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Members of Medway Council’s Planning Committee have this evening granted outline planning permission by 5 to 2 for up to 202 new homes in Rainham North Ward, on land known locally as Woolley's Orchard - the former Boot Fair field on the Lower Rainham Road, Rainham - subject to section 106 agreement and conditions.
In June 2018, landowners Peel Investments North Limited submitted outline planning application: MC/18/1796 (all matters reserved except access) for the development of up to 202 residential dwellings (Use Class C3), open space, landscaping (including Sustainable Urban Drainage), access, up to 455 car parking spaces and associated works. Land South of Lower Rainham Road, Rainham, Gillingham Medway ME8 7UD.
The report to Planning Committee can be viewed at:
The planning application can be viewed at:
Upchurch Matters