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Monday, 26 November 2018

Project KRAKEN - Report Suspicious Activity Near the Coastline

Photos: David Metcalfe and Ed Gransden.
At around 5:00am on 15th November, a red coaching launch belonging to Medway Towns Rowing Club was stolen. Later that morning at 9:00am, the owners of Sailing Smack, Thistle, moored off Shoregate Creek, Upchurch reported to Kent Police that the launch had become stranded at low tide and a group of intruders acting suspiciously (possibly illegal immigrants or people smugglers) were now aboard their vessel.

The Coast Guard attended around lunchtime and loud hailed the Smack, when nobody responded they stood down and didn’t return. Once the tide was in, the owners managed to board their Smack but the intruders and the red launch were already gone. Some items were stolen, firewood had been burned and some foil blankets had been left behind.

The same day around 5:00pm, a committee member at Lower Halstow Yacht Club was alerted to a jetty fire. The fire was extinguished and the red launch was found to be the cause. Kent Fire and Rescue Service attended with 3 appliances and moved the burnt remains of the launch, placing it alongside the slip.

It’s not known when, or if Kent Police attended and their response has been branded 'incompetent' and 'ineffectual', resulting in the abandoned launch being completely destroyed, and causing serious damage to the jetty.

The suspected illegal immigrants or people smugglers travelling aboard the launch appear to have escaped too. It’s believed they could have been easily intercepted by the Coast Guard and Kent Police as the tide came in.

Project KRAKEN

Project KRAKEN is a joint National Crime Agency, Police, and Border Force initiative aimed at encouraging the public to report suspicious or unusual activity around the UK’s coastline and maritime environment.

There are nearly 20,000 miles of coastline, and a complex network of estuaries, navigable rivers, coves, inlets, ports and harbours, all of which can be exploited by terrorists and serious criminals.

Authorities want you to report any unusual or suspicious behaviour in these and other maritime environments. No matter how trivial it may seem; if it looks out of the ordinary, they want to know about it.

Whether you work in the maritime industries, are a keen sailor, or are just walking along the coast, your local knowledge and your experience of the maritime world means you are well placed to spot anything unusual.

By working together you can help to prevent terrorists and organised criminals posing a threat to your neighbours, your pastimes, your businesses and your livelihoods. They will exploit any opening they find.

How can you help?

What to report

Report any unusual or suspicious activity near the coastline and in maritime environments. This could include, among others:

 Crew who show signs of nervousness or lack of awareness of maritime protocols.
 Vessels showing signs of unusual modification or minor damage.
 Increased activity at isolated coastal locations or at unusual times of the day.
 Attempts to signal to vessels offshore or guide them into an unusual location.
 Strange patterns of payment, such as large amounts of cash.
 People testing site security or an unusual interest in site structures and wharfs.

What should you do?

How to report suspicious activity

If you see unusual or suspicious activity, report it to Kent Police on 101 or anonymously to Crimestoppers on: 0800 555 111 and quote 'KRAKEN'

If you want to anonymously report your information online, visit:

Record as much information as you can - the smallest detail could be significant.
Do not take direct action against any individuals or groups.

If it is an emergency, call 999

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