Wednesday, 9 October 2019
Swale Borough Council - Council Tax Reduction Scheme
The scheme provides residents on low incomes with financial assistance with their council tax bills.
Currently, almost 10,000 people who qualify for the benefit must pay at least 25% of their council tax, and it is being proposed that this is reduced to 20%.
Other proposals include issues such as whether child maintenance should be included in the eligibility calculation, deductions when people live with working non-dependants and the implications of Universal Credit.
Cllr Roger Truelove, leader of the council, said:
“The previous level was one of the highest in Kent and was too harsh, and in many cases was not being fully collected.
The current scheme is quite complicated for people to understand - and for us to run - so we want to find out whether there is anything we can do to simplify it.
To those on low incomes, the help can make a real difference, and any change - or not - could have a profound impact on their situation.
That is why it is important we hear as many views as possible so we can make an informed decision.”
The proposed changes would only affect working-age claimants and are set out in the consultation at: which closes on 18th November.
Swale Borough Council