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Thursday, 26 March 2020

Swale Borough Council Adopts New Heritage Strategy

A new strategy to protect and celebrate the borough’s heritage has been adopted by the council.

The strategy sets out how the council will work with partners over the next 12 years to protect the borough’s heritage and ensure it is preserved for future generations.

Councillors agreed the plan following an extensive consultation which received 88 responses and more than 180 suggestions, concerns and questions.

Cllr Mike Baldock, cabinet member for planning and heritage champion, said:

“We had a great response to the consultation on the draft strategy, which just goes to show how much local people and groups value our heritage.

We’ve taken on board a lot of the suggestions for the final strategy, including bringing forward the work to develop our own local list of heritage assets.

The strategy sets out specific projects and action plans for us to follow for the next 12 years that will help develop a better understanding of the heritage around the borough, so we are better positioned to protect and manage it.

We want to recognise and promote our aviation and defence heritage, especially as some of it is of national and international importance, and also focus more attention on buildings and structures that have fallen into disuse and disrepair and are now on the heritage at risk register.

The new strategy will also give us a sound footing to bid for future national and regional heritage-focused funding to help us and our partners improve our historic environment and preserve it for future generations to enjoy.

This strategy will help us to protect and support our conservation areas and will be a major element in our tourism strategy once this dreadful coronavirus has been beaten."

The adopted strategy, initial action plan and local heritage at risk register will be available for people to view online in April at:

Swale Borough Council


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