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Tuesday, 24 July 2018

Have Your Say on the KCC Rights of Way Improvement Plan 2018 - 2028

Have your say on Kent Footpaths and Bridleways

Kent residents are being asked for their opinions on the county council’s plans for maintaining and improving public footpaths and bridleways.

The 12 weeks consultation on the Rights of Way Improvement Plan for the next 10 years is open until Wednesday 12th September 2018. The public are being asked whether the draft strategy has the correct priorities, and also to provide suggestions to improve it.

The vision outlined in the council’s Rights of Way Improvement Plan is:
“To provide a high quality, well-maintained PROW network, that is well used and enjoyed. The use of the network will support the Kent economy, encourage active lifestyles and sustainable travel choices, and contribute to making Kent a great place to live, work and visit.”

The plan identifies the following themes:

Active lifestyles - how use of the network has the potential to improve health and wellbeing;

Evolution of the network - changes required to meet current and future needs;

Knowing what’s out there - how the provision of information removes barriers to use;

Well-maintained network - how poorly maintained public rights of way act as a barrier to use;

Rights with responsibilities - responsible management and use of the network promoting good relationships;

Efficient delivery –-why the Public Rights of Way and Access Service must use resources available to secure the greatest benefits for the public.

However, members of the public have the chance to say whether these themes are the correct priorities and make other suggestions.

The consultation is open now and the online questionnaire can be completed here >>

To request hard copies of any consultation materials, residents can Email: or Telephone: 03000 421553.

Your responses will be compiled into a consultation report, which will help produce the final version of the Rights of Way Improvement Plan.

The consultation closes at midnight on Wednesday 12th September 2018.

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