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Thursday, 15 July 2021

UpARA - July 2021 Newsletter

Hello All,

With the end of restrictions upon us, this Email is to inform everyone of what we are planning from now on.

This Friday as you know we have our Friday Walk setting off from Riverside Country Park, and, (for the last time), we need you to let us know if you are coming.

On Tuesday, 20th at 2:00pm there will be the normal monthly session of Petanque at the side of the Golf Course driving range alongside Oak Lane. We have had record numbers taking part over the last month or two - just turn up if you wish to take part...

Wednesday, 21st July, is the date that Weekly Line Dancing sessions are commencing. This will now be for one hour, starting at 10:30am, and will be beginners line dancing, (for beginners and those that may have got a bit rusty...).

The following week we will be re-commencing bi-monthly Coffee Mornings, Art and Table Tennis and weekly Soft Tennis; and then in August our regular monthly Friday meetings, and Monday afternoon Kurling sessions.

Ten Pin Bowling will not restart until after the school holidays.

We are unsure about Pilates at present and will confirm with all in due course.

Initially, we will mail out when each activity restarts as a reminder to all; we don't expect that everything will necessarily resume at the same time or days or format as we left it back in March 2020, and there may be some changes.

Our first Monthly Meeting is on Friday, 13th August and our speaker is Guy Bartlett with a talk on the Battle of Britain (which was originally scheduled to coincide with the 80th anniversary last year).

On the same night, we are celebrating with our BreakOut Party with live entertainment. Those who have booked a place on the original date at the beginning of July will have received a mail confirming the change, please let us know if you can no longer attend the date. There are still a few places if any members who have not booked, wish to party with us, please Email: There will be a table plan to ensure people can sit with friends etc. More info nearer the time...

Our first trip, to Oxford, leaves on 17th August and Malcolm has many more planned, see the link below.

We will have more to say in the coming weeks as things settle down and the committee has had a chance to meet, (our first in-person committee meeting for a long while takes place on Monday). We have a number of plans, and we will also be asking for your help to help us go forward.

One question we are asking at the moment is whether anyone would be interested in Ballroom Dancing Lessons - if you do, let us know and if there is enough potential support, we can take it further. 

We have tried to keep the website up to date as much as we can:

Please click on the links below to view the calendar, and the outing and speaker lists that are currently in our plans:

Regards and hopefully see you all soon

Your UpARA Committee


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