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Friday, 15 June 2018

Upchurch Parish Council Report - June 2018

Report of the Parish Council meeting 7th June 2018

Mr Neil Sheppard was co-opted to the Parish Council.

Ref: 18/501679/FULL Address: 4 Oast Cottages Breach Lane Upchurch ME9 7PH
Proposal: Erection of a stable block, horse walker and manège for private use.
Councillors considered the application and agreed to support the application subject to neighbours’ comments which must be taken into consideration.

Ref: 18/501788/FULL  Address: 89 Chaffes Lane Upchurch Kent ME9 7BG  
Proposal: Erection of a first floor rear extension over existing ground floor extension. A loft conversion with the insertion of two new windows and 5 no. roof lights.
Councillors considered the application and agreed to support the proposal subject to neighbours comments which must be taken into consideration.
18/501667/FULL Address: New Acres Spade Lane Hartlip Kent ME9 7TT.
Councillors considered the application and agreed that:

Upchurch Parish Council would object to the extension on the following grounds:
·   The applicants were given three months to submit a site development plan and have failed to do so by the due date.
·   The site is subject to many rulings and the occupants have failed to abide by any of the planning decisions. The site continues to expand and be developed without the required permission.
·   The site is not sustainable and does not lend itself to blend in with the local community. It has a bad visual effect and is detrimental to the area. It is not in keeping or discreet, and can be seen from many areas of Hartlip.
·   It is an unnecessary loss of agricultural land.
·   Granting permission to this site will set a precedent to anyone wishing to flout the planning regulations. It will give a message that a persistent disregard to the rules and planning regulations will eventually reap rewards.

Five plots have been cleared in readiness for renting. A deposit will be taken from all new plot holders and this will be refunded if the plot is relinquished in the same condition as when the tenancy began. Only watering cans are permitted to be used on the allotments.

Recreation Ground and Paddock
The Council has applied for a grant to purchase new play equipment for the Paddock.

Burial Ground
A new compost bin has been ordered for the Burial Ground and visitors are requested to sort their rubbish between the compost bin and the rubbish bin.
The Council is looking for a volunteer or a group of volunteers to help maintain the rose beds in the Burial Ground. Anyone interested should contact the Clerk. All expenses will be reimbursed.

Church Clock
The refurbishment of the clock has been completed although the west facing face is one and a half minutes slow and this is being addressed.
The Crowdfunding page,, has raised £745 from twenty-four people. The Crowdfunding page can only receive donations in multiples of £5 and it will be kept open until Remembrance Day.
Cllr Horton will be going into Holywell Primary School and give a talk to Oak Class and Cambria Class about the clock.  
The Beckenham Park Residents Association has made a donation of £60 towards the restoration of the church clock as their act of remembrance. 
The Brownies and Guides will contribute to the church clock funds from their Annual Strawberry Tea as an act of remembrance.  
The Council has obtained a grant of £750 from the Swale World War 1 Centenary Fund.

The Annual Return has been agreed.
A grant of £65 has been given to the Swale Citizens Advice Bureau.

Street Lighting
The Council is inviting tenders for the upgrade of the street lights to LEDs.

Power Disruption
Councillors heard that the residents of Beckenham Park have suffered from several power cuts. The problem is caused by leylandii growing through the power cables at the edge of the golf course. UKPN are taking steps to remedy the situation.

Date of next meetings:
Full Council - Thursday 5thJuly 2018 at 7:30pm in Upchurch Village Hall
The Planning Committee and General Purposes Committee - Wednesday 18thJuly at 7:30pm in the Committee Room of the Village Hall.

All residents are welcome to attend the meetings and there is a time for members of the public to comment, raise concerns or ask questions.

Wendy Licence - Clerk to the Parish Council
Tel: 01634 363906


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