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Monday, 5 December 2016

Swale Weekly Planning List - 2nd December 2016

The latest list of applications received by the Council under the Town and Country Planning Acts.

You may inspect a copy of any application on our online planning database or at the Sheppey Gateway, 38-42 High street, Sheerness, Kent, ME12 1NL, or Alexander Centre, 15 Preston Street, Faversham, Kent, ME13 8NZ or Swale Borough Council, Swale House, East Street, Sittingbourne, Kent, ME10 3HT.

You can make your comments online or by email to: or in writing to MKIP Planning Support Service, Maidstone House, King Street, Maidstone ME15 6JQ. Applications with the following suffix: ADJ, AGRIC, COUNTY, CPD, DEMO, SUB, TELNOT, TCA, NMAND, EIASCR or EIASCO are for information only. If an application is a householder application, in the event that an appeal is made against a decision of the Council to refuse to grant planning permission for the proposed development, and that appeal then proceeds by way of the expedited procedure under the written representations procedure, any representations will be passed to the Secretary of State and there will be no opportunity to make further representation.

Please be aware that any comments and your name and address will be placed on file, which will be available for public inspection and published in full on the Internet. We will not publish your signature, email address or phone number on our website. If you make any written comments we will notify you of the outcome of the application. We will not make a decision on any application referred to in this list before 21 days from the date when the application was registered as valid except for those with the following suffix: ADJ, AGRIC, COUNTY, CPD, DEMO, SUB, TELNOT, TCA, NMAND, EIASCR or EIASCO.

Application: 16/507860/FULL
Officer: Tracy Day
Grid: 601901/161700
Ward: Abbey
Parish: Faversham Town
Address: Fighting Cocks Cottage Abbey Place Faversham Kent ME13 7BJ
Proposal: Alteration and extension to rear ground floor
Applicant: Mark Weston And L Dello
Contact Address: C/O Greenfield Architects Beech House Rectory Lane Barham Canterbury Kent

Application: 16/507861/LBC
Officer: Tracy Day
Grid: 601901/161700
Ward: Abbey
Parish: Faversham Town
Address: Fighting Cocks Cottage Abbey Place Faversham Kent ME13 7BJ
Proposal: Listed Building Consent for alteration and extension to rear ground floor
Applicant: Mark Weston And L Dello
Contact Address: C/O Greenfield Architects Beech House Rectory Lane Barham Canterbury Kent

Application: 16/508234/FULL
Officer: Miss Alice Reeves
Grid: 606125/158730
Ward: Boughton And Courtenay
Parish: Boughton Under Blean
Address: 1 - 2 Hickmans Green Cottages Hickmans Green Boughton Under Blean Kent ME13 9NT
Proposal: Erection of a two storey rear extension and internal alterations, new front porch together with ancillary works, lean to log store, solid roof to existing conservatory, replacement hipped roofs to existing dormers, re-roof whole property in plain clay tiles.
Applicant: Mr & Mrs Wall
Contact Address: C/O Mervyn Gulvin Architects 90 High Street Bridge Canterbury Kent CT4 5LB

Application: 16/508181/LBC
Officer: Tracy Day
Grid: 605957/160115
Ward: Boughton And Courtenay
Parish: Hernhill
Address: Holly House  Staple Street Hernhill ME13 9UA
Proposal: Listed Building Consent for partial demolition of late 20th century rear extension and erection of single storey orangery to enlarge existing kitchen. Includes the introduction of partition wall to form new downstairs WC. Existing loft space above car port is to be converted into an en-suite bathroom with access made through external wall from existing master bedroom. Conversion of existing study into a bedroom with en-suite facilities.
Applicant: Mr & Mrs Lane
Contact Address: C/O Target Carbon Management F.A.O Mr William Jones 20 Rowan Close Sturry Canterbury CT2 0JB

Application: 16/508182/FULL
Officer: Tracy Day
Grid: 605957/160115
Ward: Boughton And Courtenay
Parish: Hernhill
Address: Holly House  Staple Street Hernhill ME13 9UA
Proposal: Partial demolition of late 20th century rear extension and erection of single storey orangery to enlarge existing kitchen. Includes the introduction of partition wall to form new downstairs WC. Existing loft space above car port is to be converted into an en-suite bathroom with access made through external wall from existing master bedroom. Conversion of existing study into a bedroom with en-suite facilities. (Alterative proposal).
Applicant: Mr & Mrs Lane
Contact Address: C/O Target Carbon Management F.A.O Mr William Jones 20 Rowan Close Sturry Canterbury CT2 0JB

Application: 16/508183/LBC
Officer: Tracy Day
Grid: 605957/160115
Ward: Boughton And Courtenay
Parish: Hernhill
Address: Holly House  Staple Street Hernhill ME13 9UA
Proposal: Listed Building Consent for partial demolition of late 20th century rear extension and erection of single storey orangery to enlarge existing kitchen. Includes the introduction of partition wall to form new downstairs WC. Existing loft space above car port is to be converted into an en-suite bathroom with access made through external wall from existing master bedroom. Conversion of existing study into a bedroom with en-suite facilities. (Alternative proposal)
Applicant: Mr & Mrs Lane
Contact Address: C/O Target Carbon Management F.A.O Mr William Jones 20 Rowan Close Sturry Canterbury CT2 0JB

Application: 16/508123/SUB
Officer: Ross McCardle
Grid: 589332/163997
Ward: Borden And Grove Park
Parish: Unparished
Address: Rhode House Service Station  London Road Sittingbourne ME10 1QB
Proposal: Submission of details pursuant to Condition 2 (scheme to manage the pollution risks), Condition 3 (details of the proposed means of foul and surface water sewerage disposal), Condition 5 (The tanks hereby permitted shall not be used until a verification report demonstrating completion of works set out in the approved remediation strategy and the effectiveness of the remediation) and Condition 6 (watching brief) for planning permission 16/505957/FULL.
Applicant: MRH Limited
Contact Address: C/O Wyeth Projects Services Ltd The Cart Shed  Amberley Court Old Elstead Road Milford GU8 5EB

Application: 16/508214/FULL
Officer: Aaron Wilkinson
Grid: 589302/163336
Ward: Borden And Grove Park
Address: 167 Borden Lane Sittingbourne Kent ME10 1DA
Proposal: Proposed first floor rear extension with external alterations
Applicant: Mr & Mrs M Jacobs
Contact Address: C/O Woodstock Associates F.A.O Mr Keith Plumb 53 Woodstock Road Sittingbourne ME10 4HJ United Kingdom

Application: 16/507877/FULL
Officer: Ross McCardle
Grid: 590977/164113
Ward: Chalkwell
Address: Land To The West Of Crown Quay Lane Sittingbourne Kent ME10 3JH
Proposal: Erection of a residential development comprising 405 dwellings including associated access, parking, public open spaces and landscaping. New vehicular/pedestrian access from Eurolink Way   and further secondary vehicular/pedestrian access off Crown Quay Lane. Associated drainage and earthworks.
Applicant: Redrow Homes Ltd
Contact Address: C/O Barton Willmore F.A.O Miss Hardeep Hunjan Barton Willmore The Observatory Southfleet Road Ebbsfleet

Application: 16/508094/SUB
Officer: Thandi Zulu
Grid: 590747/163652
Ward: Chalkwell
Address: 44 High Street Sittingbourne ME10 4PB 
Proposal: Submission of Details to Discharge Condition 3 (Materials) Condition 6 (Detailed Plans) Condition 8 (Historic Building Work Programme) and Condition 9 (Archaeological Watching Brief) Subject to 16/502453/FULL and Condition 3 (Materials), Condition 4 (schedule of works) and Condition 6 (programme of historic building work programme) for Listed Building Consent 16/502454/LBC
Applicant: Mr Ben Sasha
Contact Address: C/O Mr Daniel McCarthy DCM Architectural Consultants Ltd 25 Pigeon Lane Herne Bay CT6 7EH

Application: 16/508164/FULL
Officer: Aaron Wilkinson
Grid: 590332/164132
Ward: Chalkwell
Address: Petrol Station Morrisons Mill Way Sittingbourne Kent
Proposal: Erection of a side extension to an existing PFS Kiosk to provide additional retail space.
Applicant: Wm Morrison Supermarkets PLC
Contact Address: C/O SMR Architects FAO: Mr Russell Colling Floor 2 The Exchange Station Parade Harrogate

Application: 16/507570/FULL
Officer: Claire Attaway
Grid: 599062/158235
Ward: East Downs
Parish: Ospringe
Address: Capel Bungalow Stalisfield Road Ospringe Kent ME13 0AA
Proposal: Conversion of loft into habitable space and insertion of dormer and Juliet balcony.
Applicant: Mr & Mrs Younger
Contact Address: C/O CK Designs FAO: Mrs J Keeley Mariners Bungalow Hampstead Lane Yalding Maidstone

Application: 16/507698/LBC
Officer: Miss Alice Reeves
Grid: 595629/153979
Ward: East Downs
Parish: Stalisfield
Address: Rooks Hill House  Stalisfield Road Stalisfield ME13 0HW
Proposal: Listed Building Consent for replacement of all windows, 4No. windows are part of listed building part of the property
Applicant: Mr & Mrs Alvey
Contact Address: C/O Design Quarter UK Ltd. FAO. Nick Mumby   B6-B7 The Admirals Office  Main Gate Road The Historic Dockyard Chatham

Application: 16/508110/LBC
Officer: Miss Alice Reeves
Grid: 595949/154180
Ward: East Downs
Parish: Stalisfield
Address: Derbies Court Stalisfield Road Stalisfield Kent ME13 0HN
Proposal: Listed Building Consent essential repairs to the main structural frame. Strengthening of cellar floor joists. Render panel replacement. Replacement weatherboard.
Applicant: Mrs Mann
Contact Address: C/O Anthony Hicks LTD Jessamine Farm Old Romney TN29 9SG 

Application: 16/508166/LAWPRO
Officer: Sara Potter
Grid: 591929/173946
Ward: Sheerness
Parish: Unparished
Address: 32 Wheatsheaf Gardens Sheerness ME12 1YJ 
Proposal: Lawful Development Certificate for proposed single storey rear extension, hip to gable and rear dormer extension with rooflights to the front.
Applicant: Ms Short
Contact Address: C/O Knight Projects F.A.O Frank Knight 1 Forde Avenue Bromley BR1 3EU

Application: 16/508193/SUB
Officer: Emma Eisinger
Grid: 593259/174803
Ward: Sheerness
Parish: Unparished
Address: Land At Rear Of Seager Road Seager Road Sheerness Kent ME12 2BG
Proposal: Submission of details pursuant to Condition 1 (Hard and Soft Landscaping), Condition 3 (Boundary Treatments), Condition 5 (Street Lighting), Condition 6 (Details of estate roads, footways, footpaths and other associated features, Condition 8 (Details of obscure glazing), Condition 9 (Details relating to SUDS design) and Condition 10 (Foul and surface water system design) in relation to planning application number 15/500955/Full and appeal references APP/V2255/C/3133112 and APP/V2255/C/15/3133113.
Applicant: McCullochs
Contact Address: C/O Laurence Mineham  Ubique Architects 11 Ashford House, Beaufort Court Sir Thomas Longley Road Rochester me2 4fa

Application: 16/507660/FULL
Officer: Ross McCardle
Grid: 583898/163649
Ward: Hartlip, Newington And Upchurch
Parish: Hartlip
Address: Sweepstakes Farm Lower Hartlip Road Hartlip Kent ME9 7TU
Proposal: Erection of an oak framed four bay garage in the curtilage of Sweepstakes Farmhouse (grade ll Listed)
Applicant: Mr & Mrs Mark & Gail Penny
Contact Address: Sweepstakes Farm Lower Hartlip Road Hartlip Kent ME9 7TU

Application: 16/507664/LBC
Officer: Ross McCardle
Grid: 583898/163649
Ward: Hartlip, Newington And Upchurch
Parish: Hartlip
Address: Sweepstakes Farm Lower Hartlip Road Hartlip Kent ME9 7TU
Proposal: Listed Building Consent for erection of an oak framed four bay garage within the curtilage of Sweepstakes Farmhouse (grade ll Listed)
Applicant: Mr & Mrs Mark & Gail Penny
Contact Address: Sweepstakes Farm Lower Hartlip Road Hartlip Kent ME9 7TU

Application: 16/508106/FULL
Officer: Paul Gregory
Grid: 583964/164209
Ward: Hartlip, Newington And Upchurch
Parish: Hartlip
Address: The Coach House The Street Hartlip Kent ME9 7TL
Proposal: Two storey rear and side extension
Applicant: Mr And Mrs D Huelin
Contact Address: C/O Nigel Sands And Associates  Wises Oast Business Centre  Wises Lane Borden Sittingbourne ME9 8LR

Application: 16/508024/FULL
Officer: Martin Evans
Grid: 585895/166899
Ward: Bobbing, Iwade And Lower Halstow
Parish: Lower Halstow
Address: Stables Rear Of 82- 84 School Lane Lower Halstow Kent ME9 7ET
Proposal: Variation of Condition (12) to allow UVPC windows in place of wooden and Condition (26) to substitute drawing 1283/5, 6 Rev B, 7, 8 and 9 for drawings 1283/5 Rev A, 6 Rev C, 7 Rev A, 8 Rev A and 9 Rev A of planning permission SW/14/0100 - Demolition of existing stables & erection of 4no. detached dwellings & associated outbuilding, landscaping & adaption of existing access.

Applicant: I Kemsley Farms Ltd
Contact Address: C/O Alpha Design Studio Limited F.A.O Mr Tony Day 43 Park Road Sittingbourne ME10 1DY

Application: 16/508195/LAWPRO
Officer: Claire Attaway
Grid: 595159/173902
Ward: Minster Cliffs
Parish: Minster-On-Sea
Address: 106 Southsea Avenue Private Street Minster-On-Sea ME12 2LU
Proposal: Lawful Development Certificate for proposed hip to gable conversion and dormer to rear elevation to form additional habitable space within roof void.
Applicant: Mr L Johnson
Contact Address: C/O Nigel Sands & Associates F.A.O Mr Nigel Sands  Wises Oast Business Centre  Wises Lane Borden Sittingbourne

Application: 16/508196/FULL
Officer: Claire Attaway
Grid: 595159/173902
Ward: Minster Cliffs
Parish: Minster-On-Sea
Address: 106 Southsea Avenue Private Street Minster-On-Sea ME12 2LU
Proposal: Proposed loft conversion with front gable and dormer.
Applicant: Mr L Johnson
Contact Address: C/O Nigel Sands & Associates F.A.O Mr Nigel Sands Wises Oast Business Centre  Wises Lane Borden Sittingbourne

Application: 16/507019/FULL
Officer: Aaron Wilkinson
Grid: 590011/164956
Ward: Milton Regis
Address: 40A Vicarage Road Sittingbourne ME10 2BL 
Proposal: Erection of a single storey side extension to create a garage and utility room and a single storey rear extension
Applicant: Mr Ian Fuller
Contact Address: C/O Mr Tony Coteq Ltd FAO. Mr Tony Hawkins 187 Edwin Road Gillingham Kent ME8 0AH

Application: 16/508248/PNEXT
Officer: Aaron Wilkinson
Grid: 591534/163277
Ward: Roman
Address: 26 Woodlands Road Sittingbourne Kent ME10 4SP
Proposal: Prior notification for a proposed single storey rear extension which:
A) Extends by 4.5 metres beyond the rear wall of the original dwelling.
B) Has a maximum height of 3.0 metres from the natural ground level.
C) Has a height of 3.0 metres at the eaves from the natural ground level.
Applicant: Mr Denis Vladiuc
Contact Address: C/O Presarhi Group F.A.O Mrs L Bivol-Cucos 62 Markmanor Avenue Walthamstow London E17 8HH

Application: 16/508100/FULL
Officer: Tracy Day
Grid: 601099/161473
Ward: St. Ann's
Parish: Faversham Town
Address: 4 Curtis Way Faversham Kent ME13 7RT
Proposal: Erection of a two storey side extension to existing house (resubmission of 16/506619/FULL)
Applicant: Mr & Mrs Ellingworth
Contact Address: C/O Ms Hayley Cannon 29 Churchill Way Faversham ME137QX 

Application: 16/508139/LAWPRO
Officer: Sara Potter
Grid: 594236/171802
Ward: Sheppey Central
Parish: Minster-On-Sea
Address: 22 Buckthorne Road Minster-on-sea Kent ME12 3RP
Proposal: Lawful Development Certificate (Proposed) for conversion of loft space including the creation of a single rear facing flat roof dormer window and two roof windows in front elevation.
Applicant: Ms Leane Stephens
Contact Address: 22 Buckthorne Road Minster-on-sea Kent ME12 3RP

Application: 16/508144/FULL
Officer: Mandi Pilcher
Grid: 595142/172768
Ward: Sheppey Central
Parish: Minster-On-Sea
Address: 413 Minster Road Minster-on-sea Kent ME12 3NS
Proposal: Ground floor side extension
Applicant: Mr R Broster
Contact Address: C/O Building Drawings 124A North Road Hythe CT21 5DY 

Application: 16/507912/FULL
Officer: Paul Gregory
Grid: 600131/172464
Ward: Sheppey East
Parish: Eastchurch
Address: The Retreat Camp Warden Road Eastchurch Kent ME12 4ES
Proposal: Variation of condition 3 of planning permission NK/8/49/110 (Erection of chalets) - To allow 10 month occupancy from 8 months
Applicant: Mr John Taylor
Contact Address: 12 The Leas Minster-on-sea Kent ME12 2NL

Application: 16/507909/FULL
Officer: Claire Attaway
Grid: 603647/170218
Ward: Sheppey East
Parish: Leysdown
Address: Priory Hill Holiday Park Wing Road Leysdown Kent ME12 4QR
Proposal: Proposed new wc/shower unit + disabled wash room
Applicant: Priory Holiday Park
Contact Address: C/O Kent Drawing 75 Winchester Way Rainham Gillingham Kent ME8 8DH

Application: 16/508262/NMAMD
Officer: James Wilson
Grid: 592985/164278
Ward: Teynham And Lynsted
Parish: Tonge
Address: Eurolink V Land North Of Swale Way Sittingbourne Kent ME9 9AR
Proposal: Non-material amendment - Variation to approved site access (original application ref: 15/510589/OUT).
Applicant: Mr Chris Hall
Contact Address: C/O Vincent And Gorbing FAO: Mr Richard Lewis Vincent And Gorbing Sterling Court Norton Road Stevenage

Application: 16/507131/FULL
Officer: Heather Murton
Grid: 601706/160682
Ward: Watling
Parish: Faversham Town
Address: Land  To Rear Of 30 Preston Park Faversham ME13 8LN
Proposal: Erection of new dwelling with associated car parking and garden
Applicant: Mr & Mrs Couchman
Contact Address: C/O Designscape Consultancy Limited FAO. Kingsley Hughes 1A The Landway Bearsted Maidstone ME14 4BD

Application: 16/507878/FULL
Officer: Sara Potter
Grid: 602528/160299
Ward: Watling
Parish: Faversham Town
Address: Corner Cottage  Canterbury Road Faversham ME13 8YL
Proposal: Construction of a 3-bay oak-framed, timber clad garage/workshop at the north-east end of the site
Applicant: Mr Justin Ford
Contact Address: Grey Lyn South Road Faversham ME13 7LY

Application: 16/508241/NMAMD
Officer: Heather Murton
Grid: 600747/160844
Ward: Watling
Parish: Faversham Town
Address: 9 Mount Field Faversham Kent ME13 8SZ
Proposal: Non-Material Amendment Being Three Additional Velux Windows Subject to 16/500328/FULL
Applicant: Mr John Vining
Contact Address: 9 Mount Field Faversham Kent ME13 8SZ

Application: 16/507650/FULL
Officer: Tracy Day
Grid: 590002/160366
Ward: West Downs
Parish: Tunstall
Address: Land Adjacent To 730 Guillat Avenue Kent Science Park Sittingbourne Kent
Proposal: Extension of existing building to provide new production facilities, and associated external works.
Applicant: G-Pharm
Contact Address: C/O Austin Company FAO: Mr Anthony Leung Cardinal Point Park Road Rickmansworth WD3 1RE

Application: 16/508097/FULL
Officer: Andrew Spiers
Grid: 588143/159988
Ward: West Downs
Parish: Bredgar
Address: Parsonage Farm Parsonage Lane Bredgar Kent ME9 8HA
Proposal: Change of use and conversion of redundant agricultural building for residential use as holiday accommodation (two units).
Applicant: S W Attwood Partners
Contact Address: C/O Kent Design Partnership Grove Dairy Farm Business Centre Bobbing Hill Bobbing Sittingbourne Kent

Application: 16/508141/FULL
Officer: Miss Alice Reeves
Grid: 590295/160092
Ward: West Downs
Parish: Milstead
Address: Woodstock Cottage Farm Broadoak Road Milstead Kent ME9 8AD
Proposal: Demolition of existing outbuildings and terrace area and erection of garage outbuilding with ancillary accommodation.
Applicant: Mr Anthony Capon
Contact Address: C/O Alpha Design Studio Limited 43 Park Road Sittingbourne Kent ME10 1DY

Application: 16/508142/LBC
Officer: Miss Alice Reeves
Grid: 590295/160092
Ward: West Downs
Parish: Milstead
Address: Woodstock Cottage Farm Broadoak Road Milstead Kent ME9 8AD
Proposal: Listed Building application for the demolition of existing outbuildings and terrace area and erection of garage outbuilding with ancillary accommodation.
Applicant: Mr Anthony Capon
Contact Address: C/O Alpha Design Studio Limited FAO: Mr T Day 43 Park Road Sittingbourne Kent ME10 1DY

Application: 16/508199/FULL
Officer: Miss Alice Reeves
Grid: 601675/162052
Ward: Priory
Parish: Faversham Town
Address: 97 Upper Brents Private Street Faversham ME13 7DL
Proposal: Proposed single storey extension (Retrospective) (Resubmission).
Applicant: Mr & Mrs Evans
Contact Address: C/O Blackrock Architecture Ltd F.A.O Mr John Payne Unit 42 Canterbury Innovation Centre Canterbury CT2 7FG

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