Medway Libraries are closed but you can still get access to a wide range of resources and downloadable apps.
Medway library members have free 24/7 access to 1000's of new and classic titles as eAudio books, eBooks, along with the latest magazines, newspapers and comics, in addition to Oxford Reference Online, Dictionary of National Biography, OED and all 3 Britannicas Online and much more.
Medway library members have free 24/7 access to 1000's of new and classic titles as eAudio books, eBooks, along with the latest magazines, newspapers and comics, in addition to Oxford Reference Online, Dictionary of National Biography, OED and all 3 Britannicas Online and much more.
You will always have access to all the latest book releases, treasured classics, newspapers, magazines, comics and more from your local Medway Library.
And if you or someone you know aren't already members you can sign up online today, it's a quick and simple process giving you access to all their online materials.
Don’t worry about your library account or any materials you currently have on loan.
Medway Libraries have made the following change to their service to help during the current Coronavirus situation, these changes will be in place until further notice:
• All loans and renewals will be increased to 8 weeks
• You can renew loans up to 15 times
• All cards due to expire will automatically be renewed for another year
• Any overdue charges and fines will be waived
• The online reservation service for physical books has been suspended, however, it is still possible to reserve items from the e-Library
• The online reservation service for physical books has been suspended, however, it is still possible to reserve items from the e-Library
• Unfortunately the system for borrowing books from partner libraries has had to be suspended
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