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Monday, 30 July 2018

Speeding in Horsham Lane

I have written to the Parish Council regarding traffic approaching the village at high speed along Horsham Lane, also similarly leaving the village on the same route accelerating to above clearly the speed limit.

Although it is with some reluctance, I have suggested a speed calming scheme be urgently investigated and installed as a very serious accident is waiting to happen, having seen many very near misses when pedestrians, particularly children step out from the church gate.

I would be grateful for everyone's support in this matter by similarly contacting the PC.

Thank you

Bryan Veale

Thank You from the Village Hall Management Committee

Thank you very much

Upchurch Village Hall Management Committee would like to thank the Village Fete Committee for their very kind donation of £250.00 to the Village Hall Improvement Fund.

Sandy Tutt
Upchurch Village Hall Management Committee

Saturday, 28 July 2018

Upchurch Charity Sports Day

St. Mary's Church and Uplift are organising a Community Sports Event on Sunday 26th August 2018 in aid of Demelza Hospice Care For Children to be held at Holywell Primary School from 11:00am to 2:00pm.

The sports event will centre around a number of sporting activities aimed predominantly at youngsters, but will include something for everyone - from netball and football to petanque and bat and trap, and from orienteering and keep fit to zumba and line dancing - the idea being to have taster skill sessions around the school field for each activity.

We see it as a real opportunity for the community to come together for an enjoyable day so we are looking to involve as many local groups and organisations as possible.

There is still time for any group that isn't yet involved to offer to run something if they would like to. Please contact Ralph Liddell: or
Lee Cogger: if you want to be involved or if you would like to find out more.

This is all for a really good cause so let's come together in the sunshine (we hope) and see how much money we can raise for Demelza.

Thank you 

Ralph Liddell

Thursday, 26 July 2018

Start of Works Notification - Bull Lane, Newington

The Kent County Council Highways Helpline phone number is: 03000 418181

For details of roadworks, please see:

Kent County Council - Highways, Transportation & Waste

“How safe do you feel where you live?” - Respond to the PCC Annual Policing Survey 2018

Matthew Scott
The Police & Crime Commissioner (PCC), Matthew Scott, has just launched his Annual Policing Survey for Summer 2018 with the key questions being how safe people feel where they live, and how much value for money they feel they get from Kent Police. All residents are encouraged to respond to the survey and to highlight the survey to their family and friends.

“How safe do you feel where you live?”

That is the one of the key questions Matthew Scott, the Police and Crime Commissioner for Kent, is asking residents this summer.

Mr Scott said:

I set Kent Police’s priorities based on the things people tell me matter to them. My Annual Policing Survey is a key way in which I get to hear what you think about your police force. I want to know what you think Kent Police does well and what it could do better.

I’m responsible for ensuring Kent Police provides an effective and efficient service so I’m asking you, plain and simple, to rate how safe you feel in your community and also what to extent you think you get value for money.”

Mr Scott added:

“I’ve had a tremendous response from those I’ve met at big public events like the Kent County Show and the Kent Police Open Day so far this summer but I want as many people as possible to take the opportunity to have their say. Based on the results of last year’s survey, I took the decision to put more money into recruiting up to 200 more police officers, so your views really can make a difference.”

The survey, which only takes a couple of minutes to complete, is available online at:

A hard copy leaflet, and a large print version, are also available on request.

Questions about people’s gender, where they live, age and ethnicity have been included to enable the PCC to spot trends among different communities.

Upchurch Matters

Compulsory Horse Microchipping

A new law requiring horse owners to microchip their animals was introduced on 25th of June 2018.

From October 2020 it will be mandatory for all owners to microchip their horses, ponies and donkeys.

The new Central Equine Database will allow local authorities and the Police to track down the owners of dumped horses and make sure they are punished so that the animals are given the care they deserve. It will also mean lost or stolen horses will be reunited with their owners more easily.

The RSCPA released figures this year showing they rescued around 1000 horses in 2017, to highlight the issue of horses being fly-tipped or dumped, often in horrific conditions. A large majority were not microchipped making it virtually impossible to trace the owners. RSPCA inspectors are frequently faced with horses which have been dumped whilst very sick, dying, or sometimes even dead.

The new regulations designed to prevent abuse and improve horse welfare have the full support of the British Horse Council and will help local authorities and the Police to identify abandoned animals, ensuring horses receive the care they deserve and that those who mistreat them will face the consequences.

The Central Equine Database logs all domesticated horses, including those required to be microchipped by October 2020. This will help with issues when horses are abandoned, making it easier to rehome the animals more quickly.

Horse owners have until October 2020 to make sure that all horses are microchipped. This extra time will allow horse owners to combine microchipping with a routine visit to or from their vet with the procedure costing around £25-30.

If horse owners do not microchip their horses by October 2020 they could face sanctions from their local authority including a compliance notice, and as a last resort a fine of up to £200.

Upchurch Matters

Temporary Road Closure - Iwade Road, Newington

It will be necessary to close part of Iwade Road, Newington (also known as High Oak Hill), near Sittingbourne, from Tuesday 28th August 2018 for an estimated period of up to 4 days.
Iwade Road, shown on some maps as High Oak Hill or Church Lane, will be closed in the general vicinity of Snakesbury House.
Access to the remainder of Iwade Road continues from either direction up to where the road is closed, but there will be no through access during the works.
The alternative route for through traffic is via Wardwell Lane, Vicarage Road, The Street, Sheerness Road and Basser Hill back to Iwade Road
Due to the nature of the works, the road will need to remain closed outside the working hours.
The closure is to enable UK Power Networks to carry out works to provide a new electricity supply.
There is a chance that the works may over-run for such reasons as adverse weather conditions or unforeseen engineering difficulties.
The UK Power Networks 24-hour number is: 0800 783 8866

The Kent County Council Highways Helpline phone number is: 03000 418181

For details of roadworks, please see:

Kent County Council - Highways, Transportation & Waste

Road Closure - Forge Lane, Upchurch

Post treatment ironworks between the junction of Holywell Lane and The Street/Oak Lane are programmed to start on 30th July 2018 and should take 2 days to complete. These activities will be undertaken during a working window between the hours of 7am and 7pm. This is to enable Kent County Council to carry out ironworks following carriageway treatment works.

During these essential works it will be necessary to close the road completely to carry out the works safety for both the workforce and road users. 

A signed diversion route will be in place during the closure via The Street/Oak Lane, A2 London Road, Hartlip Hill, Breach Lane and The Street.

This type of work can be affected by bad weather, so if it is not possible to carry it out at this time, a new date will be arranged and KCC will let you know via a letter drop to your home. Signs will also be put along the road before they start showing the date they plan to start work.

The Kent County Council Highways Helpline phone number is: 03000 418181

For details of roadworks, please see:

Kent County Council - Highways, Transportation & Waste

Wednesday, 25 July 2018

Upchurch Best Kept Garden 2018 - The Winners

Overall Winner 
Paul and Pauline Knights - 66 Beckenham Park
All gardens in the Parish that could be viewed from the front were judged on Saturday the 21st of July 2018.
The judging took place without interviews with the occupants - so if you were shopping or on holiday your garden would have still been judged!

The winners and highly commended gardens in the following 3 categories are:

Overall Winner

Paul and Pauline Knights - 66 Beckenham Park

Small Garden

Margaret Packer - 11 Chaffes Terrace

Highly Commended
Rebecca and Kevin Pitt - 1 St. Mary's Mews

Highly Commended
Chris and Trudy Whelan - 2
 St. Mary's Mews

Highly Commended
Geoff French - 1 Callows Cottages

Hanging Baskets and Containers

Paul and Pauline Knights - 66 Beckenham Park

Highly Commended
Fred Kemsley - 6 Beckenham Park

Highly Commended
Mr and Mrs Friend - 5
6 Beckenham Park

Highly Commended
Annmarie Hoare and Josephine Brigden - 
The Crown Public House

Flowers and Shrubs

Eddie and Helen Tydeman - 134 Chaffes Lane

Highly Commended
John Lewin - 21 Drakes Close

Highly Commended
Ted Mew - 24 Crosier Court

Highly Commended
Leslie Long - 130 Chaffes Lane

Margaret Packer - 11 Chaffes Terrace

Geoff French - 1 Callows Cottages

Annmarie Hoare and Josephine Brigden - 
The Crown Public House

Rebecca and Kevin Pitt - 1 St. Mary's Mews

Chris and Trudy Whelan - 2
 St. Mary's Mews

Fred Kemsley
 - 6 Beckenham Park

Mr and Mrs Friend - 5
6 Beckenham Park

Eddie and Helen Tydeman - 134 Chaffes Lane

John Lewin - 21 Drakes Close

Ted Mew - 24 Crosier Court

Leslie Long - 
130 Chaffes Lane
The overall winner was judged to be Paul and Pauline Knights for their beautifully presented garden in Beckenham Park. As overall winner, they will be presented with the Barbara Webb Memorial Rose Bowl to keep until next year’s winner is announced.

Paul and Pauline, along with all the winners and those awarded highly commended will be invited to collect their certificates at 3:30pm on Saturday the 15th of September at the Upchurch Horticultural Society - September Show, taking place at Peter Boakes', rear of 97 Chaffes Lane, Upchurch.

Everyone is welcome to visit the show.

Upchurch Parish Council will be in touch with all the winners and those awarded highly commended over the coming weeks. 

Thank you to all the Judges for their time and effort, particularly Brenda & Bob Quy. This Competition would not be possible without their support.

Paul and Pauline also pick up this year's 1st Prize of 'High Tea' for 4 people at The BarnYard who have kindly sponsored this years competition again.

Please see their menu below:

The BarnYard, Oak Lane, Upchurch. Tel: 01634 235059. Website:

Cllr Tyrone Ripley
Chairman - Upchurch Parish Council
Telephone: 07702 222093 Email:

On behalf of Upchurch Parish Council and Upchurch Horticultural Society

Tuesday, 24 July 2018

Have Your Say on the KCC Rights of Way Improvement Plan 2018 - 2028

Have your say on Kent Footpaths and Bridleways

Kent residents are being asked for their opinions on the county council’s plans for maintaining and improving public footpaths and bridleways.

The 12 weeks consultation on the Rights of Way Improvement Plan for the next 10 years is open until Wednesday 12th September 2018. The public are being asked whether the draft strategy has the correct priorities, and also to provide suggestions to improve it.

The vision outlined in the council’s Rights of Way Improvement Plan is:
“To provide a high quality, well-maintained PROW network, that is well used and enjoyed. The use of the network will support the Kent economy, encourage active lifestyles and sustainable travel choices, and contribute to making Kent a great place to live, work and visit.”

The plan identifies the following themes:

Active lifestyles - how use of the network has the potential to improve health and wellbeing;

Evolution of the network - changes required to meet current and future needs;

Knowing what’s out there - how the provision of information removes barriers to use;

Well-maintained network - how poorly maintained public rights of way act as a barrier to use;

Rights with responsibilities - responsible management and use of the network promoting good relationships;

Efficient delivery –-why the Public Rights of Way and Access Service must use resources available to secure the greatest benefits for the public.

However, members of the public have the chance to say whether these themes are the correct priorities and make other suggestions.

The consultation is open now and the online questionnaire can be completed here >>

To request hard copies of any consultation materials, residents can Email: or Telephone: 03000 421553.

Your responses will be compiled into a consultation report, which will help produce the final version of the Rights of Way Improvement Plan.

The consultation closes at midnight on Wednesday 12th September 2018.

Upchurch Matters

Emergency Road Closure - Old House Lane, Hartlip

It will be necessary to close Old House Lane, Hartlip from Monday 30th July 2018 for up to 3 Days.

The whole length of the road will be closed.

The alternative route is via Lower Hartlip Road - Mount Lane - Cowstead Road - Bull Lane.

This is to enable carriageway repair to be carried out by KCC Highways.

The Kent County Council Highways Helpline phone number is: 03000 418181

For details of roadworks, please see:

Kent County Council - Highways, Transportation & Waste

Temporary Closure - Bull Lane, Newington

It will be necessary to close part of Bull Lane, Newington, planned from Tuesday 7th August 2018 for an estimated period of up to 2 weeks.

The closure is to enable SGN Gas to carry out essential gas mains replacement works.

Bull Lane will be closed between the junctions with A2 High Street and The Willows, with no through access.

The alternative route for through traffic is via A2 High Street, Playstool Road and Bull Lane.

Access to the remainder of Bull Lane continues from a southern direction up to where the road is actually closed.

Due to the nature of these works, it will not be possible to re-open the road outside the working hours.

The works have been timed to be carried out during the school holidays, to reduce their impact.

There is a chance that the works may over-run for such reasons as adverse weather conditions or unforeseen engineering difficulties.

The SGN Gas Customer Service Centre phone number is: 0800 912 1700

For details of roadworks, please see:

Kent County Council - Highways, Transportation & Waste

Friday, 20 July 2018

Fireworks at The BarnYard

Further to our post on the 16th of July.

“I am sorry for the short notice to our neighbours, but I have just been informed by the groom for tomorrow's wedding (Saturday 21st July) that he has arranged fireworks for the evening.

We were not aware that this had been booked and hope it doesn’t cause too much distress, again my sincere apologies”

Claire Watts
Weddings & Events Manager
The BarnYard, Oak Lane, Upchurch, Kent ME9 7EZ
Telephone: 01634 235059 (ext 2)

Thursday, 19 July 2018

Upchurch Parish Council Report - July 2018

Report of the Parish Council meeting 5th July 2018

Cllr Tyrone Ripley (Chairman), Cllr John Arnold (Vice Chairman), Cllr Pam Denny, Cllr Alan Horton, Cllr Gerry Lewin, Cllr Peter Masson, Cllr Janet Marshall, Cllr Gary Rosewell and Cllr Neil Sheppard. Clerk Mrs Wendy Licence

i. Ref: 18/502771/FULL
Address: Jack Russell Place Halstow Lane Upchurch Sittingbourne Kent ME9 7AB
Proposal: Installation of a brick wall and gates to front entrance (part retrospective)
Councillors considered the application and agreed unanimously to object to the proposal as it is too intrusive and out of character in a rural area.

ii. Ref: 18/502858/FULL
Address: Brent Orchard Twinney Lane Upchurch Kent ME9 7FS
Proposal: Redevelopment of the existing barn into a 4 bedroom family home with associated access and parking.
Councillors considered the application and had no objections to the proposal and would request that neighbours’ comments be taken into account.

Concern was raised about the use of hose pipes at the allotments, hose pipes can only be used to transport water to a suitable static container (such as a water butt). Tenants may not leave the hosepipe unattended during the day for lengthy periods or leave it on overnight. This will be monitored by the Council.
A complaint has been received about bonfires in the allotments causing smoke to affect neighbours, tenants are not permitted to take rubbish onto the allotments to burn. There are some tyres in the allotments which have been made into benches; a polytunnel type structure has been erected and there are some roller blinds on the site, tenants have been requested to remove the items.

Recreation Ground and Paddock
The schedule of tree work will continue in the Recreation Ground and Paddock and vegetation will be cut back. The Council is still waiting to hear of the outcome for a grant for new play equipment.

Burial Ground
A tree branch had been hit by a lorry and fell into the road, a paper boy stopped and removed the tree from the road. Councillors commended the actions of the young person.
Councillors thanked the team of volunteers from the Upchurch Horticultural Society who have kindly offered to maintain the rose beds in the Burial Ground.
A second compost bin has been installed at the Burial Ground and the rubbish bin is now in situ, visitors to the Burial Ground are requested to ensure rubbish is put in the correct bin and that no turf is put in the compost bin.

Church Clock
The response from residents to the refurbishment of the church clock has been outstanding and the Crowdfunding page, has raised £950 with further donations being made by cheque direct to the Parish Council. 
Councillors collected £75.00 at the Fete and several village organisations have pledged to raise funds as well. £400 from the Fete plant tombola has been donated to the restoration fund as an act of remembrance. £500 has been donated to the restoration fund by the Upchurch Handbell Ringers as an act of remembrance. £63 from a craft stall at the Fete has been given to the restoration fund as an act of remembrance.

Battle’s Over Commemorations
The beacon basket has been made by European Active Projects Ltd who has only charged for the materials. A post will be purchased and the beacon will be installed in September. Councillors have agreed to purchase a commemorative bench.
A bugle player will be attending the commemorations.

Date of next meetings:
There will be no Full Council meeting in August.
The Planning Committee and General Purposes Committee - Wednesday 15th August at 7:30pm in the Committee Room of the Village Hall.
Full Council - Thursday 6th September 2018 at 7:30pm in Upchurch Village Hall

All residents are welcome to attend the meetings and there is a time for members of the public to comment, raise concerns or ask questions.

Wendy Licence - Clerk to the Parish Council
Tel: 01634 363906


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