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Thursday, 9 April 2020

Medway Council - Medway’s Most Vulnerable Residents Catered For

Medway Council, with the help of partner agencies, has delivered more than 35,595 meals to residents most in need during the coronavirus COVID-19 pandemic.

The emergency support service provides help to Medway’s most vulnerable residents, identified by the NHS in the high risk group and most affected by social distancing guidelines, and who do not have any family, friends or neighbours able to support them.

Medway Council supports vulnerable residents throughout the year, offering specialist advice on financial support and health matters, and teams across the council have identified 6,000 Medway residents who are most in need of extra support during this time. Residents that are self-isolating and are identified as being most at risk include older people, those with long-term health conditions and families with low-incomes.

Medway Council has contacted all 6,000 vulnerable residents it has identified to check how they are and if they are in need of support if they do not have anyone else to help them. The Coronavirus: Medway Support project includes an emergency food parcel delivery service, a personal shopper service and someone to collect medicines or prescriptions. It is a collection of voluntary organisations, private companies and public sector employees who are working together to make sure help is provided to everyone who needs it in Medway.

Food parcels include basic essential supplies, such as tinned food, vegetables and rice, as well as other general household products. Thousands of emergency parcels have already been supplied to residents with no other means of help and have provided a vital lifeline for many households across Medway. This service is also being supported by Medway Foodbank, which is part of the UK-wide Trussell Trust network of foodbanks.

The Coronavirus: Medway Support Project also includes a social contact by phone service. Social distancing does not need to mean complete social isolation. It’s important to talk to other people when you’re feeling low or lonely, especially those who have no one else to speak with. A number of Medway organisations are part of this service and providing help to those feeling socially isolated and who need someone to talk to.

Leader of Medway Council, Cllr Alan Jarrett, said:

“The Coronavirus: Medway Support service is providing a lifeline to those identified as being most at risk and unable to leave their homes during the pandemic. Our priority is supporting our most vulnerable residents, who have nobody else to help them. Council teams have been working hard to contact thousands of residents most in need of extra support during the pandemic. The virus has created challenging times for us all, but the response has been inspiring. We’ve had many people volunteer from across Medway offering help and support, strengthening our emergency support service.

We also recognise that there may be other residents in need of extra support during self-isolation. In addition to the 6,000 most vulnerable people we have identified, we are also working closely with our partner agencies across Medway to support additional residents who have no one else to turn to.

Thank you to everyone who is involved in providing this vital emergency service for our most vulnerable residents. Thank you also to all key workers and everyone who is helping to keep Medway’s residents safe.

Stay home, save lives. Thank you.”

For more information on the emergency support service Medway Council has set up, with the help and ongoing support of partner agencies, please visit:

Stay Home, Save Lives

Visit the following websites for the latest advice and updates on coronavirus COVID-19:
Medway Council service updates:
Public Health England and NHS advice:
Government social distancing advice:

Medway Council


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