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Thursday, 9 November 2017

KCC Report from County Councillor Mike Whiting - November 2017

Meadowfield (Foundation Special) School
I have written a letter supporting proposed expansion of the school from 209 pupils to 348 pupils from 1st September 2019 and alter the lower age range at the school to include nursery provision, also from 1st September 2019. I believe the planned expansion will help address an increasing demand for local places within my division and more generally across Swale for children with profound, severe and complex needs including autism.

Junction 5
I was pleased to get assurances at the last KCC meeting of Kent’s opposition to the proposed Option 12a by Highways England. I have subsequently attended a meeting between Gordon Henderson MP and Highways England at which the agency acknowledged the opposition to Option 12a at all levels locally and said they would be reviewing their plans and all of the responses thoroughly before publishing their preferred option for further consultation in January or February next year.

Coastal Defences
The Environment Agency has produced its preferred “Medway Estuary and Swale Flood Risk and Coastal Risk Management Strategy” to manage our shoreline for the next 100 years. Details are at:
The Agency is proposing to hold the line with sea defences along the Upchurch Parish coastline, by raising sea walls as sea-levels rise, though is proposing to allow flooding along a section of Raspberry Hill Lane the other side of Lower Halstow. Members of the public are invited to two consultation events; 30th November at Eastchurch Village Hall on Sheppey, and 6th December at Riverside Country Park, Gillingham. Both events run from 3pm to 7pm.

Oak Lane
Swale Councillors have agreed development at 116 Oak Lane subject to agreement with KCC and the developer on a suitable traffic calming scheme in Oak Lane. Most of the nearby residents I have spoken to told me their priorities are to stop traffic mounting the pavement, to slow the traffic down and ensure they can get in and out of their driveways safely. While accepting many would have preferred to see access to the new development from Wallbridge Lane and not Oak Lane, the fact is Swale has now ruled that out and, moving forward, I have said I will support any traffic calming scheme that meets those three residents' priorities.

If any groups or societies would benefit from funding for projects that benefit local people, then please let me know. I still have some money left in my KCC Member Grant pot.

You can contact me on these or any other matters at: or 01795 842631.

Councillor Mike Whiting
KCC Member serving Swale West


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