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Friday, 15 June 2018

KCC Grass Cutting Schedule

This year KCC is cutting urban grass 6 times from April to the end of October; about once every 6 weeks. It has reduced the frequency of grass cutting in accordance with its approved approach to asset management. Details can be found on our website at:
Occasionally cutting can be delayed or progress is slower than planned. KCC cannot cut grass in heavy or persistent rain or when the ground is too wet. Cycles of warm wet weather leads to greater growth between cuts and longer grass takes more time to cut. Sometimes cutting machines break-down, especially when they are working harder to cut long grass. Road-works, parked vehicles on verges and large amounts of litter can also slow progress.
KCC does not collect grass cuttings or edge around verges due to the extra costs of time, equipment and green waste disposal. The cuttings should be spread evenly over the verge and blown off footpaths, driveways and the road back onto the verge where it is safe for an operative to do so. Usually, it is not safe for an operative to stand and blow cuttings off a busy road. Heavy rain or high winds soon after a cut can lead to cuttings being washed or blown back onto the road of footpath. Street furniture and trees will be stimmed around.
KCC has cut the grass more frequently in previous years, so it is likely the grass will be longer between each cut. The long grass will result in more grass cuttings remaining on the verge. This year contractors are using different machines which cut and mulch to help reduce the amount of cuttings left on the verge; they are also better at cutting long grass and returning cuttings back on the verge.
The dates for grass cut 2 are: 14th May to 28th June.
KCC monitors a sample of roads on each cut to make sure the grass is cut to specification. It may also inspect roads where we are informed of poor cutting or missed verges. Where work does not meet specification, KCC requires the contractor to return and carry out the cut correctly. It works with the contractor for them to return as soon as possible, but sometimes there can be a delay. The contractor carries out correction work at their own expense.
KCC recognises that residents and communities in some areas wish the grass to be cut more frequently. If you would like to cut the grass more often than KCC does, this is acceptable provided you can do it safely. Grass cuttings can be left evenly spread over the mown verge or disposed with your lawn cuttings. Please do not pile them on the verge or leave them where they can block drains or ditches. KCC will not be able to collect the grass cuttings from you.
KCC is always pleased that residents report faults, and the best way to do this is online at: You will receive a unique reference number to enable tracking of progress. However, KCC asks residents to ring on: 03000 418181 if they spot a problem on the highway that could cause an accident.

Janet Dart | PA to Council Leader/Cabinet | Swale Borough Council


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