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Thursday, 26 July 2018

Compulsory Horse Microchipping

A new law requiring horse owners to microchip their animals was introduced on 25th of June 2018.

From October 2020 it will be mandatory for all owners to microchip their horses, ponies and donkeys.

The new Central Equine Database will allow local authorities and the Police to track down the owners of dumped horses and make sure they are punished so that the animals are given the care they deserve. It will also mean lost or stolen horses will be reunited with their owners more easily.

The RSCPA released figures this year showing they rescued around 1000 horses in 2017, to highlight the issue of horses being fly-tipped or dumped, often in horrific conditions. A large majority were not microchipped making it virtually impossible to trace the owners. RSPCA inspectors are frequently faced with horses which have been dumped whilst very sick, dying, or sometimes even dead.

The new regulations designed to prevent abuse and improve horse welfare have the full support of the British Horse Council and will help local authorities and the Police to identify abandoned animals, ensuring horses receive the care they deserve and that those who mistreat them will face the consequences.

The Central Equine Database logs all domesticated horses, including those required to be microchipped by October 2020. This will help with issues when horses are abandoned, making it easier to rehome the animals more quickly.

Horse owners have until October 2020 to make sure that all horses are microchipped. This extra time will allow horse owners to combine microchipping with a routine visit to or from their vet with the procedure costing around £25-30.

If horse owners do not microchip their horses by October 2020 they could face sanctions from their local authority including a compliance notice, and as a last resort a fine of up to £200.

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