demolition of no. 116 Oak Lane and construction of 2 no. three bedroom houses and 1 no. four bedroom with associated garages and parking.) to allow amendments to the proposed road widening and traffic calming measures.
Councillors considered the application for minor amendments to the traffic calming scheme, the original proposal for the houses has already been permitted. A traffic calming scheme is the desire of the Parish Council and is supported by the public consultation although some residents do not want the scheme as it is. Residents are also concerned that vehicles frequently mounting the pavement. 
It was agreed to ask if KCC Highways consider it to be safe at this point in Oak Lane to have traffic calming and leave the design up to the expertise of the engineer from KCC Highways.

Paddock and Recreation Ground
The Council has accepted a quotation to install adult outdoor fitness equipment in The Paddock. This will be paid for by the S106 money from the development at Kent Terrace.

Burial Ground
The rose beds at the Burial Ground have been consecrated by the Ven Stephen Taylor, the Archdeacon of Maidstone, and Bishop Rose, the new Bishop of Dover.

Church Clock
The clock is functioning really well although there has been an issue with the chimes but this has now been resolved. The Council has been trying to get a plaque for the eastern side of the church door to commemorate the refurbishment of the clock for the centenary of the end of the Great War. Swale Borough Council Planning Department has advised that a full architect’s report and a planning application are required, this would be very expensive and might not get approval so it would not be appropriate to pay for this. It is hoped that some recognition of the act can be placed internally in the church.

Highways and Street Lighting
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the lighting contractor has advised the Council that there is a problem sourcing the parts for the upgrade of the street lighting. Due to a huge increase in the cost of Air Freight following the COVID-19 lockdown and the parts will now be delivered by sea and there will be a delay in upgrading the streetlights to LEDs.

This is a precis of Council business, full minutes of all meetings can be found on the website when ratified.

Date of next meetings:
Full Council - Thursday 4th June 2020 at 7:30pm
The Planning Committee and General Purposes Committee - Wednesday 17th June at 7:30pm 

All meetings will be held remotely due to the Government lockdown.

All residents are welcome to view the meetings and there is a time for members of the public to comment, raise concerns or ask questions. 

Please contact the Clerk, to obtain login details for the meeting.

Wendy Licence - Clerk to the Parish Council
Tel: 01622 739324

Statement from Cllr Roger Truelove, Leader of Swale Borough Council

Cllr Roger Truelove.

“It is two months now since the council closed its offices and councillors and staff took their laptops and set up office in their homes.

Since then the work has continued, with normal services maintained and a whole set of new responsibilities carried out at the request of Government.

We have run community support hubs, supported foodbanks, distributed government business grants and found accommodation for rough sleepers and a growing number of homeless people.

We have worked with the Government, the County Council, the NHS and the Police. We have had officers out at weekends monitoring the public response to social distancing.

Like other Councils we have fought to maintain as high a level of waste collection as possible.

We now estimate the extra responsibilities and the loss of normal income will leave with us a shortfall of £4 million on our basic budget. This will be hard but I believe we will manage.

This is the worst of times. The isolation forced on so many, especially frail and vulnerable people is difficult to maintain.

It is hard for all of us to be cut off from family and friends and to be denied those things that we enjoy in life, such as going to a football match, the cinema, to restaurants or meeting friends in a pub.

It is asking much of faith groups not to attend church, mosque or synagogue.

Above all, and dependent on our different temperaments, we share an underlying anxiety, about health, jobs, the economy and of course our children.

We want to see an end but we don’t know when that end will be.

Ironically, there are some ways that this has been the best of times.

We have seen an outburst of decency, of community support, of care for others, of courage and selflessness.

We have seen an improvement in our environment, cleaner air and quiet only broken by the sound of birds.

The advice to take daily exercise has enabled people to discover peaceful walks into our countryside.

We have discovered just how important our frontline workers are.

Let us hope that when we get back to watching football and eating out, that we retain this sense of community and mutual regard.

This is a time for wisdom, not foolishness. We have seen how important our public services are and how important it is to work together.

I am conscious that as a Council we must play our part in building a recovery. There will be a legacy that goes beyond the need for health care. We already see a rise in unemployment.

But we must not be overcome with anxieties.

We will continue with our determined aim of improving our public spaces, our town centres and our coast.

We will work with others to build a stronger local economy.

We will continue work to improve our environment and we will create stronger links between our council and voluntary and charitable groups in the community.

We have worked well remotely. Meetings are held through Skype, within Swale and with others across the county and the country.

It has been very hard for everyone but we will learn lessons and build a strong recovery.”

Cllr Roger Truelove
Leader, Swale Borough Council

New Online Book Club for Young People

Medway Libraries has partnered with the Medway Youth Service to deliver a new online Book Club for young people ages 8 to 19, and up to 25 with additional needs.

For June they have different titles for each age group, please see below. All of the titles are free to download. There are sessions scheduled for different ages at the times shown below.

If you are interested in joining please Email the relevant librarian shown below:

For ages 8 to 12 Email:

For ages 13 to 16 and 16+ group 

Once you have contacted your librarian, they will sign you up to the library and help you to download Microsoft Teams if needed.

And if you or someone you know aren't already members you can sign up online today, it's a quick and simple process giving you access to all of their online materials.

Upchurch Matters

Tuesday, 19 May 2020

Swale Borough Council Waste Collections Rise During Government Lockdown

The amount of domestic waste being collected across Swale has increased by almost ten percent compared to last year.

With more people staying at home during the day during lockdown, initial figures show that Swale collected 4,354 tonnes of domestic waste during April this year, compared to 3,976 tonnes in month in April last year.

Within this figure, general waste rose 9.4%, recycling was up 12.4% and food waste rose 77.5%. Garden waste - which was suspended for two weeks in April was down 20.9%.

Cllr Tim Valentine, cabinet member for the environment at the council, said:

“The increase in the amount of waste collected has been substantial. In practical terms this is seen with fuller bins requiring more journeys to empty the vehicles more frequently. This has a knock-on effect for collections scheduled later in the day.

The increase in recycling is welcomed, and I hope this will continue. Despite there not being a service for two weeks in the month, garden waste tonnages only fell by 20 per cent. That means that 80 percent of the usual garden waste was collected for compost in the other couple of weeks - that’s a phenomenal amount!

In particular we welcome the substantial increase in food waste being recycled. This is a great way to be more environmentally friendly. But we do need to try to reduce the amount of general waste we’re throwing away.

Unfortunately, with the increase in the other waste streams and reduced staff levels, it meant the garden waste service hasn’t been as reliable as we would expect normally. This is why we will be giving subscribers affected by the service suspension in April a free month on top of their current package.

Overall, given the extremely trying circumstances, the service has coped well with the pressures it has faced.

People’s patience has been greatly appreciated, and I’d like to thank everyone for their continued understanding.”

For more information about waste collections visit:

Swale Borough Council


Whoever you are, there is no excuse for Domestic Abuse

In an emergency dial 999 or 101 for non-emergencies. 
You can also speak to someone online at:

There are other agencies working with Kent Police to support you:

National Domestic Abuse Helpline: 0808 2000 247

Domestic Abuse Support Services in Kent & Medway:

Victim Support: 08 08 16 89 111

Broken Rainbow:

Childline: 0800 1111

Kent Police


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