Can you really afford to ignore such an offer!
It is your health, take care of it
Prevent before it’s too late
Purchasing of Minor Drugs (Paracetamol/Ibuprofen etc)
The response from patients has been very positive and a big ‘Thank you’ to all concerned. Please continue to do so. It not only saves time for the Doctors and receptionists but also helps in saving money.
Repeat Prescriptions/Register On-line with Patient Access
Please do to ask for drugs that you DO NOT need.
Also remember to register with Patient Access on-line to order your prescriptions and/or make appointments to see a Doctor.
FLU Vaccination
95% of patients have taken the opportunity of this service - Well Done.
Now the Surgery is encouraging patients with Asthma, Diabetes and those who take immune suppressants to attend.
Please telephone the Surgery to make an appointment as soon as possible.
Shingles Vaccination
If you are aged 71 - 75 or 78 - 79 years of age between the 1st September 2017 and 1st April 2018 you are entitled to a shingles vaccination. Again please telephone for an appointment.
NB Morning Surgery Dates
To accommodate staff training on the following dates the normal afternoon Surgeries at UPCHURCH will be replaced by a morning session from 10:00 am to 1:00pm on Wednesday 15th November and Thursday 14th December.
If you have any questions or suggestions on the local practice, then please Email
Chair - Surgery Patient Participation Group - Upchurch & Rainham