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Friday, 20 March 2020

Some Helping Hands for Upchurch

With the news that some villagers may be going into self-isolation, I just wanted to offer my support.

If you need shopping, prescriptions collecting, mail posting, errands running or even just a chat, please do contact me and I will help you for free.

I also have some care packages of essentials (and the odd treat!) to deliver to people who may struggle to get out and get supplies.

If you are over 60 and would like a care package or know someone who may need another one, please contact me on: 07916 151299 or Email:

I am also gathering a group of volunteers to help. If you are interested please contact me on the number and Email address above.

If you would like to donate any food / UHT milk or treats for the care packages, please drop them into the box outside 15 Forge Lane, Upchurch.

Any leftover items will be donated to Swale Foodbank so everything will be used by those in need.

Many thanks to those who have already donated.

Please take care of everyone.

Thank you

Cia Merrall
15 Forge Lane, Upchurch

Just so you know

We have received many kind messages from residents offering support to the elderly and vulnerable in our village through this difficult time.

Many were not suitable to share, unfortunately. It is not that we don't care or were being awkward, we were just doing what we know to be safe.

We have since been contacted by Swale Borough Councillor for Hartlip, Newington and Upchurch, and Cabinet Member for Community Richard Palmer regarding gathering volunteers in a safe and coordinated way, in the hope they may eventually become volunteers in a more formal and coordinated council-run service, should one eventually come forward.

Councillor Palmer has now been in touch with Cia and so we are pleased to be able to share what we hope is a safe service for residents to use.

We would encourage residents to telephone Cia with any questions they have about her service and to always follow KCC and Government advice regarding allowing strangers into their homes.

Please support your local businesses

Wherever it's safe to do so, please continue to support all the great local and small businesses. Many are very worried about their survival. They are as much a part of our community as anyone.

It's great to see community spirit coming though and knowing that by working together and looking out for each other that we will get through this.

Please take care of yourselves and others.

Thank you

Upchurch Matters


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