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Thursday 10 March 2016

Upchurch Parish Council Report - March 2016

The Draft Minutes of the MEETING of the Upchurch Parish Council held in the main hall of Upchurch Village Hall on Thursday 3rd March 2016 commencing at 7:30pm.

Prior to the start of the meeting, Cllr Tucker asked for agreement from all Cllrs that Cllr Lewin could chair the meeting in the absence of the vice-chair so that Cllr Tucker could take the minutes in the absence of the clerk. All agreed.

Present: Cllr Sara Tucker (Acting Clerk), Cllr Pamela Denny, Cllr Gerald Lewin (Acting Chairman), Cllr Alan Horton, Cllr Peter Masson, Cllr Tyrone Ripley, Cllr Stephen Hunt and 12 members of the public including Ward Cllr John Wright.

Minutes of the meeting held on 4th February 2016. It was proposed by Cllr Masson, seconded by Cllr Horton, that they were a true record and all agreed. Cllr Lewin signed them. 


Public Time 

i) Clean for the Queen – Cllr Horton requested to discuss the Clean for the Queen arrangements at this stage of the meeting in order that the public could participate. Cllr Lewin agreed. Cllr Horton reported that on Friday 4th March Holywell School Year 6 pupils would litter pick in the Paddock, Year 5 would litter pick Holywell Lane and Years 3 and 4 would litter pick the school grounds while Year 1 would cover the inside of the school. During the evening of 4th March the Scouts will litter pick the Recreation Ground. On Saturday 5th March the Brownies will litter pick the Burial Ground and Churchyard and at 10.30am the volunteers are to meet at the Scout hut in the Recreation Ground along with Swale Environmental Officers, Ward Cllrs Lewin and Wright and the Litter Angels, the intention is to cover from the A2 to Oak Lane as far as Wallbridge Lane, Wallbridge Lane, Horsham Lane, Susan’s Lane to Wetham Green and Susan’s Lane to The Street, Twinning Lane and Forge Lane. A resident has offered to litter pick Three Sisters to Windmill Hill. SBC will be collecting the rubbish from the Recreation Ground. The volunteers will split into teams and be supported by a car to protect volunteers and carry rubbish sacks back to the collection point. Cllr Tucker reported that the reason the children from Holywell School were litter picking in the Paddock and Recreation Ground is to ensure their safety and is in no way a reflection on the tireless work carried out by the Village caretaker. 

ii) Fly-tipping – A resident reported that there has been an incident of fly tipping at ‘Starbourne’ – the bungalow in Oak Lane. It was agreed that the Council would report this to SBC. 

iii) Polytunnels – Poot Lane – Several residents raised concerns regarding the Polytunnels and storage containers at Poot Lane and the number of vehicles now accessing the site. Concerns were raised over the damage being caused to the roads, verges and hedgerows from the lorries accessing the site. Cllr Lewin advised that the owner of the site had been given 21 days to submit a retrospective application but neither SBC not Upchurch Parish Council had received notification of a planning application as yet. Cllr Lewin requested that once notification of the application has been received by the Council, the residents read the application and present their views to the Council in order that the response reflects all views. Residents reported that they had requested information from SBC but that this had not been forthcoming. It was also reported that several lorries had been seen on the Poot Lane loop, full of earth and concerns were raised as to their destination and use. It was agreed that the Clerk contact SBC raising the concerns and to obtain an update on the application as well as ascertaining whether SBC are aware of the soil movement.

iv) Recreation Ground Parking – A resident thanked the Council for the improved parking situation on the Recreation Ground but reported that the gate still does not have a padlock. Cllr Denny reported that a new lock was on order and each authorised user would be contacted with the number and advised that the gate should be locked at all times. Cllr Tucker also reported that the number would be regularly changed in order that the code does not become common knowledge, thus preventing improper use. 

v) Parking around Holywell School – Ward Cllr Wright reported that both he and Kent County Cllr Baldock had recently delivered leaflets regarding parking around the school. He reported that they had been met with a mainly favourable response. Cllr Horton reported that a favourable response had been fed back to the school. 

vi) Travellers site adjacent to Three Sisters – Ward Cllr Wright reported that he had investigated the situation with the caravans at this site and had been advised that there was a temporary approval for visiting caravans due to a party but that the situation had been compromised by what was established as an electrical fire. A resident reported that he had been active in dealing with the fire and stated that several caravans were damaged and that there was high concern for safety due to gas cylinders located very close to the fire. These were removed and a large amount of children were taken to safety. The Sunday following the fire saw the removal of damaged caravans and trees, replacement fencing and clearance of the remains of the fire. There appear to be four static caravans and five mobile caravans still at the site and it is understood that permission is only granted for three static and one mobile. 

vii) Hardcore and soil at Orchard Park, Oak Lane – Ward Cllr Wright reported that he had established that the hard-core and soil being placed at the site was regarded as de minimis and no further action would be taken. 

viii) Bus Timetable meeting – Cllr Tucker asked Ward Cllr Wright if there had been any further development with regards to the arrangements for the meeting to discuss the bus timetable with the surrounding villages. The meeting was to enable a statement of need to be submitted to KCC/Chalkwell. Ward Cllr Wright advised that this would need to be followed up with Kent County Cllr Baldock. The Clerk will chase this.
The meeting was re-opened at 8:00pm. 



i) Village Hall– The acting Clerk reported that a request had been received from the Village Hall regarding Trustee’s for the coming year. It was requested that anyone interested in taking on the role of a Trustee for the Village Hall confirm this later in the meeting during Reports from Representatives or contact the Clerk. The Village Hall had also provided the Parish Council with a Biffa waste transfer note although not pertinent to the Parish Council the letter was passed to Cllr Denny to check with regard to the Burial Ground waste and notify the Clerk of any findings. 

ii) Electoral Review of Kent – The Clerk holds a copy of the outcome of the review of Kent County Council Divisions. Further information can be found on:

iii) Membership renewal for Action with Communities in Rural Kent – Cllr Horton proposed that we do not renew our ACRK membership this year as it has been of little benefit to the Parish Council in light of services offered from KALC. Five members agreed two abstained.

iv) Footpath Access to Foreshore between Shoregate Wharf and Otterham Quay Lane– The acting Clerk reported that correspondence from a resident had been received, stating that the footpath had been closed for public use. Following discussion it was apparent that not all of the members were clear on the actual location of the footpath concerned. Cllr Lewin reported that to his knowledge this footpath along the sea wall had been closed to the public by a formal hearing for more than 20 years. The Parish Council had tried at the time to get support of users of the path to get the access point re-opened but responses were not consistent regarding access and so the case for keeping it open was unsuccessful. The Environment Agency is carrying out a review of English coastal pathways and is currently consulting on our local area. If there is a case for a path then they will approach local land owners but they cannot be forced to allow access. It was agreed the Clerk should contact the Environment agency and make the details of the consultation available to the resident.

Cllr Lewin closed the meeting at 8:10pm to allow the resident to speak. 
The resident challenged Cllr Lewin’s understanding of the status of the path, stating that he had been using the path for a number of years. He reported that a fence had recently been erected to protect materials for repairing the sea wall with the understanding it would be removed once repairs were complete. However the fence had been vandalised and the landowner had made no attempts to repair it. The resident maintained that the sea wall is publicly funded and therefore should be accessible to the public. The resident advised that he had contacted SBC but was yet to receive a response. Cllr Lewin advised that the Environment Agency would need to be contacted as this is not a SBC matter.
The meeting was closed to the public at 8.20pm. 


i) 15/510355/FULL – Three Sisters – Otterham Quay Lane – Erection of a two storey extension to existing rear building. – This application was discussed at the GPC meeting due to the cut-off date falling before the full meeting. The comments submitted were that the Parish Council could see no reason to object to this application provided neighbours comments are taken into account. Cllr Masson reported that during discussions with the owners of The Three Sisters, he had understood that the intention was to open a café on the site of the extension. Cllr Tucker and Cllr Denny advised that this was not mentioned in the paperwork provided for the application. Cllr Lewin advised that the details should be available online. Concern was raised regarding this implying there was a need to constantly check updates and that SBC should inform Parish Councils of any amendments. Resulting discussion concluded that this could be the subject of another application. If the café is part of the original application the 
Council should request an extension for comments. It was agreed the Clerk should contact Swale Planning to clarify.

ii) 16/501006/FULL – 41 Crosier Court – First floor rear extension – Following discussion it was agreed that the Council had no objections to this application provided neighbours comments are taken into consideration. The Clerk will submit comments to Swale Planning.

iii) 15/510595/OUT – Land off London Road, Newington – The Clerk had liaised with the Clerk from Newington to ascertain their views on this application. Following this the Clerk submitted comments to Swale Planning objecting to this application based on the size of the development and the impact this would have on services and infrastructure. The Clerk had passed the full comments to the members before the meeting. All agreed with the response submitted. 

Other planning matters 
i) Mierscourt Development – The acting Clerk reported that following the meeting in February the Clerk had contacted Medway Planning to request that she be kept informed on this development. Medway Planning had responded to the Clerk that it was currently too early to provide updates. 

ii) Enforcement Update – The acting Clerk reported the following correspondence from Swale Enforcement team on the following sites : Hursell Farm – Planning permission was granted for the occupation of caravans but the stable block must be vacated by the person currently living in it. A site visit will be undertaken shortly. 2 Greenacres – The appeal in respect of the entrance has been dismissed and the entrance must be closed in accordance with the notice. The enforcement team will be serving notices to the occupants of the land as there is no entrance to it now that this appeal decision has been made. Travellers Site next to Three Sisters The additional caravans that arrived were to be present for 7 to 10 days only. A site visit will be undertaken shortly. Greenacres – This application is for one extra mobile home only and has no enforcement orders placed on it. They were placed in error following confusion over the neighbouring sites. 

iii) Horsham Lane Car Sales – Cllr Lewin reported that Horsham Lane car sales case had gone to Court but had been adjourned to 26th May due to receipt of a new planning application. Cllr Lewin drew the planning team’s attention therefore to additional planning applications for the site.


i) General Purposes Committee – A copy of the notes from the meeting held on 17th February 2016 had been circulated. Cllr Tucker clarified that in the minutes relating to the SBC events scheme it should have been reported that ‘it is a lot of work to complete but currently the Parish Council have no activities to require the service’. 

ii) Approval of amendments to Financial Regulations and Standing Orders –A copy of the amended documents had been passed to the members prior to the meeting. Cllr Lewin proposed and Cllr Horton seconded the acceptance of the Financial Regulations and all agreed. Cllr Lewin queried the existence of a Terms of Reference for a Finance committee. Cllr Tucker explained that up until now the Finance committee had only been a temporary committee to consider precept preparation. It was agreed that Cllr Tucker and the Clerk would produce a Terms of Reference for the Finance committee. Cllr Lewin proposed and Cllr Denny seconded that subject to the Terms of Reference being produced, the Standing Orders be accepted. All agreed.

iii) Pension auto-enrolment – The acting Clerk reported that the Clerk had looked into government legislation regarding the Council pension scheme and had advised that she did not wish to take a pension with the Council. 

Allotments – The acting Clerk reported that the plumber had carried out the required works to the allotments and that the Clerk had received confirmation from Southern Water that the area now complies with their regulations. The Clerk had issued the allotment rent letters along with a statement requesting that tenants remove hosepipes from taps after use.

Paddock and Recreation Ground 
i) Paddock Gate – The acting Clerk reported that the new gate had been fitted and that signs had been placed on the gate along with a padlock. Councillor Denny and Councillor Tucker hold keys to the padlock along with the Clerk. The Clerk will also pass a key to the grass cutting contractors.

Burial Ground and Churchyard 
i) Church Path– The acting Clerk reported that confirmation from the Churchwarden had been received stating that the Church are still looking into the replacement of the Church path and that they had been granted permission from the Archdeacon to widen the path from the gate to the cedar tree on a DIY basis. This work will be carried out after the winter months. Cllr Horton suggested that the Parish Council should consider helping with the costs if this would enable the project to proceed. Cllr Tucker reported that this had all been discussed previously and that the minutes from the PCC would reflect the outcome. It was agreed that the Clerk should collate the notes on this and arrange a meeting with the PCC. Cllr Tucker suggested that the Village Hall committee may have an interest as their car park is not public property and they may deem it inappropriate to create a formal pathway through.

ii) St Mary’s Church Clock – Cllr Masson reported continued poor service from the clock repairers and lack of contact from them to arrange repairs etc. Cllr Horton reported that he thought he had heard it chime on his way to this evenings meeting. It was agreed that the Clerk should confirm the situation with regards to the repairs.

iii) Purchase of area of Burial Ground – It was reported that the Clerk had received a request from a resident to purchase a small area at the end of the Burial Ground. It was agreed that the Clerk should contact the resident to request further details and a map to clarify the exact piece of land in order that the Council can allow full consideration of the request. 


i) Tree Survey - The details regarding the tree survey were discussed in full at the GPC meeting in February, where it was agreed that it would be proposed at the full Council meeting to proceed with this project as money had been allocated in the 2016/17 budget. Cllr Horton proposed and Cllr Ripley seconded that the tree survey be progressed. All agreed. 

ii) Bus Shelter – Due to the absence of the Clerk unfortunately full details were not available regarding the quotations for the bus shelter. Subject to a summary sheet being circulated to the members by the Clerk detailing the quotations received, it was proposed by Cllr Tucker and seconded by Cllr Ripley that the lowest quote be accepted. Six members voted in favour and one against.


i) Street Light Update– Nothing to report. 

Reports from representatives 

i) Village Hall – No members expressed an interest in becoming a trustee. Cllr Tucker reported that options needed to be considered and finalised at the April meeting. 

ii) Twinning Group – Cllr Lewin reported that the quiz night had been a success. The proceeds would be used for a school exchange trip in 2016. 

iii) KALC – Cllr Tucker reported that all Clerks are to receive a promotional document from SAC encouraging membership and meeting attendance. KALC had given a good talk at the recent meeting reporting on some of the matters they address on members behalf and also the encouragement of training. Burial Ground legislation training will be available soon and it had been recommended that all new Councillors attend the Councillor training.

Matters arising not yet covered – Cllr Masson reported that he had read through the Minerals and Waste document and found it to be irrelevant to Upchurch. Cllr Horton completed the bank signatory form and has purchased the wine for the APM. 

Next meetings – Confirmed as being 7th April 2016 and 5th May 2016 in the Village Hall at 7:30pm. (Please note the Annual Parish Meeting will take place on 21st April 2016 in the Village Hall) 

The meeting closed at 9:30pm 

Confidential session followed regarding appointment of Councillor.

Julia Cura, Clerk to the Parish Council


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